Field practice theory, practice, analysis and evaluation
László Lajos LIPPAI
Module Aims
Visit and study institutes related to the field of health sciences, health promotion, mental health promotion. Visit primary adn secondary schools and give lectures.
Module Subject
* Deák Ferenc Bilingual Secondary School
* Ságvári Endre Practice School
* Child and Youth Psychiatry
* Drog Ambulance
* The Church
* Prison in Kalocsa
Health and Safety - Good safety practice at schools
László Lajos LIPPAI
Module Aims
It looks at the subject of health and safety in its broadest terms and in the wider context of the school and its environment. It deals with academic, practical and psychological aspects of good safety practice, and focuses on general principles, knowledge and practical skills. It forms a basis for development and application to subject specific aspects.
Module Subject
* Introduction (Definitions, Aim and structure of the course, Evaluation, Literature)
* „Be aware, be ready” (Management and control, self-reliance and being comfortably in charge, Stress, the hidden factor and its importance, Coping with an emergency situation)
* Prepare, Apply, Respond (The PAR principle and the seven A's of management)
* Ergonomics (Lighting, The air: temperature and humidity, Sitting, Noise, General considerations for a school)
* Fire, gases and electricity (Fire prevention, Sources of fire, Fire extinguishers, Fire-prevention at school, Electricity, Gases)
* Chemicals (Terminology, Personal safety, Hazard signs and labelling, Paints, Glues, Other chemicals used in schools, Storing and disposing of chemicals)
* Administration and further checklists (Administration - maintenance and checklists)
* First Aid (theory, practice)
The proper level knowledge of the phenomena and regularities of human communication, and the knowledge of effective means and strategies of communication. (their development in practice) is very important for all professionals working in different helping professions or who are preparing for a career like this. The development of communication skills equally serves the conscious usage of the „work-tool” of a Health Sciences teacher, its continuous improvement and personal effectiveness. The subjective experience gained through all these can have an important role in preserving the mental balance of teachers as well. It is a very important aim that the student participating at communication skills development training should enlarge his repertoire of behaviours, realise his communicational tools and possible failures. There should be more effective solutions reachable in given situations in a way, that their application should still keep his personality congruent.
Module Subject
We direct attention to the elements of observable behaviour, and to the general and personal features of communication with the help of a video-feedback method. The participating observers are at the same time acting as models. Attached to the observed communicational phenomenon there is an education embedded in thematic discussions during the group-work.
The topics of the developmental programs:
• We will deal with the general features of informal human communication. We will focus on the basic phenomena of communication, the verbal and non-verbal channels and meta-communication.
Distortion of information, incongruence of verbal and non-verbal signs, typical faults as a result of subjective evaluation, modelling of communicational strategies.
to show the social psychological viewpoint, the history of Hungarian psychology from an international viewpoint, overview of the main questions of social cognition and social perception, and the basics of stress management.
Module Subject
1. “Perception of the other” The basic principles of social perception. Eye-witness research.
2. Prejudice and social conflicts. What is the situation in Hungary ?
3. “When do we have to help others?” How can one percept a dangerous situation?
4. Stress
5. Coping
6. Famous Hungarian psychologists, psychotherapists in the world. Historical backgrounds
This course, “Organisation Development” is designed for students with little or no background in organisation development, health or health promotion. The purpose of the course is to provide an introduction into the organisational background of health promotion methods. The major objectives of the course are:
1. To provide an orgasizational context for health promotion in a multicultural learning environment.
2. To recognize important trends and changes in the concepts of health and health promotion these days.
3. To analyze project management techniques in health promotion in light of these trends, and identify their organisational background in real examples.
4. To assess the impact of health promotion projects on different kinds of organisations.
Module Subject
We will identify how individuals’ lifestyle and health behavior depend on organisations which they are members of. Students will explore important factors which influence the functioning of organisations and analyze their health promotion consequences. It will help us to understand the theoretical background of project management in health promotion. The principle aim of health promotion projects is to initiate an organisational change influences the individuals’ lifestyle towards health in a certain organization. This theoretical knowledge will be deepened by discussing case studies, which prepare the students to transfer their knowledge to practice. Main topics:
1. Basic principles of the concept of health promotion.
2. Definitions of organisation and institution. Formal and informal organizations.
3. Characteristics of organisations. Organisational strategy
4. Organisational models and their importance in health promotion.
5. Characteristics of organisational culture. The relationship between organisational culture and health.
6. Definitions and types of health promotion projects. The importance of the project management in health promotion.
7. Attributes of the efficient project organisations.
8. Circular target planning in health promotion projects. Development of Project Leadership
The course is a combination of lectures, group works and case studies. The schedule of case studies is discussed at the first lecture.
Health Promotion: This subject provides possibility to get acquainted with the basis of the unique - multidisciplinary - thinking of health sciences. It will cover the most famous theoretical concepts of the topic and their domains of realisation.
