Course descriptions for ERASMUS students 1st semester, academic year 2008/2009
Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Health Sciences
Course Code
Field practice theory, practice, analysis and evaluation
Klára TARKÓ, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Health Sciences
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
Visit and study institutes related to the field of health sciences, health promotion, mental health promotion. Visit primary adn secondary schools and give lectures.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Deák Ferenc Bilingual Secondary School
Ságvári Endre Practice School
Child and Youth Psychiatry
Drog Ambulance
The Church
Prison in Kalocsa
Number of Credits
Course Code
Health and Safety – Good Safety Practice at schools
Klára TARKÓ, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Health Sciences
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
It looks at the subject of health and safety in its broadest terms and in the wider context of the school and its environment. It deals with academic, practical and psychological aspects of good safety practice, and focuses on general principles, knowledge and practical skills. It forms a basis for development and application to subject specific aspects.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Introduction (Definitions, Aim and structure of the course, Evaluation, Literature)
„Be aware, be ready” (Management and control, self-reliance and being comfortably in charge, Stress, the hidden factor and its importance, Coping with an emergency situation)
Prepare, Apply, Respond (The PAR principle and the seven A's of management)
Ergonomics (Lighting, The air: temperature and humidity, Sitting, Noise, General considerations for a school)
Fire, gases and electricity (Fire prevention, Sources of fire, Fire extinguishers, Fire-prevention at school, Electricity, Gases)
Chemicals (Terminology, Personal safety, Hazard signs and labelling, Paints, Glues, Other chemicals used in schools, Storing and disposing of chemicals)
Administration and further checklists (Administration - maintenance and checklists)
First Aid (theory, practice)
Number of Credits
Course Code
Health Promotion, Life-style, deviance
Zsuzsanna BENKÕ, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Health Sciences
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
Health Promotion: This subject provides possibility to get acquainted with the basis of the unique - multidisciplinary - thinking of health sciences. It will cover the most famous theoretical concepts of the topic and their domains of realisation.
Life-style : To introduce students to the social definitenes of life-style, health and healthy life-style, on the theoretical and methodological basis of
life-style sociology and life-style. It puts a great emphasis on family life-style research.
Deviance : To introduce the certain deviance forms and deviances in Hungary through the theories of deviance sociology.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Health Promotion: Lecture:
Factors defining health, health concept
Health education, health protection, health promotion
Organisational development and health promotion
Connections between project management and health promotion
The connection between local, national and global health policy, and health promotion
The connection between professional and lay participants in networking
Possible methods of health promotion
project work and group discussion
Theories of life-style: Max Weber, Piere Bourdieu, Antony Giddens
Theories of healthy life-style
Sociological characteristics of life-style and life-style groups
Analysis of Hungarian life-style groups.
Alcoholism, suicide, drog-abuse, crime, mental illnesses, - social backgrounds and unique sociological characteristics.
Possible preventions of deviances.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Minority studies, Multiculturalism
Zsuzsanna BENKÕ, Klára TARKÓ, László Lajos LIPPAI , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Health Sciences
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
to introduce students to the concepts of minority studies and multicultural education, to examine international traditions and national realisations.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Possible ways of understanding the concept of minority. Social perception of minorities.
The concept of prejudice and its development in personality.
The history of Hungarian national and ethnic minorities.
The state of Hungarian Gypsies.
Linguistic discrimination, linguistic rights, bilingualism
Gender roles in society, the state of women in society.
History and concept of multicultural education.
Educational methods for preventing prejudice. Curriculum and teaching aids. Education of Hungarian minorities.
Biological minorities in Hungary - Homosexuality.
The state of the disabled, their social acceptance.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Communication skills development
László Lajos LIPPAI, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Health Sciences
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The proper level knowledge of the phenomena and regularities of human communication, and the knowledge of effective means and strategies of communication. (their development in practice) is very important for all professionals working in different helping professions or who are preparing for a career like this. The development of communication skills equally serves the conscious usage of the „work-tool” of a Health Sciences teacher, its continuous improvement and personal effectiveness. The subjective experience gained through all these can have an important role in preserving the mental balance of teachers as well. It is a very important aim that the
student participating at communication skills development training should enlarge his repertoire of behaviours, realise his communicational tools and possible failures. There should be more effective solutions reachable in given situations in a way, that their application should still keep his personality congruent.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
We direct attention to the elements of observable behaviour, and to the general and personal features of communication with the help of a video-feedback method. The participating observers are at the same time acting as models. Attached to the observed communicational phenomenon there is an education embedded in thematic discussions during the group-work.
