Course descriptions for ERASMUS students
academic year 2009/2010

Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education / English studies


Course Code
Module American Studies
Title: The Media in American Society
Teacher: András CSILLAG
Level BA
Termin FALL
Module Aims
The general objective of the course is to enable students to better understand the social and political processes of the United States in the past and the present.

Module Subject

- The press in American history. - Joseph Pulitzer and his “new journalism.” - Modern newspapers and magazines; the broadcast media (radio, television). - The characteristic features and functions of the modern print press as well as other mass communication media. - The public role of the mass media today. - The media and the government. - The role of the media in presidential elections. - The media and public opinion.'
Number of Credits 1

Course Code
Module Business English
Title: Business English Speaking Skills
Teacher: Júlia SZARVAS
Level BA
Module Aims
The aim of the module is to familiarise students with the characteristics of communicating in English in the world of business. The aim is to provide students with the opportunity to practice and improve their business English in life-like situations.

Module Subject

This course aims at improving the students' language skills specifically needed in business contexts. All four skills are touched upon, but special emphasis is laid on oral communication (the language of meetings, presentations, etc.). In the classes, the students encounter life-like situations; simulations and case studies are the prevalent methods applied. The classes are truly practice-oriented and they require the students both to participate actively in classroom activities and to prepare for classes at home.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code
Module Business English
Title: Business English Correspondence
Teacher: Júlia SZARVAS
Level BA
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the linguistic and pragmatic conventions of business English correspondence. Besides having a strong emphasis on accurate language usage, the classes also discuss the ways of effective written communication. The tasks are practice-oriented so that the participants can have some pre-service training preparing them for real life, job-related situations.

Module Subject

The subject of the course is mainly company-to-company correspondence in the field of foreign trade. The classes aim at making students encounter with the various forms of business correspondence, observing and analysing the samples and becoming familiar with its linguistic, stylistic and pragmatic conventions. During the course, the students deal with letters, faxes, e-mails, memos, faxes and reports. The topics to be covered are orders, payment, complaints and adjustment, credit and banking.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code
Module Business English
Title: Business English Language Practice
Teacher: Júlia SZARVAS
Level BA
Module Aims
The aim of the module is to familiarise students with the characteristics of communicating in English in the world of business. The aim is to provide students with the opportunity to practice and improve their business English in life-like situations.

Module Subject

This course aims at improving the students' language skills specifically needed in business contexts. All four skills are touched upon, but special emphasis is laid on accurate grammar and vocabulary usage (business English terminology, set phrases and expression, etc.). The topics discussed are Brands, Travel, Organisation, Change, Money, Advertising and Cultures. The language work includes present simple and continuous, forms expressing future, noun combinations, describing trends, article usage and modals. In the classes, the students encounter life-like situations; simulations and case studies are the prevalent methods applied. The classes are truly practice-oriented and they require the students both to participate actively in classroom activities and to prepare for classes at home.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code
Module Business English
Title: Business English - Foreign Trade
Teacher: Mária BAKTI
Level BA
Module Aims
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with Business English related to the topics they would encounter in the field of Foreign Trade / International Trade.

Module Subject

Topics to be covered include : Banking Financial Documents International Trade Payment in International Trade Banking Meetings Making arrangements Describing trends Progress updates Planning Comparing information Business travel Company visits Tackling problems
Number of Credits

Course Code
Module English and American Literature
Title: Art History
Teacher: Andrea OROSZ
Level BA
Termin All
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to provide a brief overview into the big Eras of Art History

Module Subject

• Pre-Historic Art • India • China • Mesopotamia • Egypt • Ancient Greece • Rome • Byzance and Early Christian Art • The Romanesque Style • The Gothic Style • The Renaissance Style • Maniersm • The Baroque Style • Classicism • Art Nouveau • Modern Art
Number of Credits 2

Course Code
Module English and American Literature
Title: English for Environmental Studies
Teacher: Klára SZABÓ
Level BA
Termin FALL
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with basic texts and vocabulary in different areas of environmental studies. Students will have discussions of different environmental topics, prepare and have discussions of their own portfolios or power point presentations as well.