Life-style : To introduce students to the social definitenes of life-style, health and healthy life-style, on the theoretical and methodological basis of
life-style sociology and life-style. It puts a great emphasis on family life-style research.
Deviance : To introduce the certain deviance forms and deviances in Hungary through the theories of deviance sociology.
Module Subject
Health Promotion: Lecture:
* Factors defining health, health concept
* Health education, health protection, health promotion
* Organisational development and health promotion
* Connections between project management and health promotion
* The connection between local, national and global health policy, and health promotion
* The connection between professional and lay participants in networking
* Possible methods of health promotion
project work and group discussion
* Theories of life-style: Max Weber, Piere Bourdieu, Antony Giddens
* Theories of healthy life-style
* Sociological characteristics of life-style and life-style groups
* Analysis of Hungarian life-style groups.
* Alcoholism, suicide, drog-abuse, crime, mental illnesses, - social backgrounds and unique sociological characteristics.
Possible preventions of deviances.
to introduce students to the concepts of minority studies and multicultural education, to examine international traditions and national realisations.
Module Subject
1. Possible ways of understanding the concept of minority. Social perception of minorities.
2. The concept of prejudice and its development in personality.
3. The history of Hungarian national and ethnic minorities.
4. The state of Hungarian Gypsies.
5. Linguistic discrimination, linguistic rights, bilingualism
6. Gender roles in society, the state of women in society.
7. History and concept of multicultural education.
8. Educational methods for preventing prejudice. Curriculum and teaching aids. Education of Hungarian minorities.
9. Biological minorities in Hungary - Homosexuality.
10. The state of the disabled, their social acceptance.
The course aims at introducing the students into the world of social behaviour. In the first part of the course the social psychology of the individual is addressed; the following topics are covered: social perception, attribution, attitudes and prejudice as a specific attitude. In the second part the social psychology of the groups is examined. Types of social interactions and social influences are thoroughly explored such as relevant social phenomena like aggression and prosocial behaviour. As the course is also for health promoters, there is special emphasis on the social aspects of health behaviour (e.g. health related attitudes and their relation to health behaviour). Lifelike examples are given to help students understanding.
Module Subject
1. The individual in the social world: introduction into social psychology, social perception, theories of perception and social perception (Asch, Kelly) impression management, schemes, stereotypes, biases in social perception.
2. Attribution: theories of attribution (Heider, Kelley, Weiner), major sources of attributional bias (fundamental attribution error, the actor-observer effect, attribution of success and failure etc.), self attribution, practical applications of attribution.
3. Attitudes: definition, functions of attitude, measuring attitudes, attitudes and behaviour (health related attitudes and their changing), prejudice as a specific attitude, forms of reducing prejudice, cognitive consistency and dissonance.
4. Groups in social psychology: definitions of a group, functions, structure and development of groups, communication within the group, method for measuring social relationships (sociometry).
5. The group and the individual: norms, forms of social influence (conformity, identification, internalisation, persuasion, obedience), leadership.
6. Prosocial behaviour and interpersonal aggression: helping and intervening, theoretical perspectives on aggression, prevention and control of aggression.
Dr. Elemér SZALMA -
Szabolcs KERTÉSZ -
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to give general knowledge of water based activities, the chemistry, treatment and utilization of waters, from different point of views, and the relationship between the sciences.
Module Subject
1. Hydrobiology (Elemér SZALMA, Gyula Juhász Faculty of Education):
1.1. Grouping of the continental waters (2 hours)
1.2. Freshwater life zones and habitats (2 hours)
1.3. Freshwater Communities (2 hours)
1.4. Water Salinity, Halobity, Saprobity, Trophity, and Toxicity (2 hours)
2. Wastewater treatment (Szabolcs KERTÉSZ, Faculty of Engineering):
2.1. Importance of clean water (2 hours)
2.2. Contaminants & substances (2 hours)
2.3. Wastewater treatment types and operations (2 hours)
2.4. Wwt in practise (2 hours)
3. Freshwater fishery and aquaculture (Árpád BENKÖ-KISS, Faculty of Agriculture):
3.1. Economically important fish species (2 hours)
3.2. Artificial propagation of Cyprinidae (2 hours)
3.3. Artificial propagation of Predator fish (1 hours)
3.4. Feeding, nursing, harvesting of fish (1 hours)
3.5. Fish farm management (Economy of fishery) (2 hours)
1. Hydrobiology (Elemér SZALMA, Gyula Juhász Faculty of Education):
1.1. Grouping of the continental waters (2 hours)
1.2. Freshwater life zones and habitats (2 hours)
1.3. Freshwater Communities (2 hours)
1.4. Water Salinity, Halobity, Saprobity, Trophity, and Toxicity (2 hours)
2. Wastewater treatment (Szabolcs KERTÉSZ, Faculty of Engineering):
2.1. Importance of clean water (2 hours)
2.2. Contaminants & substances (2 hours)
2.3. Wastewater treatment types and operations (2 hours)
2.4. Wwt in practise (2 hours)
3. Freshwater fishery and aquaculture (Árpád BENKÖ-KISS, Faculty of Agriculture):
3.1. Economically important fish species (2 hours)
3.2. Artificial propagation of Cyprinidae (2 hours)
3.3. Artificial propagation of Predator fish (1 hours)
3.4. Feeding, nursing, harvesting of fish (1 hours)
3.5. Fish farm management (Economy of fishery) (2 hours)
The aims of the course is to
• help students develop their behaviour and way of living in a manner so that the next generations are able to protect the environment facilitating thereby the conservation of the natural environment and the sustainable development of societies.