The topics of the developmental programs:
We will deal with the general features of informal human communication. We will focus on the basic phenomena of communication, the verbal and non-verbal channels and meta-communication.
Distortion of information, incongruence of verbal and non-verbal signs, typical faults as a result of subjective evaluation, modelling of communicational strategies.
Number of Credits
Course Code
László Lajos LIPPAI, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Health Sciences
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
to show the social psychological viewpoint, the history of Hungarian psychology from an international viewpoint, overview of the main questions of social cognition and social perception, and the basics of stress management.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
“Perception of the other” The basic principles of social perception. Eye-witness research.
Prejudice and social conflicts. What is the situation in Hungary ?
“When do we have to help others?” How can one percept a dangerous situation?
Famous Hungarian psychologists, psychotherapists in the world. Historical backgrounds
Number of Credits
Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Course Code
Methodology II Putting Theory into Practice
Edina SZÖLLÕSY, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course is to familiarise trainees with language learning and teaching theories principles and approaches.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
To develop techniques used in ELT and to prepare trainees for effective classroom management. The seminar-workshops are designed to encourage an active style of teacher training with full participation trying to maintain a consistent link between practice and theory
Number of Credits
Course Code
Learning and Teaching Study Skills
Edina SZÖLLÕSY, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course is to make trainees familiar with different learning styles and strategies, the importance of effektive study skills and the differet ways teachers can help learners master them.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Setting realistic goals Effective time management Characteristics of a good learner (planning, motivation etc.) Processing information, interpreting visual information Note-taking techniques Active listening at lectures What makes a good presentation? Improving your memory, Mnemonics Vocabulary improvement, dictionaries Preparing for an exam Library skills and research
Number of Credits
Course Code
Issues and Structures in Foreign Language Teaching in Hungary
Klára SZABÓ, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course is to give ERASMUS students an insight into the history, the structure and framework of teaching foreign languages in the Hungarian system of education from pre-school to university level, from bilingual education to language programmes for specific purposes. The course also comprises school visits and interviews with language teachers.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
An introduction to the Hungarian system of education and the history of language teaching.
Pre-school language teaching .
Methods and materials at primary school level. The bilingual experiment.
Site visit I. Observation of a language class, interviews with teachers.
Types of secondary schools and differences in language teaching. The school-leaving examination.
Language major programmes in higher education.
Languages for specific purposes in higher education.
Site visit II. Observation of a language class
Number of Credits
Course Code
The Cultural Heritage of ‘Central’ Europe
Andrea OROSZ , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course is to give a brief overview of some of the main attractions the land, the people, the traditions, the culture, the ethnography the gastronomy and a brief history of the countries listed below with a special emphasis on Hungary as the hosting country of the Erasmus programme. The course intends to be an interactive workshop and a real appetizer for those who are interested in and are planning to visit the attractions of ‘Central’ in the future.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The issues of the module
The history of Central Europe’
Szeged and the Great Plain
Budapest and its attractions
Transdanubia – around the Lake Balaton
Austria – history, sights and traditions
Romania (Transylvania) – history, sights and traditions
Slovakia – history, sights and traditions
Croatia – with a special emphasis on the seaside resorts
Chech Republic – history, sighty and traditions
Poland – history, sights and traditions
Number of Credits
Course Code
Teaching and Learning Vocabulary in Another Language
Andrea OROSZ, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The aim of this language teaching methodolgy course if to emphasize that both teachers and students should give careful consideration how vocabulary is learned; in particular, the psychological conditions that are most likely to lead to effective learning. Because these conditions are influences by the design of learning tasks, quite a lot of attention is given to the analysis and design of vocabulary learning activities. The course also intends to provide a method to measure students’ vocabulary size.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The issues of the module:
History of vocabulary in language learning
The goals of vocabulary learning
Knowing a word
Teaching and explaining vocabulary
Vocabulary and listening and speaking
Vocabulary and reading and writing
Vocabulary learning strategies and guessing from context
Word study strategies
Chunking and collocation
Testing vocabulary knowledge and use
Number of Credits
Course Code
Introduction to Hungarian Folk Music
Tibor BORBÁS, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The special aim of the course is to give students an insight to the development and the characteristics of Hungarian folk music. The participants will be acquainted with the regional, rhythmical and harmonic differences within Hungarian folk music as well as unique instruments. The traditional role of the musicians in the community, the relation between them and the dancers and the ways of tutoring are given special emphasis. (The course requires no musical background.)