Module Subject

The main topics of the course include the definition of environment, natural disasters, environmental pollution, environmental issues in the developed and in the developing world, sustainable development, global warming, quality of air and water, waste management, quality issues of food stuff.
Number of Credits 2

Course Code
Module English and American Literature
Title: English and American Literature
Teacher: Klára SZABÓ
Level BA
Termin FALL
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to offer future lower primary school teachers an overview of the main authors and trends in the development of English, as well as of American literature.

Module Subject

The main topics include Medieval English literature, the Renaissance, the Restoration drama and theatre, the birth of the novel, Romantic and Victorian poetry, and early 20th century modernism. In the area of American literature local color, the literature of the Civil War and American modernism will be the topics.
Number of Credits 1

Course Code
Module English for Specific Purposes
Title: English for Finance and Banking
Teacher: Klára SZABÓ
Level BA
Termin FALL
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with basic texts and vocabulary in different areas of finance and banking. Students will have discussions of different financial and banking topics, prepare and have discussions of their own portfolios or power point presentations as well.

Module Subject

The main topics of the course include the use of modern technology in banking, the issue of competition in the financial world, financial services, types of banks, bank cards, taxes, insurance, loan, business correspondence and email.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code
Module English for Specific Purposes
Title: Introduction to Hungarian Folk Music
Teacher: Tibor BORBÁS
Level BA
Termin FALL
Module Aims
The special aim of the course is to give students an insight to the development and the characteristics of Hungarian folk music. The participants will be acquainted with the regional, rhythmical and harmonic differences within Hungarian folk music as well as unique instruments. The traditional role of the musicians in the community, the relation between them and the dancers and the ways of tutoring are given special emphasis. (The course requires no musical background.)

Module Subject

The issues of the module: The role of music in the traditional communities Music in Hungary – a historical perspective The main regions Instruments Rhythm patterns Harmonic patterns Amateur versus professional musicians Teaching and learning The musician and the audience Teaching
Number of Credits 2

Course Code
Module Írás-, könyv- és sajtótörténet
Title: History of culture and libraries
Teacher: Ágnes BARÁT HAJDÚ
Module Aims
Knowledge of the history of European culture, books, libraries and printing in the middle age and early modern time, Hungarian history, the opening of the first universities, the spreading of the Gutenberg-type printing from Germany.

Module Subject

I. Technical matters: writing, books, and libraries Scroll and codex The invention of paper: the birth of Papermaking History of scriptorium and the evolution of the book in the middle age II. History of printing: 15th century: Johannes Gutenberg and the printing press (the time of Gutenberg, Mainz, Gutenberg’s Masterpiece the 42-line Bible); III. Hungary: the Kingdom in the 15the-17th century, Bibliotheca Corviniana, the book printing IV. Rare books and protestant area V. History of Hungarian libraries
Number of Credits 7

Course Code
Module Lower Primary Teacher BA / Content and Language Integrated Learning
Title: Humans and the environment
Teacher: Mária BAKTI
Level BA
Termin FALL
Module Aims
Building on the knowledge students have accumulated in the courses CLIL 1 and CLIL2, this course aims at developing students’ CLIL skills in the fields of biology and geography.

Module Subject

Topics to be covered: The human body Rocks and minerals Volcanoes The atmosphere Weather and climate The geography of Hungary
Number of Credits

Course Code
Module Social Studies
Title: Multicultural Groups in Post-communist Hungarian Society
Teacher: József GOMBOS
Level BA
Termin All
Module Aims
The objective of the course is to display the multicultural character of the present-day Hungarian society, with a historical background. Focusing on different social groups on a broad scale, in the context of such approaches like: human rights; discrimination; tolerance; ‘otherness’; political representation; articulation of special interest; relations between minority and majority groups; intercultural interactions etc. The aim is to acquaint the students with the heterogeneous structure and conflicts of the civil society and also with the role of the political sphere in solving these problems. By the end of the course the students are expected to have a general overview on the history of the main Hungarian minority groups (like ethnic and religious ones) and to know the actors and the nature of multicultural conflicts.