• become familiar with current processes which make our planet suffer from symptoms that suggest an environmental crisis.
• learn through concrete domestic examples what positive and negative effects socio-economic development has on an individual in view of the environmental consequences
• understand the relationship between consumption and natural resources and the principle of sustainable consumption
• learn different methods for classroom instructionand outdoor programmes
Module Subject
1. The importance, definitions, history and the aims of Environmental Education (EE)
2. Global environmental problems and responsible environmental behaviour
3. Cooperative learning and group workI 1.: discussion methods, barimstorming, concept mapping, ranking, role play, story line
4. Cooperative learning and group workI 2.:experiments, analogies, models, case study, project methods
5. Outdoor / adventure education – increasing use of the natural, man-made and social environment
6. Field teaching – Field investigation –– Forest school programme
7. Monitoring of biodiversity near the school
8. Working in BEAGLE (Biodiversity Education for Awareness to Grow Living Environment) project
9. Visit to the Szeged ZOO
10. Visit to the Botanic Garden of SZTE
11. Visit to Móra Ferenc Museum
12. Evaluation of the course.
This optional course is designed both for students at the Univeristy of Szeged and also for „guest” students (within ERASMUS or other exchange programmes).
The module’s special aim is to get the participants acquainted with various topics concerned with the German speaking countries (Austria, Germany and Switzerland), like history, cultural diversity, arts and everyday life. The course also aims at improving the students’ language skills and competencies.
The module focuses on intercultural aspects and gives participants the possibility for individual surveys and project work as well. It is mainly practice-oriented and the students are required both to participate actively in classroom activities and to prepare for classes at home.
Module Subject
Following issues will be discussed:
1. Geography and federal system of Germany, Switzerland and Austria – diversity and unity
2. Famous sights in Germany, Switzerland and Austria
3. Milestones in history
3.1 Austria – the Habsburg Monarchy
3.2 Switzerland – Wilhelm Tell, history of neutrality, ethnic groups
3.3 Germany – the Holy Roman Empire, the Berlin Wall
3.4 Understanding the history of German speaking countries through films (Go Trabi go; The Lives of Others; Good-bye Lenin! Sissi-trilogy; The Piano Teacher; The Swissmakers; The Last Days of Switzerland)
4. Stereotypes, self-image and self-esteem (George Mikes: Switzerland for Beginners; Germany Laughs at Herself: German cartoons since 1848)
5. Foreign relations; The EU, Switzerland’s policy of neutrality
6. Language diversity, dialects in Austria, Germany; four national languages in Switzerland and the origin of Rumantsch
7. Eating habits: Wiener Schnitzel, Oktoberfest and beer, Swiss Chocolate and Cheese
8. Folk arts, traditions, habits; National and religious festivals
9. Literature and theatre
10. Fine arts and music
11. Famous people
12. Fashion of youth through media
The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the basic notions, principles, notation and tools of algorithm theory, and enable them to program basic algorithms using a high level programming language.
Module Subject
• Structured programming and algorithm description methods: flow diagrams, pseudocode
• Type algorithms and special algorithms (recurrences and backtracking algorithms)
• Analysis and complexity of algorithms
• The asymptotic notation
• Formulating time complexity
• Basic data structures, stacks, queues, linked lists, pointers and rooted trees
• Binary search trees, operation over BSTs, and binary search
• Sorting, insertion sort and merge sort
• Heaps and priority queues; heapsort and quicksort
• Greedy algorithms (Huffman codes)
• Representation of graphs; elementary graph algorithms
• Single-source shortest path methods
The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the basic notions, principles, notation and tools of algorithm theory, and enable them to program basic algorithms using a high level programming language.