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The issues of the module:
The role of music in the traditional communities
Music in Hungary – a historical perspective
The main regions
Rhythm patterns
Harmonic patterns
Amateur versus professional musicians
Teaching and learning
The musician and the audience
Number of Credits
Course Code
Web Page Design
Péter SIMON , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
This course is designed for students with little or no prior knowledge of HTML web page design. After completing the course you should be able to design, create, format and publish web pages in HTML. By the end of the semester you will also create your own web page on a chosen topic.
• basic computer skills (word processing, using e-mail and the Internet)
• access to a computer outside the class (for practice and homework assignments)
• a pen drive (for storing files you create in class)
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Basic HTML elements and formatting
Page layout; tables, frames, menus
Managing links and building a site
Style sheets (CSS)
Number of Credits
Course Code
Development of communicative strategies
Anikó NÉMETH , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
As this course is designed for managers, physicians, in-service teachers teacher educators, and professionals who intend to enhance their knowledge of/about communication, its relationship with culture, language and develop/change their practices to be able to detect and solve conflicts both personal and professional that are rooted in communication. The aims of the course are
to create a learning conversation for the purpose of helping students,
to become aware that being an effective communicator means that other people take you seriously, listen to what you have to say and engage in dialogue, and
to develop critical thinking skills necessary for message construction, presentation skills necessary for message delivery, and development of listening skills necessary for competent reception and constructive critical evaluation of information and ideas presented in different contexts.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
This course provides, firstly, an overview of the process of collecting information for the purpose of specifying learning strengths/challenges and making appropriate decisions for solving communicative problems.
Cultural, ethical, sociological, and historical considerations are explored. Learning styles and intelligences of students/colleagues/co-workers/staff members, as well as teaming styles of adults will be addressed
Participants will develop a systematic plan for introducing innovative collaborative structures into their practice. Inclusion strategies such as adaptations, modifications, differentiated instruction, teambuilding, problem solving, and evaluation will be emphasized. Therefore the following questions will be discussed
* Raising Awareness
* Understanding Communication Dynamics
* Working with Body Language
* Dealing with Assumptions
* Working with Differing Points of View
* Understanding Patterns, Habits and Beliefs
* Developing Responding Skills
* Developing Individual Strengths and Qualities
* Understanding Active vs. Passive Choosing
* Using Positive Reinforcement
* Managing Conflict
* Being More In Charge
* Gaining Confidence
Number of Credits
Course Code
Syntax 1. (Descriptive Grammar of English 2.)
Mónika FISCHER , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course is to give the students a basic idea of principal terms and notions of Descriptive Grammar of English and the relationship between them. It uses the notions already acquired in Morphology course and builds up on them showing the students how every word has a form in a language and a function in the sentence. The course encourages logical thinking and argumentation.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The course builds on the Morphology lecture and seminar courses. Namely, the Descriptive Grammar “module” tries to show the students the relationship between form and function. The form is the topic of Morphology courses, where the students get acquainted with the basic word classes and their morphological characteristics including grammar categories and possible grammatical functions. The latter is elaborated in the present course. In other words, the basic elements of a simple sentence are discussed. Furthermore, main phenomena regarding simple sentence are analysed.
Number of Credits
Course Code
The Media in American Society
András CSILLAG , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English Language and Literature
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The general objective of the course is to enable students to better understand the social and political processes of the United States in the past and especially the present.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
- The press in American history.
- Joseph Pulitzer and his “new journalism.”
- Modern newspapers and magazines; the broadcast media (radio, television).
- The characteristic features and functions of the modern print press as well as other mass communication media.
- The public role of the mass media today.
- The media and the government.
- The role of the media in presidential elections.
- The media and public opinion.
