Course descriptions for ERASMUS students
1st semester, academic year 2006/2007

Faculty of Law / Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Law

Course Code  
Title: Einführung in die ungarische Strafrechtsgeschichte
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Elemér BALOGH , Faculty of Law / Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Law
Contact: Prof. Dr. Elemér BALOGH
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

Das Ziel des Kurses ist es, in die Entwicklungsgeschichte des ungarischen materiellen Strafrechts, von den Anfängen bis zur Geburt des modernen Strafgesetzbuches, einzuführen.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

1. Die Epochen der Strafrechtsgeschichte

a) Rache

b) Komposition

c) Die staatliche Staatsgewalt

2. Grundinstitute des ungarischen ständischen Strafrechts

a) Rechtsquellen

b) Deliktengruppen

c) Sanktionen

3. Die bürgerliche Epoche

a) Kodifikationsversuche

b) Das erste ungarische Strafgesetzbuch



Number of Credits 1

Course Code  
Title: Einführung in das ungarische Strafrecht
Teacher: Prof. Ferenc NAGY, Faculty of Law / Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Law
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

Die Zielsetzung der Lehrveranstaltung ist einen Überblick über die ungarische Strafrechtslehre und -System den ausländischen Jurastudenten zu übermitteln.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

Der Kurs besteht aus drei thematischen Blöcken. Die Studenten können sich zuerst - nach einer kurzen historischen Einführung - mit dem ungarischen Strafverfolgungssystem bekannt machen. Dabei werden die Rollen der Polizei, Staatsanwaltschaft, Vermittlungsrichter, Gerichte sowie die Struktur des Strafvollzugs kurz beschrieben. Die wichtigsten Thesen des allgemeinen Teils bilden den zweiten thematischen Schwerpunkt der Lehrveranstaltung. Während der Gestaltung dieser Kurseinheit wird die rechtsvergleichende Sichtweise betont, indem nach der Darstellung der verschiedenen Rechtsinstituten auch die ausländischen vergleichbaren Regelungen (von deutschsprachigen Ländern) mit Hilfe interessanter Fällen besprochen werden. In dem dritten Block werden die Grundzüge der ungarischen Kriminalpolitik gezeigt, dabei auch die Gelegenheit gegeben wird, über die europäischen kriminalpolitischen Modellen und die aktuellen Problemen (in Ungarn und in den Heimatländern der Studenten) zu debattieren. Die mit dem ersten thematischen Block verbundene Schlussveranstaltung ist ein Besuch in das Gefängnis „Csillag“.



Number of Credits 1

Course Code  
Title: The Features of Hungarian Civil Procedure
Teacher: Adél KÖBLÖS, (Ass. Prof.), Faculty of Law / Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Law
Contact: Adél KÖBLÖS
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

The course aims at familiarising students with the bases of the Hungarian civil litigation. The subject concentrates on the structure of the Code of Civil Procedure (Polgári perrendtartás – Pp.) throwing light upon the latest developments and future prospects. The course tries to give an overall picture of an ordinary civil action in Hungary, taking into account the basic court practice.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

Planned topics: Principles of civil procedure; Judicial organisation: the court structure, the bar, notaries public, court bailiffs; Jurisdiction; Actions and claims; First instance procedure; Review proceedings: appeal and extraordinary remedies; Legal aid, legal costs; Evidence; Particular proceedings.



Number of Credits 1

Course Code  
Title: Hungarian company law
Teacher: Tekla PAPP , (Ass. Prof.), Faculty of Law / Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Law
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

The student may and can get acquainted with the types of Hungarian business organizations, the foundation and registration of Hungarian companies, the differences and similarities between the Hungarian companies, and law-comparison within the EU company law on the ground of Hungarian company law.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

Hungarian company law: principles, concept of company (analysation), types of companies (similarities, differences), foundation and registration,contents of memorandum of association,

organs of companies, protection of minority, liquidation of company, unlimited and limited partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, stock company, law of concerns, European Economic Interest Grouping, Societas Europaea

English or German

Number of Credits 4

Faculty of Law / Department of Roman Law

Course Code  
Title: Die römischrechtlichen Wurzeln des europäischen Privatrechts (The Roman Law Tradition in European Private Law)

Prof. Éva JAKAB , Faculty of Law / Dpt. of Roman Law

Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

The subject deals with private law, the current laws of which date back to ancient Roman times. The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the historical roots of legal institutions and lays emphasis on both similar and divergent codification solutions through a comparative analysis of European private law. It is hoped that students will participate actively in class, which can best be achieved with a limited number of participants. Oral reports presented in class by students on topics of their own choosing will play a decisive role in the final grade.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

The main topics of the course:

  • The Medieval Rediscovery of Private Law
  • The General Influence of Roman Institutions of State and Public
  • The Development of European Private Law: A Romanist Watershed?
  • The Canon Law and the Civilian Influence
  • The Civil Law in European Codes
  • Civilian elements in European Legal Procedure
  • The Role and Relevance of the Civil Law Tradition in the Work of the European Court of Justice
  • The Influence of the Civil Law, via Modern Legal Systems, on European Community Law