Module Subject
• Structured programming and algorithm description methods: flow diagrams, pseudocode
• Type algorithms and special algorithms (recurrences and backtracking algorithms)
• Analysis and complexity of algorithms
• The asymptotic notation
• Formulating time complexity
• Basic data structures, stacks, queues, linked lists, pointers and rooted trees
• Binary search trees, operation over BSTs, and binary search
• Sorting, insertion sort and merge sort
• Heaps and priority queues; heapsort and quicksort
• Greedy algorithms (Huffman codes)
• Representation of graphs; elementary graph algorithms
• Single-source shortest path methods
The aim of this module is to help students to
1. understand how computer programs and algorithms work;
2. be able to create simple computer programs and algorithms;
3. understand the structure of high level programming languages (through JAVA programming environment);
4. be able to use the computer much more effectively in their learning and (later) working process.
Module Subject
Course description and syllabus:
1. Introduction to module (deadlines, used programming environments etc.)
2. Introduction to Java Applications
Writing simple Java applications.
Input and output statements.
Java's primitive types.
Arithmetic operators.
The precedence of arithmetic operators.
Decision-making statements.
Relational and equality operators.
3. Conditional Statements
Use the “if, if...else” switch selection statements to choose among alternative actions.
Using the “for” repetition statement to execute statements in a program repeatedly.
Using counter-controlled repetition and sentinel-controlled repetition.
Using the compound assignment, increment and decrement operators.
Using primitive data types
4. Loop Statements
Using the “while” and “do...while” repetition statements to execute statements in a program repeatedly.
Understanding multiple selection using the switch selection statement.
Using the “break” and “continue” program control statements to alter the flow of control.
Using the logical operators to form complex conditional expressions in control statements.
5. Methods
How static methods and fields are associated with an entire class rather than specific instances of the class.
Using common mathematical methods available in the Java API.
Understanding the mechanisms for passing information between methods.
How the method call/return mechanism is supported by the method-call stack and activation records.
How packages group related classes.
How to use random-number generation to implement game-playing applications?
How the visibility of declarations is limited to specific regions of programs.
What method overloading is and how to create overloaded methods?
Writing and using recursive functions, i.e., functions that call themselves.
6. Arrays
Using arrays to store data in and retrieving data from lists and tables of values.
Declaring arrays, initializing arrays and referring to individual elements of arrays.
Using the enhanced for statement to iterate through arrays.
Passing arrays to methods.
Declaring and manipulating multidimensional arrays.
Writing methods that use variable-length argument lists.
Reading command-line arguments into a program.
7. Introduction to Classes and Objects
What are classes, objects, methods and instance variables are?
How to declare a class and use it to create an object?
How to declare methods in a class to implement the class's behaviours?
How to declare instance variables in a class to implement the class's attributes?
How to call an object's methods to make those methods perform their tasks?
The differences between instance variables of a class and local variables of a method?
How to use a constructor to ensure that an object's data is initialized when the object is created?
The differences between primitive and reference types.
8. Classes and Objects
Encapsulation and data hiding.
The notions of data abstraction and abstract data types (ADTs).
Using keyword “this”.
Using static variables and methods.
Importing static members of a class.
Using the enum type to create sets of constants with unique identifiers.
Declaring enum constants with parameters.
Organizing classes in packages to promote reuse.
9. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
How inheritance promotes software reusability.
The notions of superclasses and subclasses.
Using keyword extends to create a class that inherits attributes and behaviours from another class.
Using access modifier protected to give subclass methods access to superclass members.
Accessing superclass members with super.
How constructors are used in inheritance hierarchies.
The methods of class Object, the direct or indirect superclass of all classes in Java.
10. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism
The concept of polymorphism.
Using overridden methods to effect polymorphism.
Distinguishing between abstract and concrete classes.
Declaring abstract methods to create abstract classes.
How polymorphism makes systems extensible and maintainable.
Determining an object's type at execution time.
Declaring and implementing interfaces.
The aim of this module is to help students to
1. understand how computer programs and algorithms work;
2. be able to create simple computer programs and algorithms;
3. understand the structure of high level programming languages (through JAVA programming environment);
4. be able to use the computer much more effectively in their learning and (later) working process.
Module Subject
Course description and syllabus:
1. Introduction to module (deadlines, used programming environments etc.)
2. Introduction to Java Applications
Writing simple Java applications.
Input and output statements.
Java's primitive types.
Arithmetic operators.
The precedence of arithmetic operators.
Decision-making statements.
Relational and equality operators.
3. Conditional Statements
Use the “if, if...else” switch selection statements to choose among alternative actions.
Using the “for” repetition statement to execute statements in a program repeatedly.
Using counter-controlled repetition and sentinel-controlled repetition.
Using the compound assignment, increment and decrement operators.
Using primitive data types
4. Loop Statements
Using the “while” and “do...while” repetition statements to execute statements in a program repeatedly.
Understanding multiple selection using the switch selection statement.
Using the “break” and “continue” program control statements to alter the flow of control.
Using the logical operators to form complex conditional expressions in control statements.
5. Methods
How static methods and fields are associated with an entire class rather than specific instances of the class.
Using common mathematical methods available in the Java API.