Number of Credits
Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Course Code
History of culture and libraries
Edina ZVARA , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
Knowledge of the history of European culture, books, libraries and printing in the middle age and early modern time, emphasising the Spanish and Hungarian history, the opening of the first universities, the spreading of the Gutenberg-type printing from Germany.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
I. Technical matters: writing, books, and libraries
Scroll and codex
The invention of paper: the birth of Papermaking
History of scriptorium and the evolution of the book int he middle age
Opening of the first universities in Europe
The book trade at the university of Paris ca. 1250-ca. 1350
II. History of printing 1. 15th century: Johannes Gutenberg and the printing press (the time of Gutenberg, Mainz, Gutenberg’s Masterpiece the 42-line Bible); Germany, Spain, Italy
History of printing 1. 16th-17th century: Germany, Spain, Italy, France
III. Hungary: the Kingdom in the 15the-17th century, Bibliotheca Corviniana, the bookprinting
Number of Credits
Course Code
Database management systems
Edina ZVARA , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
At the end of the module the student will be able to create and run databases. She will know how to build a library database and how to create the information needed. She will be specially trained in using the ISIS, the WINISIS and the Corvina databases.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The notion of the database, the principles of system-oriented thinking and their application in practical life. Modelling means. Bases of relational databeses.
Steps of creating a database: preliminary examination and planning, detailed planning, human tasks and programs, development, testing, putting in function, running and supervising.
Data modelling, data structures and corelations in library work. Types of database-handling systems, general knowledge. Operations: searching, exporting, importing. Additional possibilities: documentation, protection, syncronization, data-flow between different programs.
Creating 50 records in WINISIS.
WINISIS: general caracteristics, using, minimal hardware needed. Fields and configurations.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Knowledge Organization
Ágnes HAJDÚ BARÁT, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The objective of this module is to put the students in a position to use, develop and evaluate systems and processes for knowledge organisation from a broad perspective so that they can also incorporate relevant knowledge from other subject areas to the best possible extent. The module will provide interdisciplinary competences in knowledge theory, the sociology of science, psychology and the language of knowledge as a basis for use, development and evaluation of systems and processes for knowledge organisation.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Knowledge organisation in the narrow sense is processes such as document representation, classification, indexing, metadata, thesauri, etc. that will optimise the retrieval of documents or information. Knowledge organisation in the broad sense is the intellectual work division in society, the social and cognitive organisation of the sciences, work division between various media and information systems, domains, technical language and various theoretical flows.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Library Organization, Library System
Ágnes HAJDÚ BARÁT, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The objective of this module is to put the students in a position to use, develop and evaluate systems and processes for library organisation and systems. The module will provide interdisciplinary competences in library science, the sociology of science, psychology and management, development and evaluation of systems and processes for the different types of library.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
There are some general subjects and themes about the structure of library system in different coutries. Library laws and acts. User education. Basic services. National Library, public libraries, academic libraries, school libraries, science libraries. Role of the National Library Board. Digitalization projects. The incentive support to local authorities for libraries and general culture. Important Sources of Information.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Content Analysis
Ágnes HAJDÚ BARÁT, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The objective of this module
1. To provide the student with the necessary theoretical basis in order
to establish the criteria for the semantic treatment of documents.
2. To provide the students with the necessary techniques in order to
carry out the tasks of document analysis.
3. To provide the student with the knowledge and skills in order to
carry out the maintenance and construction of combined languages.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
1. Representation of the contents of a document.
2. Retrieval of documents by means of thesaurus.
3. Construction and maintenance of a thesaurus of describers.
4. Reduction to document language.
5. Index automation.
6. Automated systems in thesaurus functions.
7. The automatic analysis of texts.
8. Condensing documentary contents.
9. Quality of substantial descriptions.
10. Introduction to document analysis of the fixed image and
audiovisual material.
Practice work:
Thesaurus construction. Comparison between original and summary
Number of Credits
Course Code
Document Management
Ágnes HAJDÚ BARÁT, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The objective of this module is to put the students in a position to use, develop and evaluate systems and processes for collection and documents from a broad perspective so that they can also incorporate relevant knowledge from other subject areas to the best possible extent.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Document, as a source of the collection
Management of the documents, building of the collection. Different type of analysis.
New solution of documents to the social account
Special services and the utilizing
Resources of the document: Entirety, fullness, accuracy, rapidity. Databases. New aspects.
Hypertext and multimedia.
Application: time and accuracy of the services and finding; relevance. User education. Publications.
Care of books.
File protection.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Organization and Administration of Information Units
Ágnes HAJDÚ BARÁT, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
The objective of this module
The students should acquire the knowledge to enable them to establish
a suitable organisation and planning system for information units. At
the same time, they should know and learn about the instruments and
techniques concerned with the functions that should be carried by a
person responsible for a library or information centre. These include
the coordination, communication and the management of working teams.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The management of information units as organisations.