German, English

Number of Credits 2


Faculty of Law / Department of Constitutional Law

Course Code  
Title: Introduction au droit public hongrois
Teacher: László TRÓCSÁNYI (Prof.), Faculty of Law / Department of Constitutional Law
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)


Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)
  1. Az Európai Unió és a tagállamok közjoga közti kapcsolat – általános jellemzés
  2. A francia közjog európai aspektusai
  3. Az európai jog hatása a belga közjogra
  4. Az uniós jog helye és szerepe az angolszász országok közjogában
  5. A német közjog a közösségi jog tükrében
  6. Az európai jognak a skandináv országok közjogi berendezkedésére gyakorolt hatása
  7. Az európai jog kivetülése a spanyol és portugál jogrendre
  8. Az európai jog kapcsolata az olasz közjoggal
  9. Az uniós jog megjelenésének sajátosságai a közép- és kelet-európai országok közjogában
    1. Kérdések / válaszok


Number of Credits 3

Course Code  
Title: Introduction to Hungarian constitutional law
Teacher: Judit TÓTH (Assoc. Prof.), Faculty of Law / Department of Constitutional Law
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

The course is aiming to provide basics on structure of the state power, local autonomies, legal sources and fundamental rights in living Hungarian constitutional system for the non-regular students in a framework of a comparative study.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

The course covers on the following topics: Short history of Hungarian development (historical constitution, formal basic law, reforms and the Constitutional Treaty in the EU); Constitutional values and general elections in the living structure; Separation of powers, major public organs; The legislation and legal sources, dualism and EC law; Fundamental rights, freedoms and their constitutional limitation.



Number of Credits 2

Faculty of Law / Department of Labour Law and Social Security

Course Code  
Title: Introduction to Hungarian social security law
Teacher: József HAJDÚ (Assoc. Prof.), Faculty of Law / Department of Labour Law and Social Security
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

This course explores the role of law regulating and ordering social security in Hungary. The regulation of the relations in field of social security and social assistance must be set in the context of the political, economical and historical development of Hungary.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

In this course we are mainly concerned with the general characterization of social insurance and social assistance schemes, the development of health care and pension schemes in Hungary, and the present regulation of the Hungarian Social Security System. The first part of the course will address the basic facts of social security: social insurance and social assistance schemes, legal relation of social insurance, entitlement to social insurance, insured person, financing of social insurance and social assistance schemes. The second part of this course will focus on the Hungarian regulation of social seurity: payment of contribution, contribution rate, benefits, amount of benefits, revaloriation of benefits, rules of procedure.

Language English
Number of Credits 6

Course Code  

Introduction to Hungarian labour law

Teacher: József HAJDÚ (Assoc. Prof.) , Faculty of Law / Department of Labour Law and Social Security
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

The aim of the course is to assist students in mastering the theoretical and practical questions of labour law, specific regulations and principles of enforcement. The course pays special attention to the question of how the international and EU norms of labour law fit into the internal legal system of Hungary.


Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

The topics:

(1) The notion of labour law. Defining labour law, its system of regulations. The development of labour law. (2) The fundamental questions of international and European labour law and their impact on Hungarian labour law. (3) The general dispositions of the Labour Code (fundamental principles). The notion of employment, definition and topics. (4) Employment and the service contract. Amending the service contract. (5) The rights and obligations of the employer and the employee. (6) Working hours and time off. (7) Payment for labour. (8) Termination of employment I-II. (9) The system of liability in labour law. (10) The employee's indemnity bond. (11) The employer's indemnity bond. (12) Special regulations applying to leaders. (13) The notion of collective labour law, the system and topics. (14) Trade unions. (15) Negotiations between social partners. (16) The collective agreement. (17) The employees' right to participate. (18) The system and characteristics of labour disputes. (19) Direct action in labour law (strike and lock out). (20) The divergent regulations of labour law in the public sector. (21) Labour management (with special regard to supervisory (labour, occupational safety) measures taken by the authorities. (22) Consultation.
Language English
Number of Credits 6

Course Code  

Social and Employment Policy of the European Union

Teacher: József HAJDÚ (Assoc. Prof.) , Faculty of Law / Department of Labour Law and Social Security
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

Aim of the course is to introduce the history, the institutional background, the financing and the perspectives of the EU policy.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

1. Milestones in the formation of European social law
2. Coordination of social security systems of the European Union
3. Bilateral agreements
4. Multilateral agreements
2.1. International Labour Organisation
2.2. Council of Europe
5. Supranational law
6. Coordination principles of social security systems
7. The effect of decree and the definition of applicable law
8. Special rules of coordination
9. Sickness and maternity benefits
10. Disability pension
11. Old-age pension
12. Occupational accidents and deseases
13. Unemployment benefit
14. Family allowances
15. Equal opportunity and equal treatment in the EU and in Hungary

Language English
Number of Credits 3


Faculty of Law / Institute of Comparative Law

Course Code  

Introduction to comparative law

Teacher: Attila BADÓ, Faculty of Law / Institute of Comparative Law
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the major legal systems of the world and the foundations of comparative law. During the course, following the introduction of the major types of law, legal systems and the theory of comparative law, a comparative analysis will be carried out of specific legal institutions as well.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

Students can improwe their knowledge of the Anglo-Saxon, continental and individual religious legal systems.