Understanding the mechanisms for passing information between methods.
How the method call/return mechanism is supported by the method-call stack and activation records.
How packages group related classes.
How to use random-number generation to implement game-playing applications?
How the visibility of declarations is limited to specific regions of programs.
What method overloading is and how to create overloaded methods?
Writing and using recursive functions, i.e., functions that call themselves.
6. Arrays
Using arrays to store data in and retrieving data from lists and tables of values.
Declaring arrays, initializing arrays and referring to individual elements of arrays.
Using the enhanced for statement to iterate through arrays.
Passing arrays to methods.
Declaring and manipulating multidimensional arrays.
Writing methods that use variable-length argument lists.
Reading command-line arguments into a program.
7. Introduction to Classes and Objects
What are classes, objects, methods and instance variables are?
How to declare a class and use it to create an object?
How to declare methods in a class to implement the class's behaviours?
How to declare instance variables in a class to implement the class's attributes?
How to call an object's methods to make those methods perform their tasks?
The differences between instance variables of a class and local variables of a method?
How to use a constructor to ensure that an object's data is initialized when the object is created?
The differences between primitive and reference types.
8. Classes and Objects
Encapsulation and data hiding.
The notions of data abstraction and abstract data types (ADTs).
Using keyword “this”.
Using static variables and methods.
Importing static members of a class.
Using the enum type to create sets of constants with unique identifiers.
Declaring enum constants with parameters.
Organizing classes in packages to promote reuse.
9. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
How inheritance promotes software reusability.
The notions of superclasses and subclasses.
Using keyword extends to create a class that inherits attributes and behaviours from another class.
Using access modifier protected to give subclass methods access to superclass members.
Accessing superclass members with super.
How constructors are used in inheritance hierarchies.
The methods of class Object, the direct or indirect superclass of all classes in Java.
10. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism
The concept of polymorphism.
Using overridden methods to effect polymorphism.
Distinguishing between abstract and concrete classes.
Declaring abstract methods to create abstract classes.
How polymorphism makes systems extensible and maintainable.
Determining an object's type at execution time.
Declaring and implementing interfaces.
Knowledge Organization in traditional and electronic circumstances
Module Aims
The objective of this course is to put the students in a position to use, develop and evaluate systems and processes for knowledge organisation from a broad perspective so that they can also incorporate relevant knowledge from other subject areas to the best possible extent. The course will provide interdisciplinary competences in knowledge theory, the sociology of science, psychology and the language of knowledge as a basis for use, development and evaluation of systems
Module Subject
Knowledge organisation in the narrow sense is processes such as document representation, classification, indexing, metadata, thesauri, etc. that will optimise the retrieval of documents or information. Knowledge organisation in the broad sense is the intellectual work division in society, the social and cognitive organisation of the sciences, work division between various media and information systems, domains, technical language and various theoretical flows.
Traditionally, knowledge organisation in libraries has been a process where the user has been dependent on the system that the library has chosen to provide, and the connection between the narrow and the broad form of knowledge organisation has been less than substantial. With the new open conditions, where the libraries’ subject data compete with many others (including the documents themselves in full text) there is a huge requirement to strengthen the study of the broad perspective so that the information services can operate to a greater extent on the user’s terms.
- The Philosophy of KO
- Concept. The Structure of Concept and its connection to sciences
- From Paradigms of Cognition and Perception to Phenomenon
- Interdisciplinarity and KO
- Epistemological basis of KO
- Universal systems of KO
- Online KO systems
- Visualization of information
The course’s aims are on one hand to extend the students’ knowledge about the relationship between language and society, on the other hand to introduce the fundamental questions of sociolinguistics with special emphasis on Hungarian language.
Module Subject
1. The basic questions of linguistics investigation: sociolinguistics and the sociology of language
2. Language and speakers: the factors influencing the language usage, the functions of languages, the relationship between language and thinking, lingual taboo
3. Language variations: dialects, registers and styles
4. Men and women speak in different ways: genderlects
5. Data collection and analysis
6. Everyday knowledge: language myths
7. Language attitudes and prejudices
8. Life in several languages (bi- and multilingualism)
9. Language contacts
10. The question of pluricentral languages (especially in the case of Hungarian)
11. Language politics and policy (language cultivation or language planning)
The aim of the course is to give a practical overview of international trade, its practices and the current trends of the globalised market.
This course also aims at improving the students' knowledge about the EU and the Hungarian foreign trade policy, as well as the customs rules of the EU.
The course will extend the student’s knowledge about payment terms used in foreign trade relations, and will discuss the fundamental questions of company risk management.
The course provides an overview of concepts and provides specific tools that can be used to make decisions on the delivery terms to be accepted.
The students receive a compiled set of sample documents, through which they can study what the most frequently used documents are and how to fill and use them in foreign trade relations.