Organization of Information Units geared to customers.
Management by objectives.
Strategic planning. Hungarian Strategic Plan of Libraries 2003-2007. New tendencies.
Decision making.
Different types of System Analysis. SWOT, PEST, BCG…
Organisational marketing.
Current tendencies in the organisation and administration of information units.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Library Methodology
Enikõ PAJOR , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
Dar los conocimientos de la biblioteca a partir de libros antiguos hasta el modernismo.
Conocer las principales características del ex-libris según la literatura especializada. Buscar la información en las revistas de los ex-libris, digitalizadas en la Red.
Visitar las colecciones del ex-libris on-line.
Conocer las principales características de las técnicas tipográficas del libro y del ex-libris según la literatura especializada.
Buscar la información digitalizada en la Red.
Conocer los principales sitios web y recursos de búsqueda de la Red profunda/invisible.
Saber analizar y presentar los sitios de la web profunda.
Saber las diferencias entre los sitios de la web profunda para las diferentas búsquedas.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Los temas fueron:
La biblioteca antigua
los exlibrises (história, técnica, estilos etc.)
La biblioteca moderna
e-learning como una posibilidad de ensenanza para las bibliotecas y centros de documentación (telecottage)
la biblioteca ensenanza (historia, papel), Teaching Library
the “information retrieval” en el Internet
la Red profunda y posibilidades de busqueda cualitativa
Number of Credits
Course Code
Archivos de Empresa
Enikõ PAJOR , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
Preparación para el trabajo en archivos de empresas, entidades financieras, companías de seguros.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
1. La función del archivo en la empresa.Problemática.
- Criterios distintivos.
- La política archivística en la empresa.
- Función del archivero en la empresa.
- Bibliografía.
2. Panorámica internacional.
- Categorías.
- Legislación.
- Usos archivísticos.
3. Los archivos de empresa en Espana.
- Marco legislativo.
- Actitud empresarial.
- Archivos históricos.
- Situación actual.
4. Sistemas internos de comunicación.
- Definición y características.
- Modelo tradicional.
- Modelo departamentalizado funcionalmente.
- Modelo multidivisional descentralizado.
5. Valor científico del archivo.
- Historia y empresa.
- Análisis retrospectivo.
- La identidad de la empresa.
-La historia como producción simbólica.
6. El archivo al servicio de la toma de decisiones.
- Definición y características de la decisión.
- Los documentos vitales y su protección.
- Elección de la información.
- Papel del archivero.
7. La documentación contable.
- Normativa.
- Los registros contables: naturaleza, conservación y forma.
- Otros registros obligatorios: libos de actas y registros de accionistas.
- Depósito de documentos e inscripción.
8. La correspondencia.
- Valoración como fuente de información.
- Sistemas de ordenación.
9. La documentación técnica.
- Tipología.
- Descripción.
- Valoración.
10. Gestión total de la calidad: documentación del sistema.
- Las normas ISO 9.000.
- La documentación del sistema.
- El control de la documentación.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Evaluación de servicios y formación de usuarios
Enikõ PAJOR , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
Analizar las principales etapas del diseno de la evaluación.
Conocer los diferentes métodos que se pueden emplear para la evaluación de los centros de información.
Desarrollar en los alumnos las habilidades y técnicas necesarias para llevar a cabo la evaluación de los diferentes servicios de información desde el punto de vista de las necesidades de los usuarios.
Estudiar los distintos sistemas de formación de usuarios.
Disenar y planificar unidades de formación de usuarios.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
1.- Tipología de los servicios de información.
2.- Requerimientos de los usuarios de los servicios de información.
3.- Evaluación y calidad.
4.- Metodologías más importantes utilizadas en la evaluación de los servicios de información.
5.- Evaluación de los principales servicios ofrecidos al usuario por un centro de información.
6.- La biblioteca digital: su evaluación.
7.- Formación de usuarios: introducción y conceptos básicos.
8.- Sistemas de formación de usuarios. E-learning. Alfabetización en información.
9.- Diseno y desarrollo de diferentes unidades de formación de usuarios.
10.- Evaluación de la formación de usuarios.
- Trabajos prácticos realizados durante el curso.