Module Subject

Though the historically characteristic ethnic and cultural variegation became simpler after the 1st world war, Hungary was far from being uniform. After the transition from communism to capitalism, civil society was emerging and a colorful set of different social groups was forming the new social environment. Beside the ‘classic’ minority groups, taking place on either side of the social cleavages, new groups gained recognition. Though the earlier banned or not tolerated groups (and their values and behaviors) got gradually constitutional protection in Hungary, the conservative attitude is confronting with such ‘non classic’ subcultures like that of gay peoples or drug addicts. The module is basically focusing on these ‘new’ social groups of present-day Hungary.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code
Module Social Studies
Title: The Political History of Hungary 1848-1990
Teacher: József GOMBOS
Level BA
Termin All
Module Aims
The objective of the course is to introduce the history of modern Hungary between 1848 and 1990, with a wide international background and determinants. The aim is to acquaint the students with the main trends of Hungarian history in the past 200 years. By the end of the course the students are expected to have a general overview on history of economy, socio-political development and its multicultural nature. The course’s aim to give an outline on the fact that the Hungarians have survived so many trials and tribulations over the centuries, constitutes an historical achievement in itself, as well as a factor influencing history. During its history, she has been a bridge between East and West, as well as a kind of ferry-boat plying between the two. At the same time Hungary was either oppressor of small nations or oppressed by great empires. All in all Hungarian social and cultural history is a very colorful example for the modernization among the countries in East-Central Europe.

Module Subject

The course on Hungarian history, covering history of past two centuries, gives an exceptional opportunity for English speakers to understand us ‘Magyars’ a little bit better. The main goal is to provide for international students a deeper insight into the context of the Hungarian past. The course contains of five larger thematic units: The rise of capitalism, with reforms, revolutions, compromises and wars. The collapse of Austria-Hungary: reasons and consequences. Revolution and counter-revolution: somewhere we lost our way between the two wars. On the socialist road between 1948-1990 with a suppressed revolution in 1956. Finally the collapse of the socialist political system and the transition to parliamentary democracy.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code
Module Social Studies
Title: Hungary’s Role in the European History of the 20th Century
Teacher: Péter WEBER
Level BA
Termin All
Module Aims
The objective of the course is to enlarge the knowledge about the history of Hungary during the 20th century placing the determinant political events in a larger European context as well as analyzing the influence of the European political trends on the Hungarian history in political, cultural and social regards.

Module Subject

Six different periods, including the major events of the Hungarian history of the 20th century will be presented and analyzed as fallows: the “belle époque” period referring to the last two decades of the dualist Hungary; the First World War and the connection between the international politics and diplomacy and the territorial losses stipulated in the Treaty of Trianon with its consequences for the Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin; the interwar period characterized by a consolidation of the Horthy regime but also by a radicalization of the right-wing political streams; the Second World War in the context of the existing global political alliances and Hungary’s attempts to regain the territories lost due to the Trianon Treaty; the years of the fragile post-war democracy under the circumstances of the upcoming Cold War; the communist regime with its two facets: the Stalinist Era and the Kádár- Era; the gradual process of the democratization and the regime change from 1990.
Number of Credits 2

Course Code
Module Social Studies
Title: Ungarn und die Europäische Union
Teacher: Erika Grossmann
Level BA
Termin All
Module Aims
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, den ERASMUS-StudentInnen die Situation, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen Ungarns seit dem Beitritt zur EU (2004) zu veranschulichen. Den Kursteilnehmern wird ermöglicht, Vergleiche zu ziehen zwischen der Situation ihres Heimatlandes und Ungarns.