The course has to acquaint students with basic texts and vocabulary in different areas of payments, finance and banking. Students will also have discussions on different financial and banking topics.
The special aim of the course is to give students an insight into the calculation and pricing methods of foreign trade relations
Module Subject
1. Basic questions of international trade, introduction, annual report on EU and Hungarian export-import activity
2. Participants of international trade (contractual parties in the distribution channel, authorities, forwarders, banks, insurance companies, transporters, etc.)
3. Inquiries, quotations, offers and delivery contracts (content, forms, conditions, etc.)
4. Delivery terms, ICC publications, INCOTERMS
5. The structure of INCOTERMS 2000, terms, obligations, case studies
6. Payment terms in international trade
7. Letter of credit, CAD, open account
8. Other payment conditions, re-financing, factoring and forfeiting
9. Calculation and pricing in international trade
10. Documents used in foreign trade practice
11. Risk management and insurance in international trade
12. Revision and consolidation
manager spécialisé pour le tourisme, formation professionnelle supérieure (FSZ)
Aménagement du territoire et gestion de commune en Hongrie
Annamária KOROM
Module Aims
Objectif de la formation:
Objéctifs généraux:
- Connaître l’histoire de l’aménagement du territoire en Hongrie et en France
- Connaître les courants théoriques de ce domaine
- Connaître quelques aspects pratiques de la gestion de commune
- Connaître le cadre législatif et institutionnel : les lois principaux, l’évolution institutionnelle et les stratégies des acteurs
- Apprendre a maîtriser les méthodes de base de différentes étapes de l’élaboration des programmes
Module Subject
Descriptif et thématique du cours:
Contenu des cours :
1. Clarification de la définiton des mots clés.
2. Fonctionnement et tâches de la municipalité.
3. Rôle des habitants et du secteur privé dans le développement de la commune
4. Relation entre la politique de commune, la politique du développement de territoire et la planification de commune. Le rôle du manager de commune
5. Ressources des statistiques des communes et analyse des statistiques
6. Planification stratégique : I. préparation de la description d’une commune
7. Planification stratégique : II. méthodes - SWOT et STEP
8. Planification stratégique : III. création de « l’arbre des problemes » et de « l’arbre des objectifs » (systemes des problemes et des objectifs d’une commune)
9. Histoire de l’aménagement du territoire en Hongrie
10. Cadre législatif et institutionnelle : les lois principales, l’évolution institutionnelle et les stratégies d’acteurs
Compétences visées :
- savoir collectioner des statistiques de base et mener une analyse de ces statistiques
- savoir utiliser les méthodes de base présentées pendant les cours
Méthodologie :
L’alternance d’exposés et d’ateliers permettra aux participants d’etre actifs et de tirer profit des échanges d’expériences/ de pensées a l’intérieur du groupe.
The primary goal of this course is to extend and to deepen our students’ knowledge about different fields of mathematics. We are going to make students familiar with new basic notions, basic theorems, and principles. This mathematical material gives a very good foundation for studying other mathematical subjects in the future years.
Module Subject
1. Sets, subsets, proper subsets, set operations (union,
intersection, complement of set, etc.). Venn diagram.
2. Correspondences, functions (domain, image, etc.), compositions of functions.
3. One-to-one function (or injective function), onto function (or surjective function), inverse function.
4. Mathematical induction, and Peano axioms.
5. Recursive definition. The simplest form of recursive definition.
Fibonacci numbers.
6. Division. The basic properties of divisibility of integers. Numeral systems.
7. Real, rational and irrational numbers. Finite and infinite decimal fractions.
8. Complex numbers.
9. Polynomials, the degree of polynomials. Operations with
10. The pigeon-hole principle, variation, variation with repetitions.
11. Permutation, permutation with repetitions.
12. Combination, combination with repetitions. The binomial
The aim of the course is to develop the students’ problem-solving abilities, critical thinking and creativity. Problem-solving can only be learned through solving problems, supported by methods and strategies.
Module Subject
• Models of the problem-solving process
• Strategy: work backwards
• Strategy: draw a figure
• The steps of the problem-solving process – as different roles in a situation
• Problems from Harry Potter
• “Problem bushes” – continue with new questions
• One model – different texts
• Create games from mathematical problems
• Guess – proof; critical thinking
• Colouring proofs
• Pursue parity
• Invariance Principle
• Creativity – mathematical puzzles
Zoltán Kodály and the Hungarian concept of music pedagogy
Module Aims
Introduction to the critical study of Hungarian music history, including representative composers, works, and genres, as well as significant concepts and issues. This course introduces historical and conceptual frameworks that will help students understand musical pieces from 1600 until present time. The focus is on representative works and musical styles, and on the rewards and frustrations of studying music in a historical context.