The more important topics of the course are the following:

  1. The theoretical problems of comparative law.
  2. Introduction to the world of the Anglo-Saxon legal systems.
  3. German law.
  4. French law.
  5. Religious legal systems.
  6. Comparative civil law.
  7. Comparative criminal law.
Language English or German or French
Number of Credits 2

Faculty of Law / Department of Theory and Sociology of Law

Course Code  

Legal Education in the Different Legal Systems

Teacher: Zsolt NAGY, Faculty of Law / Department of Theory and Sociology of Law
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the relationship between the study of law and the legal culture and society in various countries. Training in the law depends first of all on the institutions, culture and legal system of a given culture. The form and manner of education are determined by historical and cultural factors. Within the framework of the course the problem mentioned above will be taken under analysis through a comparison of the similarities and differences among various countries.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)


The subjects of the course are the following:

The aim and function of legal education including sociological theories on education, the history of legal education in the United States, England, Europe, and Hungary, the major legal systems and related questions, legal education in various states today (USA, GB, Germany, Hungary), the relationship between legal theory and legal education, the impact of legal education on the legal community and the functioning of law.
Language English
Number of Credits 2

Faculty of Law / Department of Public Administration Law and Financial Law

Course Code  

The Hungarian Transformation: The Main features of Hungarian Public Administration

Teacher: Zoltán JÓZSA, Faculty of Law / Department of Public Administration Law and Financial Law
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The lecture provides a chronological overwiew of the political, economical and legal changes which resulted in a radical transformation of the institutional and organisation structure and scope of Hungarian public administration from 1990. It begins with ivestigation into the circumstances of the establisment of the Hungarian system of local government, as, curiosly, the development of democratic public administration sprang from local level. The influences of the system of local governments which has existed for over 10 years will be demonstrated, as will the process of the establishment of a regional level. The course provides an overview of conceptions on the reform of the middle level of public administration(decentralised agencies) as vell. Furthermore, it takes into acoount the technical and political factors which have played a role in the process. Finally, taking into consideration the change in the government every four years, the course will analyse in detail how this affects the system and the responsabilities of central agencies. It will culminate in a summary of the salient features of the Hungarian public administrative system.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)
  1. Constitutional basis.
  2. The role of the prime minister and the government.
  3. Consultative and advisory bodies of central administration.
  4. The structure and functions of deconcentrated organs.
  5. Supervision, controlling and directing among the units of public institutions.
  6. Establishment of local government system.
  7. The structure and functions of local government: legal autonomy and local government accountability.
  8. Finance of local authorities.
  9. Cooperations of local institutions.
  10. The modernisation process: regionalisation.
Language English
Number of Credits 3

Faculty of Law / Department of Agrarian Law and Enviromental Protection of Law

Course Code  

Die relevanten Aspekte der europäischen Umweltpolitik

Teacher: Dr. Szilvia HORVÁTH (Asst. Prof.), Faculty of Law / Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)

Erstens möchte dieser Kurs den Jurastudenten einen breiteren Einblick in die deutschsprachige Europarechtsterminologie der Umweltpolitik bieten, zweitens ermöglicht eine breitere Darstellung der europäischen Umweltpolitik von den umweltpolitischen Aktionsprogrammen, allgemeine Regeln bis zur Rechtssprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes.

Module Subject

(minimum 350 characters)

Einführung in die deutschsprachige Terminologie des Europäischen Umweltrechts
Entstehung des Umweltrechts in der Europäischen Union
Wichtige Rechtsdokumente der Umweltpolitik (Primärrecht)
Grundprinzipien in den umweltpolitischen Aktionsprogrammen
Akteure der europäischen Umweltpolitik und Umweltrechtsetzung


Allgemeine Regeln I. (Umweltinformation, Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung, Umweltzeichen, finanzielle Instrumente)
Allgemeine Regeln II. (Umweltmanagement und Umweltbetriebsprüfung, Integrierte Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung)
Grundzüge der sektoralen Regelungen (Luft, Abfall, Gewässer, Lärm, Boden, natürliche Umwelt)
Wirkungen anderer Sektoren auf den Umweltschutz, wie Energiepolitik, Wettbewerbspolitik
„Grundurteile” des Europäischen Gerichtshofes im Bereich des Umweltschutzes

Language Deutsch
Number of Credits 4