Module Subject

Im Kurs wird auf folgende Themen fokussiert: * Ungarns gesellschaftliche, politische, wirtschaftliche Situation vor dem Beitritt (PHARE-Programm) * Ungarns Position als Agrarland in der EU * Debatten um den EU-Beitritt * Ungarns Situation nach dem Beitritt * Einige Förderungen der EU (COMENIUS, ERASMUS, HEFOP, MFT, ÚMFT, usw.) * Beispiele für erfolgreiche ERASMUS- und COMENIUS-Projekte als Bereicherung der Bildung in Europa * „LORENA- From Local, Regional, National Identities to European Identites” – ERASMUS-Intensivprogramm
Number of Credits 2

Course Code
Module Social Studies
Title: Les idées socio-politiques en Hongrie depuis 1945
Teacher: Tibor SZABÓ
Level BA
Termin All
Module Aims
L’objectif principal du module est la présentation des idées socio-politiques, notamment celles de István Bibó et György Lukács. On analyse aussi les idées politiques qui ont causées la crise du régime communiste.

Module Subject

* Les traits caractéristiques des idées conservatives d’entre les deux guerres * Les idées de la démocratie populaire et socialiste * L’influences des idées politiques étrangéres * Les débats et les illussions sur le socialisme * La démocratie comme idée et comme praxis * Les changements d’idées apreés le tournant politique (1989) * La globalisation/mondialisation et l’identité nationale
Number of Credits 2

Course Code
Module Social Studies
Title: Le changement de régime et le retour a la démocratie en Hongrie
Teacher: Miklós NAGY
Level BA
Termin FALL
Module Aims
L’objectif principal du module est la présentation des particularités de la démocratie populaire en Hongrie et de l’évolution politique et sociale apres le changement de régime. Apres l’analyse de la crise du régime communiste, on examine les particularités de la transition démocratique, le nouveau systeme politique, ainsi que les caractéristiques de la politique étrangere et le développement des relations entre la Hongrie et l’Union européenne.

Module Subject

* Les caractéristiques de la démocratie populaire en Hongrie * La crise du régime Kádár * Les particularités de la transition démocratique * Le systeme politique (systeme électorale, partis politiques) * Politique étrangere , les relations entre la Hongrie et l’Union Européenne
Number of Credits 2

Course Code
Module Social Studies
Title: La Hongrie dans l’Europe du XXeme siecle
Teacher: Miklós NAGY
Level BA
Termin All
Module Aims
Attirer l’attention des étudiants aux particularités de l’histoire de l’Europe centrale et orientale Développement du sens de l’altérité, de la diversité culturelle et de la capacité de communication interculturelle

Module Subject

. L’objectif principal des cours est la présentation de la Hongrie dans l’Europe de XXe siecle. Apres l’analyse des particularités de la démocratie populaire hongroise on examinera les caractéristiques de la transition démocratique, le nouveau systeme politique et le développement des relations entre la Hongrie et 1’Union européenne Dans ce cadre lá on traitera les sujets suivants: -L’ évolution et les caractéristiques de la démocratie populaire en Hongrie - La présentation de l’histoire des démocraties populaires dans les manuels d’histoire en France et en Hongrie -Les particularités du changement de régime en Hongrie - La Hongrie et l’Union européenne
Number of Credits 3

Course Code
Module Social Studies
Title: Histoire politique de la Hongrie de 1989 jusqu’a nos jours
Teacher: Éva SZÉNÁSI
Level BA
Termin All
Module Aims
Cet enseignement vise a donner une vue d’ensemble sur le changement du régime dans les ex-pays de l’Est, plus précisément en Hongrie, et présente la formation et le fonctionnement de la démocratie dans ce pays. L’enseignement se déroule en français.

Module Subject

Il sera question d’étudier les facteurs de ce changement dans son contexte historique et une attention particuliere sera accordée a l’analyse de la formation des partis politiques hongrois, des élections et du fonctionnement du systeme parlementaire. A la fin de cet enseignement, l’adhésion a l’Union européenne sera également abordée. L’enseignement est essentiellement proposé aux étudiants qui s’intéressent a l’histoire, la science politique et la civilisation.
Number of Credits 3