Module Subject
This course provides an overview of the main processes of musical events in the Hungarian history of music from cca.1600 until present days. Although the subject focuses on Hungarian history of music, broader European connections and influences are also considered. Cultural and historical considerations are explored. Lectures illustrated with musical examples, video, slides, and other materials; discussion sections.
The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the famous Hungarian composer Béla Bartók, his colleagues and contemporary music. Students will acquaint themselves with their most important works.
Module Subject
1. The most important Hungarian composer of the 20th century: Béla Bartók
2. The works of Béla Bartók
3. The most important Hungarian composers of the 20th century and their compositions.
4. The most important 21st-century composer of Szeged: István Vántus
5. The detailed program of the “Contemporary Music Week of Szeged” (28. 11. 2010 – 02. 12. 2010)
6 The works of 21st-century composers (Vántus, Kocsár, Durkó ) (28. 11. 2010, concert hall)
7. 21st-century composition in music pedagogy (the piano works of Papp Lajos, Sári József) ) (29. 11. 2010)
8. A famous artist and her guests (Temesi Mária and her guests) (30. 11. 2010)
9. Presentation of a 21st-century composer (Eötvös Péter and his compositions ) (1. 12 . 2010)
10. Chamber and choral music of the 21st century (2. 12. 2010 )
The aim of this course is to get students familiar with songs related to nature. Students sing the songs by ear with the help of electronic material and try to perform them. Relying on the music sheets, they are expected to solmizate the songs and perform further improvisational tasks. They listen to suggested listening material related to the topic, which will enhance the enrichment of their emotional experience. The discussion of the pieces helps them become familiar with the various musical periods. They are expected to observe the characteristic features of the pieces and explain what musical tools are used in them to reflect nature and its influence on people. They do individual research to collect other listening pieces related to the topics and compare the different performances.
This course, “Organisation Development” is designed for students with little or no background in organisation development, health or health promotion. The purpose of the course is to provide an introduction into the organisational background of health promotion methods. The major objectives of the course are:
1. To provide an orgasizational context for health promotion in a multicultural learning environment.
2. To recognize important trends and changes in the concepts of health and health promotion these days.
3. To analyze project management techniques in health promotion in light of these trends, and identify their organisational background in real examples.
4. To assess the impact of health promotion projects on different kinds of organisations.
Module Subject
We will identify how individuals’ lifestyle and health behavior depend on organisations which they are members of. Students will explore important factors which influence the functioning of organisations and analyze their health promotion consequences. It will help us to understand the theoretical background of project management in health promotion. The principle aim of health promotion projects is to initiate an organisational change influences the individuals’ lifestyle towards health in a certain organization. This theoretical knowledge will be deepened by discussing case studies, which prepare the students to transfer their knowledge to practice. Main topics:
1. Basic principles of the concept of health promotion.
2. Definitions of organisation and institution. Formal and informal organizations.
3. Characteristics of organisations. Organisational strategy
4. Organisational models and their importance in health promotion.
5. Characteristics of organisational culture. The relationship between organisational culture and health.
6. Definitions and types of health promotion projects. The importance of the project management in health promotion.
7. Attributes of the efficient project organisations.
8. Circular target planning in health promotion projects. Development of Project Leadership
The course is a combination of lectures, group works and case studies. The schedule of case studies is discussed at the first lecture.
Цели и задачи предмета:
Предмет Основы менеджмента (FK_0001/021) (Vállalkozásmenedzsment = Business Management) преподаётся в III-ьем семестре при подготовке специалистов «Менеджер высшей квалификации по внешней торговле (02) F_KIU (02)», а также как общеобразовательный предмет по выбору для студентов любого факультета и любой специальности университета (владеющих русским языком на среднем уровне). Предмет преподаётся также при подготовке специалистов экономистов бакалаврского уровня (10B128 Management 2; 10 B102 Management 1.)
В рамках этого предмета студенты, с одной стороны, ознакомятся с менеджментом как наукой, возникшей на базе практического опыта управления, опирающейся на всей сумме знаний об управлении, накопленных человечеством, и содержащей концепции, теории, принципы, способы и формы управления. С другой стороны, менеджмент изучает искусство управления организациями, сложными социально-техническими системами. Кроме того, менеджмент уделяет большое внимание человеческому фактору, который определяет эффективность и функционирование управления производством.
Любой менеджмент происходит внутри определённой организации. При этом управляют созданием этой организации, взаимодействием ее частей, производственным процессом, развитием организации, ее взаимоотношениями с другими субъектами рыночной среды.
Module Subject
1. Введение. Предмет курса. Производственный процесс - основа деятельности фирмы.
Внутрифирменное управление и управление фирмой как субъектом рынка. Менеджмент: наука или искусство.
2. Сущность, цели и задачи менеджмента Сущность менеджмента. Основное содержание общих целей и ограничений. Миссия организации: сущность, содержание. Нормативные требования к управлению и политика деятельности фирмы. Этика и культура фирмы. Задачи и этика поведения профессиональных менеджеров .Иерархия управления.
