Course descriptions for ERASMUS students 1st semester, academic year 2008/2009
Faculty of Science / Economic and Social Geography
Course Code
Hungary – land, people, regions
Péter Bajmócy, Faculty of Science / Economic and Social Geography
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The special aim of the course: the participants will be able to understand the geography of Hungary , get knowledge about the people of Hungary and the neighbouring countries and also get information about the different regions of Hungary . They can become acquinted with the useful data and other information sources during the course.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The issues of the module:
Hungary : location and physical geography
Hungary : people, demography
The Hungarians. National minorities in the Carpathian-Basin
The Roma (Gipsy) population of Hungary
Religions in the Carpathian-Basin
Traditions and gastronomy in Hungary
Regionalism in Hungary . Regions I.
Regions II.
Number of Credits
Course Code
Population and settlement geography of Hungary
Péter Bajmócy, Faculty of Science / Economic and Social Geography
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The special aim of the course: the participants will be able to understand the geography of Hungary, get knowledge about the people and the settlements (towns, villages) of Hungary and also get information about the regional differences of the settlement system and demographic processes in Hungary. They can become acquinted with the useful data and other information sources during the course.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The issues of the module:
The population and demography of Hungary
The structure of the population
Ethnic and religious differences in the Carpathian-Basin
Development of the settlement-system in Hungary
Towns of Hungary
Urbanization, urban agglomerations in Hungary
Villages in Hungary
Scattered settlements in Hungary
Regional differences in the settlement-network
Number of Credits
Course Code
Tourism Development in Hungary
Tünde Juray, Faculty of Science / Economic and Social Geography
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The special aim of the course: the participants will be able to understand the Hungarian tourism system and policy and to compare the Hungarian model their mother country ones by the end of the lecture. They can become acquinted with the useful data and other information sources during the course.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The issues of the module:
Institutional and legal background of the Hungarian tourism
The history of tour operation in Hungary
Tourism policy in Hungary
Regional development and tourism
Regional differences in Hungarian tourism
Tourism marketing activity
Tendences the domestic tourism in Hungary especially the processes after 1990
Hungary 's incoming (international) tourism
The role of tourism in the hard city competition
Regional and local tourism planning, making tourism conceptions (case studies)
Number of Credits
Course Code
Die Euroregionen und die Grenzregionen der neu
beigetretenen Länder (mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Ungarn)
Miklósné SZÓNOKY, Faculty of Science / Economic and Social Geography
Ziel: die Regionalität, die Regionen, genauer die Euroregionen bekanntmachen, bzw. die Untersuchungen/Forschungen in den Grenzregionen der neu beigetretenen Länder (mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Ungarn) darstellen.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Fragestellungen: Was für eine Herausforderung bedeutete und bedeutet heute die Regionalität in den beigetretenen - früher sozalistischen - Ländern.
Im Kurs wird besonders ausführlich darauf eingegangen, was für neue Formen der Kooperation in den Grenzregionen Ungarn-Serbien, Ungarn-Rumänien entstanden sind. Szeged wird als Zentrum der Region und als Tor zum Balkan vorgestellt.
a) In Zentrum-Position am Rande des Landes (Szeged)
b) Gesellschaftliche und Kooperationen in den asymmetrischen Grenzgebieten: ungarisch-serbisch-rumänische Perspektiven.
c) Wirtschaftliche Entwicklungslinien in den regionalen Kooperationen des Donau-Mieresch-Theiß-Gebietes
Number of Credits
Course Code
Geographical Problems of Vojvodina
Ágnes PAP, Faculty of Science / Economic and Social Geography
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course is to offer the participants a detailed view about the different aspects of Vojvodina. Vojvodina is analysed from numerous human geographical aspect: population, settlement-system, agriculture, industry, tourism and regional differences. Students receive useful data and information during the course.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
The issues of the module:
The general introduction of Vojvodina
The population of Vojvodina
The structure of settlement-system in Vojvodina
The economy and agriculture of Vojvodina
Transport, telecommunication and services in Vojvodina
Tourism and cultural industry in Vojvodina
Regional differences in Vojvodina
The perspectives of regional development
Number of Credits
Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Course Code
Physical Geography of of the Carpathian Basin
Tímea KISS, Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course is to give a description about the physical geography of Hungary and the rest of the Carpathian Basin. Besides this it pays attention to the environmental change and human impact on this region.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Geographical situation of the Carpathian Basin
Geology and the most important natural resources
Climate, soils, biogeoraphy
Rivers, lakes, thermal waters
Geographical and geomorphological regions
Environmental change and human impact during the late Quaternary Project:
Compare two geographical regions, with special respect to the human activity.
Give a description of a National Park, focusing on the conflict between park and the neighbouring lands (land use, waste, disturbances etc.)
Number of Credits
Course Code
Seminar on Applied Hydrography
György SIPOS, Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
1. To point on the facts, that
the river regulations altered the river regime differently on different rivers
the rivers reached different equilibrium stages and they responded in different ways
2. To teach the students how to evaluate and present hydrological data
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Development of the drainage network of the Great Plain since the Pleistocene, with special respect to Holocene changes
Review of regulation works (main ideas, facts, consequences)
Evaluation of hydrological parameters (stage, discharge, bed geometry, slope etc.)