- Examen final.
REQUISITOS:(Asignaturas o materias cuyo conocimiento se presupone)
Conocimientos de estudios de usuarios.
- Evaluación de diferentes servicios de información.
- Planificación y desarrollo de unidades de formación de usuarios.
- Comentarios de lecturas.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Gestión de recursos technológicos
Enikõ PAJOR , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
Las bibliotecas y los centros de información están en constante cambio. Una de las razones fundamentales de este cambio es la tecnología. Los profesionales de la información deben planificar, implementar y gestionar el cambio tecnológico para poder satisfacer de la mejor forma posible las necesidades de los usuarios y de la organización. En este contexto la asignatura de Gestión de Recursos tecnológicos tiene los siguientes objetivos:
1. Identificar los recursos tecnológicos más importantes para el correcto tratamiento de la información, en las distintas dimensiones, formatos, perspectivas y contextos que ésta puede adoptar en las bibliotecas y servicios de información.
2. Capacitar al alumno para evaluar y seleccionar recursos tecnológicos, así como facilitarles la terminología, conceptos y parámetros informáticos suficientes (tanto en lo relativo al hardware, como al software) que permitan mantener una comunicación fluida con proveedores de herramientas, aplicaciones o servicios tecnológicos.
3. Fomentar entre los estudiantes, la capacidad de análisis y crítica científica ante las experiencias en la gestión de la tecnología que se han realizado en los últimos anos en distintos centros y unidades de información tanto nacionales como extranjeros.
4. Desarrollar en los alumnos las habilidades y técnicas necesarias que les permitan disenar, implantar y gestionar planes estratégicos de desarrollo tecnológico para mejorar los servicios de información. Asimismo, se les estimulará al desarrollo de un pensamiento estratégico proclive a la gestión del cambio tecnológico en función de la evolución constante de las TIC, adecuando éste a la cultura, objetivos y propósitos de la organización en la que se integren.
1. Estudio y valoración del hardware y software de aplicación a centros y unidades de información.
2. Estudio y valoración de diversos proyectos de planificación tecnológica en centros y unidades de información de todo el mundo.
3.Realización de un plan de desarrollo e innovación tecnológica aplicable en centros y unidades de información.
Se combinará la exposición de contenidos teóricos con el planteamiento y resolución de supuestos prácticos en clase que impliquen, bien el manejo de las tecnologías disponibles, bien el análisis, selección y/o gestión de las mismas. Igualmente, se establecerán una serie de lecturas obligatorias a lo largo del curso para su debate y discusión en clase entre el profesorado y el grupo de alumnos. Finalmente, se contará con la presencia de profesionales de diversos sectores (empresas comerciales, organismos públicos, etc.) relacionados con el entorno de los centros y servicios de información. La exposición de sus experiencias en la gestión y aplicación de tecnologías diversas en sus centros o entornos de trabajo será continuada con un debate entre todos los asistentes.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
1. La gestión de los recursos tecnológicos en las organizaciones
2. Las tecnologías en las bibliotecas y servicios de información
3. La gestión del proyecto: selección e implementación de recursos tecnológicos
4. La gestión integrada de procesos y servicios
5. La gestión de referencia
6. La gestión de la colección: libros y revistas electrónicas
7. La gestión de recursos informativos: Internet en la biblioteca
8. El acceso integrado a la información
9. Human Computer Interaction
10. La biblioteca digital
Los alumnos deberán superar un examen sobre los contenidos teórico- prácticos del programa y realizar un trabajo donde pongan de manifiesto las competencias y aptitudes adquiridas para el análisis, evaluación, elección, gestión y uso de los recursos tecnológicos necesarios para seleccionar, tratar, almacenar y recuperar información de una forma eficaz.
La participación activa en los debates que se generen en el aula tras las lecturas obligatorias, junto con las prácticas parciales y las exposiciones o conferencias realizadas por los profesionales invitados, serán otros elementos importantes de evaluación.
REQUISITOS:(Asignaturas o materias cuyo conocimiento se presupone)
Conocimientos de informática documental, tecnologías de la información y automatización de unidades de información.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Institutiones Juridicas de la documentación
Enikõ PAJOR , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
Aproximación básica al conocimiento del Derecho, a través del estudio de las instituciones jurídicas que ordenan la actividad documental.
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, especialidad en Electricidad
Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación esp. Sistemas de Telecom.
Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación, esp. en Sonido e Imagen
Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación, especialidad Telemática
Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión
Ingeniero de Telecomunicación
Ingeniero en Informática
Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas
Licenciado en Ciencias Actuariales y Financieras
Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración
Licenciado en Ciencias del Trabajo
Licenciado en Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas
Licenciado en Comunicación Audiovisual
Licenciado en Derecho
Licenciado en Economía
Licenciado en Humanidades
Licenciado en Periodismo
Licenciado en Sociología
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
TEMA I.- El documento como instrumento de constancia de hechos y actos.
TEMA II.- El documento como medio de prueba de hechos o actos.
TEMA III.- Los registros como documentos sobre documentos.
TEMA IV.- Los conjuntos típicos de documentos.
TEMA V.- Las reuniones de documentos.
Examen escrito del programa completo. Ejercicio práctico.
Semanales con carácter obligatorio
Number of Credits
Course Code
Sistemas avanzados de recuperación de la información
Enikõ PAJOR , Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Library and Information Science
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters)
1. Adquisición de los conocimientos relevantes en el contexto de las modernas técnicas de Recuperación de Información.
2. Conocimiento de las metodologías utilizadas en los sistemas actuales ( técnicas estadísticas, redes semánticas, redes neuronales,... ).
3. Utilización de aplicaciones existentes para la recuperación de información.
- Examen escrito de conocimientos teóricos sobre el temario de la asignatura.
- Calidad y características de las prácticas realizadas
- En algunos casos, calidad de trabajos de documentación sobre temas relacionados con la asignatura
REQUISITOS:(Asignaturas o materias cuyo conocimiento se presupone)
- Conocimientos asentados de lenguajes documentales
- Nociones de representación indicial de la información, Tesauros de Descriptores
- Conocimientos de informática a nivel usuario
- Prácticas de recuperación de información sobre sistemas informáticos.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
TEMA 1. Sistemas de representación y de acceso a la información
1.1. Tipos de datos
1.2. Estructuras de información
1.2.1. Listas no ordenadas
1.2.2. Listas ordenadas
1.2.3. Árboles binarios, B, B+
1.2.4. Hashing
TEMA 2. Representación de la información a bajo nivel
2.1. Ocupación de la información
2.2. Tamano de almacenamiento
2.3. Problemas informáticos de espacio
TEMA 3. Modelos y técnicas de recuperación de información
3.1. Evaluación mediante medidas de la recuperación
3.2. Modelo Booleano y modelo de espacio vectorial
3.3. Corpus documentales y colecciones de prueba
TEMA 4. Recuperación de la información en Internet
4.1. Sistemas
4.1.1. Tipos
4.1.2. Funcionamiento
4.1.3. Ejemplos
4.2. Evaluación y ordenación de resultados
4.3. Prácticas recuperación material no web y web. Evaluación de la respuesta mediante medidas de la recuperación.
4.4. Mejora de la recuperación: Metadatos y XML
4.5. Prácticas creación DTDs
TEMA 5. Técnicas y modelos de clasificación de información
5.1. Técnicas
5.1.1. Inferenciales y estadísticos
5.1.2. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
5.2. Modelos de clasificación
5.2.1. Ontologías, taxonomías y redes semánticas
5.2.2. Tesauros, mapas conceptuales y Topic Maps Algunos estándares para la representación: ISO 2788 1986 y ISO/IEC 13250 1999 Tipos de relaciones en tesauros y topic maps
5.3. Práctica: Implementación de un tesauro de descriptores
TEMA 6. Sistemas de Gestión de Bases de Datos
6.1. Bases de datos
6.2. Lenguajes de definición y manipulación de datos: DDL y DML
6.3. SQL
6.4. Arquitectura
6.5. Access
6.6. Prácticas: Consultas SQL sobre un tesauro
Number of Credits
Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Social Sciences
Course Code
Multicultural Groups in Post-communist Hungarian Society
József GOMBOS, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Applied Social Studies
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The objective of the course is to display the multicultural character of the present-day Hungarian society, with a historical background. Focusing on different social groups on a broad scale, in the context of such approaches like: human rights; discrimination; tolerance; ‘otherness’; political representation; articulation of special interest; relations between minority and majority groups; intercultural interactions etc. The aim is to acquaint the students with the heterogeneous structure and conflicts of the civil society and also with the role of the political sphere in solving these problems. By the end of the course the students are expected to have a general overview on the history of the main Hungarian minority groups (like ethnic and religious ones) and to know the actors and the nature of multicultural conflicts.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Though the historically characteristic ethnic and cultural variegation became simpler after the 1st world war, Hungary was far from being uniform. After the transition from communism to capitalism, civil society was emerging and a colorful set of different social groups was forming the new social environment. Beside the ‘classic’ minority groups, taking place on either side of the social cleavages, new groups gained recognition. Though the earlier banned or not tolerated groups (and their values and behaviors) got gradually constitutional protection in Hungary, the conservative attitude is confronting with such ‘non classic’ subcultures like that of gay peoples or drug addicts. The module is basically focusing on these ‘new’ social groups of present-day Hungary.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Hungary’s Role in the European History of the 20th Century
