How to apply to the University of Szeged as an Erasmus student?


If you wish to apply to the University of Szeged as an Erasmus student you should first contact the relevant Erasmus coordinator at your home university to find out about the application and selection procedure.

If you are selected by your home institution then you should carefully fill in an:

  • Registration Form
  • Application form for the University of Szeged and also attach the required enclosures,
  • Certificate of the Erasmus status
  • the preliminary Learning Agreement
  • and the first OLS Assessment result

These forms can be downloaded here.

Registration Form for our incoming ERASMUS students (academic year 2021/2022)

Registration Form for our incoming ERASMUS students (academic year 2020/2021)

Please, fill in all the requested data and
  • send the registration form (the Excel file as .xls file) + a separate photo as .jpg file to Mr. Tibor ZILAHI ( ) by email as attachments,
Please, send us your Registration Form as .xls/.xlsx Excel file, not in PDF or in other scanned format.

Erasmus students should send their applications to the International Mobility Centre by email to the following address:
Ms. Agnes PETO ( )

International Mobility Centre
University of Szeged
6720 Szeged
Dugonics tér 13.

Phone: +36 62 546-366


Please note our application deadlines for exchange students:

15 June 2021 for the Ist semester of the academic year 2021/2022

31 October 2021 for the 2nd semester of the academic year 2021/2022


You can check the list of the courses if you click on ’Course descriptions for Erasmus students.


The University of Szeged cannot ensure accommodation in a dormitory but from the beginning of your arrival, during the orientation programme the International Mobility Centre can book hostel accommodation for you at Tisza Sport Hotel (the address of it is: 6726 Szeged, Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 42., see the map: ) for very reasonable prices.

During the Orientation Week students will be able to visit flats to let with the help of Hungarian students / Erasmus Student Network / and find appropriate accommodation.

It's relatively easy to find a suitable rental as there are a lot of them to let ( prices depend on location, transportation, number of renters per appartment, how the appartment is furnished, etc. )
Prices can range from minimum cca. 35.000,- HUF to 60.000, - HUF (140 to 245 EUR/ per month/person plus overhead costs)


Arrival and Orientation Programme
All new international students are required to arrive for the Orientation Week organised by the International Mobility Centre. There is an orientation week scheduled for the beginning of September and another for the end of January.
The courses usually start right after the orientation week.
The programme of the orientation week is designed to give students information and advice on various topics like:

  • Presentation of the University of Szeged
  • Registration
  • Information about courses, language courses, meeting tutors
  • Enrollment for courses at the faculties
  • Information about library and computer facilities
  • Student card, season ticket
  • Health insurance, student health care
  • Visits to the faculties, the University Library and the Study and Information Centre
  • Information about sports facilities
  • Visiting flats to let
  • Sightseeing
  • Welcome Party organised by the Erasmus Student Network Szeged
For more information please check our Visiting Student Guide.