Evaluation of morphological changes on the floodplain (horizontal and vertical river bed changes, island and bar formation, land slides on the banks, point bar formation)
Flood hazard estimation in a certain area
Number of Credits
Course Code
Seminar on Applied Geography
Gábor MEZŐSI, Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The aim of the course to introduce the students to urban ecology, landscape planning and applied geomorphology, using Hungarian case studies. A special attention will be paid on relations between the system-elements of the different landscapes. Furthermore, the aim is to teach the students how to evaluate and present field measurements
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Urban ecology:
Effects of urban land-use on physical geographical parameters (soil, climate, ground water)
Urban land use and urban ecological mapping
Application of databases and digital images in urban ecological investigations
Landscape planning:
Urban planning
Green surface management
Protection against soil erosion caused by wind and running water
Geomorphology of agriculture
Environmental impact assessment of investments (motorways, land-use changes, irrigation etc.)
Andrea KISS, Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
The course provides an overview of the conditions and evolution of landscapes in the Carpathian Basin through the last two thousand years, in comparison with the landscape changes which took part in other parts of Europe, with special emphasis on the high and late medieval as well as early modern times.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Main factors of landscape changes and the significance of human impact
Sources of reconstruction in different time periods: available material, methods and problems
Historical elements in the present Hungarian landscape: „objects” and prevailing structures
Land exploitation and landscape management strategies in historical times: an overview
Historical landscapes of historical Hungary in given time layers: Roman Times, Middle Ages, Turkish Period, Eighteenth-Ninteenth Centuries
Main landscape changes of
plain&wetland landscapes and former hydrology (before regulation works)
hilly and forested landscapes in central position
the mountaineous regions
historical urban landscapes
Number of Credits
Faculty of Science / Department of Software Engineering
Course Code
Zoltán ALEXIN, Faculty of Science / Department of Software Engineering
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
C/C++ is a widely used object-oriented programming language, it is the main platform of most industrial software development, especially for Microsoft Windows. The module gives the essential knowledge on syntax and usage of this programming language.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
C/C++ objects’ scope, namespaces and classes. Embedded types and classes. Inheritance between classes. The life-cycle of objects (construction and destruction). Constructor, copy constructor and destructor methods. Operator overloading, using smart pointers and overloading the type cast methods. The member-pointers. Static and late binding procedure calls, the C and pascal type of procedure calls. Virtual methods and abstract classes. Static data members and methods in classes. Templates and the Standard Template Library. Elementary introduction to C#.
Number of Credits
Faculty of Science / Department of Informatics
Course Code
Operating Systems
Árpád MAKAY, Faculty of Science / Department of Informatics
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
Operating systems are an essential part of any computer system. Similarly, a course on operating systems is an essential part of any computer-science education. The fundamental concepts remain fairly clear, and it is on these that we base this course.
This is an introductory course in operating systems at the junior or senior undergraduate level or at the first-year graduate level. It provides a clear description of the concepts that underlie operating systems.
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Overview: What operating systems are, what they do, and how they are designed and constructed. What the common features of an operating system are, what an operating system does for the user, and what it does for the computer-system operator and processes.
Process management: The process concept and concurrency as the heart of modern operating systems. A process is the unit of work in a system. Such a system consists of a collection of concurrently executing processes, some of which are operating-system processes Also included under this topic a discussion of threads.
Memory management: The main memory management during the execution of a process. To improve both the utilization of the CPU and the speed of its response to its users. There are many different memory-management schemes, reflecting various approaches to memory management, and the effectiveness of a particular algorithm depends on the situation.
I/O and Resource management: How the file system, mass storage, and I/O are handled in a modern computer system.
Protection and security: The processes in an operating system must be protected from one another's activities. Protection is a mechanism for controlling the access of programs, processes, or users to the resources defined by a computer system.
Number of Credits
Faculty of Science / Department of Applied and Numerical Analysis
Course Code
Mm 3505-1a
Numerical Analysis (lecture+practice)
László STACHÓ, Faculty of Science / Department of Applied and Numerical Analysis
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Systems of linear equations. Gaussion elimination, the triangular decomposation of a matrix. The Gauss-Jordan elimination, partial pivot selection. The Cholesky de composition. The QR decomposition of a matrix.
Eigenvalue problems. Gershgorin circles. The Schur normal form of a matrix. The LR and QR algorithms.
Iterative methods for the solution of a system of linear equations. The Jacobi method, the Gauss-Seidel method. Relaxation methods. The classical Newton-Raphson method.
Interpolation by polynomials. The interpolation formulas of Lagrange and Newton, divided differences. Hermite interpolation.
Least squares problems, the normal equations. Discrete Fourier transform and fast Fourier transform.
Numerical integration. Newton-Cotes quadrature formulas. Classical systems of orthogonal polynomials. Gauss quadrature formulas.
Number of Credits
Course Code
First Course in Probability Theory (lecture+practice)
László STACHÓ, Faculty of Science / Department of Applied and Numerical Analysis
Module Aims
(minimum 210 characters)
Module Subject
(minimum 350 characters)
Basic concepts of probablity, Kolmogorov’s axioms for probability fields, Poicaré formula, classical and geometrical probability fields, conditional probability, stochastic independence, Bayes formula, product fields.
Random variables and their distributions, density functions. random vectors and their multivariable distributions resp. density functions, independence of random variables, expectations of random variables and their functions, Schwarz inequality, variance , and standard deviance, Markov’s inequality, Chebishev’s inequality, covariance and correlation coefficient.
Distributions of Bernoulli type, distributions of binomial-, polynomial-,hypergeometric-, geometric- ,negative binomial-, Poisson-, normal-, uniform-,exponential-,Chi-square-,Student- and F types.
Borel-Cantelli lemmas, stochastic and slmost sure convergence for sequences of random variables, laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, de Moivre-Laplace theorem.