Péter WEBER, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Chair for Romanian Language and Literature
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The objective of the course is to enlarge the knowledge about the history of Hungary during the 20th century placing the determinant political events in a larger European context as well as analyzing the influence of the European political trends on the Hungarian history in political, cultural and social regards.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Six different periods, including the major events of the Hungarian history of the 20th century will be presented and analyzed as fallows: the “belle époque” period referring to the last two decades of the dualist Hungary; the First World War and the connection between the international politics and diplomacy and the territorial losses stipulated in the Treaty of Trianon with its consequences for the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin; the interwar period characterized by a consolidation of the Horthy regime but also by a radicalization of the right-wing political streams; the Second World War in the context of the existing global political alliances and Hungary’s attempts to regain the territories lost due to the Trianon Treaty; the years of the fragile post-war democracy under the circumstances of the upcoming Cold War; the communist regime with its two facets: the Stalinist Era and the Kádár- Era; the gradual process of the democratization and the regime change from 1990.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Ungarn und die Europäische Union
Erika GROSSMANN, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Institut für Minderheitenkulturen – Lehrstuhl für Deutsch als Minderheitenkultur
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, den ERASMUS-StudentInnen die Situation, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen Ungarns seit dem Beitritt zur EU (2004) zu veranschulichen. Den Kursteilnehmern wird ermöglicht, Vergleiche zu ziehen zwischen der Situation ihres Heimatlandes und Ungarns.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Im Kurs wird auf folgende Themen fokussiert:
Ungarns gesellschaftliche, politische, wirtschaftliche Situation vor dem Beitritt (PHARE-Programm)
Ungarns Position als Agrarland in der EU
Debatten um den EU-Beitritt
Ungarns Situation nach dem Beitritt
Einige Förderungen der EU (COMENIUS, ERASMUS, HEFOP, MFT, ÚMFT, usw.)
Beispiele für erfolgreiche ERASMUS- und COMENIUS-Projekte als Bereicherung der Bildung in Europa
„LORENA- From Local, Regional, National Identities to European Identites” – ERASMUS-Intensivprogramm
Number of Credits
Course Code
Les idées socio-politiques en Hongrie depuis 1945
Tibor SZABÓ, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Sciences sociales appliquées
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
L’objectif principal du module est la présentation des idées socio-politiques, notamment celles de István Bibó et György Lukács. On analyse aussi les idées politiques qui ont causées la crise du régime communiste.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Les traits caractéristiques des idées conservatives d’entre les deux guerres
Les idées de la démocratie populaire et socialiste
L’influences des idées politiques étrangéres
Les débats et les illussions sur le socialisme
La démocratie comme idée et comme praxis
Les changements d’idées apreés le tournant politique (1989)
La globalisation/mondialisation et l’identité nationale
Number of Credits
Course Code
Le changement de régime et le retour a la démocratie en Hongrie
Miklós NAGY, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / Sciences sociales appliquées
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
L’objectif principal du module est la présentation des particularités de la démocratie populaire en Hongrie et de l’évolution politique et sociale apres le changement de régime. Apres l’analyse de la crise du régime communiste, on examine les particularités de la transition démocratique, le nouveau systeme politique, ainsi que les caractéristiques de la politique étrangere et le développement des relations entre la Hongrie et l’Union européenne.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Les caractéristiques de la démocratie populaire en Hongrie
La crise du régime Kádár
Les particularités de la transition démocratique
Le systeme politique (systeme électorale, partis politiques)
Politique étrangere , les relations entre la Hongrie et l’Union Européenne