3. Природа и состав функций менеджмента. Понятие и классификация функций управления. Основное содержание конкретных функций управления фирмой.
4. Значение успеха - организационные отношения в системе менеджмента. Понятие успеха - организация и организационная структура. Сравнение структур управления. Положения о подразделениях управления и должностные инструкции. Совет директоров как орган управления акционерной компанией. Практика управления крупной зарубежной фирмой. Успех со стороны менеджмента персонального фактора.
5. Основные методы управления. Экономические методы управления. Организационно-распорядительные методы управления. Социально-психологические методы управления. Мотивация исполнителя.
6. Процессы решения проблем и принятия решения и управления. Содержание процесса решения проблем управления. Место решения проблем в процессе управления. Структура и процесс принятия решения. Распределение полномочий на принятие решений. Риск при принятии решений.
7. Информация и коммуникация в менеджменте. Понятие и значение информации и коммуникации. Критерии проектирования информационных систем и системы коммуникаций. Информационные технологии в интересах принятия управленческих решений. Основные тенденции развития информатики (информатизации) и форм коммуникаций в бизнесе.
8. Планирование как одна из важнейших функций менеджмента. Место планирования и прогнозирования в менеджменте. Обзор техники и видов планирования. Система прогнозов и планов фирмы. Методы разработки и объекты прогнозов на уровне предприятия (фирмы). Экстраполяционное прогнозирование. Роль нормативов в планировании. Комплексный подход к разработке производственной программы предприятия.
9. Стратегический менеджмент. Стратегия и практическая деятельность фирмы. Выделение ключевых результатов деятельности отдельных менеджеров. Роль ответственности в процессе управления. Координация и регулирование в процессе управления по ситуациям.
10. Контроль и анализ в процессе менеджмента. Понятие и виды анализа и контроля. Процесс и выбор варианта форм контроля и анализа. Методы анализа окружающей среды. Типы систем контроля. Понятие и содержание анализа хозяйственной деятельности предприятия.
11.Эффективность и стиль руководства. Содержание работы руководителя. Стиль управления. Эффективность стиля управления..
12. История теории менеджмента I. Условия и факторы возникновения и развития менеджмента. Американская теория менеджмента: теория Петера Друккера и других.
13. История теории менеджмента II. Этапы и школы в истории менеджмента – классические и современные направления. Характерные черты японского менеджмента.
14. Подведение итогов.
Le changement de régime et le retour a la démocratie en Hongrie (only in 2nd semester)
Miklós NAGY
Module Aims
L’objectif principal du module est la présentation des particularités de la démocratie populaire en Hongrie et de l’évolution politique et sociale apres le changement de régime. Apres l’analyse de la crise du régime communiste, on examine les particularités de la transition démocratique, le nouveau systeme politique, ainsi que les caractéristiques de la politique étrangere et le développement des relations entre la Hongrie et l’Union européenne.
Module Subject
* Les caractéristiques de la démocratie populaire en Hongrie
* La crise du régime Kádár
* Les particularités de la transition démocratique
* Le systeme politique (systeme électorale, partis politiques)
* Politique étrangere , les relations entre la Hongrie et l’Union Européenne
La Hongrie dans l’Europe du XXeme siecle (only in 2nd semester)
Miklós NAGY
Module Aims
Attirer l’attention des étudiants aux particularités de l’histoire de l’Europe centrale et orientale Développement du sens de l’altérité, de la diversité culturelle et de la capacité de communication interculturelle
Module Subject
. L’objectif principal des cours est la présentation de la Hongrie dans l’Europe de XXe siecle. Apres l’analyse des particularités de la démocratie populaire hongroise on examinera les caractéristiques de la transition démocratique, le nouveau systeme politique et le développement des relations entre la Hongrie et 1’Union européenne
Dans ce cadre lá on traitera les sujets suivants:
-L’ évolution et les caractéristiques de la démocratie populaire en Hongrie
- La présentation de l’histoire des démocraties populaires dans les manuels d’histoire en France et en Hongrie
-Les particularités du changement de régime en Hongrie
- La Hongrie et l’Union européenne
The course is designed to lead you through a progressive sequence of thoughts needed to cover the main lines of approach to all the important aspects of starting and running a small business.
This course should help to make you aware of what there is to do and why you should consider doing it in an enterprise.
Module Subject
This course will review the origins and development of business, and explain fundamental concepts and the business system. You learn about some important management considerations and how to win in business. It will give you a better understanding of the people skills that will lead you to success. You will learn about the important ways in which management contributes to the success of business and some of the essential methods and tools managers use to increase their own productivity, as well as that of the business.
You will study how to make a business plan and understand and analyze the financial statements and annual report.
The various aspects covered are not parcelled up into formal subjects. It avoids going everything in detail so as not to be overcomplicated.