Course descriptions for ERASMUS students
Course Code | |
Module | Geography |
Title: | Hungary – land, people, regions (only in 1st semester) |
Teacher: | Péter BAJMÓCY, Ági PAP |
Contact: | |
Level | BA |
Termin | All |
Module Aims |
The special aim of the course: the participants will be able to understand the geography of Hungary , get knowledge about the people of Hungary and the neighbouring countries and also get information about the different regions of Hungary . They can become acquinted with the useful data and other information sources during the course. |
Module Subject |
The issues of the module: 1. Hungary : location and physical geography 2. Hungary : people, demography 3. The Hungarians. National minorities in the Carpathian-Basin 4. The Roma (Gipsy) population of Hungary 5. Religions in the Carpathian-Basin 6. Traditions and gastronomy in Hungary 7. Regionalism in Hungary . Regions I. 8. Regions II. |
Number of Credits | 2 |
Course Code | |
Module | Geography |
Title: | Tourism Development in Hungary (only in 1st semester) |
Teacher: | Tünde JURAY |
Contact: | |
Level | BA |
Termin | SPRING |
Module Aims |
The special aim of the course: the participants will be able to understand the Hungarian tourism system and policy and to compare the Hungarian model their mother country ones by the end of the lecture. They can become acquinted with the useful data and other information sources during the course. |
Module Subject |
The issues of the module: 1. Institutional and legal background of the Hungarian tourism 2. The history of tour operation in Hungary 3. Tourism policy in Hungary 4. Regional development and tourism 5. Regional differences in Hungarian tourism 6. Tourism marketing activity 7. Tendences the domestic tourism in Hungary especially the processes after 1990 8. Hungary 's incoming (international) tourism 9. The role of tourism in the hard city competition 10. Regional and local tourism planning, making tourism conceptions (case studies) |
Number of Credits | 2 |
Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Course Code | XSE031:ERASTEF13E |
Title: | Environmental Geography (only in 1st semester) |
Teacher: | György SIPOS, Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The aim of the course to introduce the students to urban ecology, landscape planning and applied geomorphology, using Hungarian case studies. A special attention will be paid on relations between the system-elements of the different landscapes. Furthermore, the aim is to teach the students how to evaluate and present field measurements |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Number of Credits | 3 |
Course Code | XSE041:ERASTEF09G |
Title: | Geospatial data collection and processing (Geoinformatics fieldwork) (only in 1st semester) |
Teacher: | Szatmári J., Tobak Z., Van Leeuwen B., Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Number of Credits | 5 |
Course Code | XSE031: ERASTEF11E |
Title: | Environmental capabilities, hazards and conflicts (only in 1st semester) |
Teacher: | Gábor MEZŐSI, Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Number of Credits | 3 |
Course Code | XSE031: ERASTEF12E |
Title: | Applied Hydrography (only in 1st semester) |
Teacher: | Tímea KISS, Faculty of Science / Physical Geography and Geoinformatics |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
1. To point on the facts, that
2. To teach the students how to evaluate and present hydrological data |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Number of Credits | 3 |
Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Science and Informatics /Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
Course Code | XSE031-celbio1 |
Title: | Cell Biology 1 |
Teacher: | Prof. Károly GULYA, Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The two-semester-long Cell Biology curriculum provides a strong core knowledge with strong emphasis on the interrelationship between the structural, molecular and functional aspects of the cell. During the first semester the major topics include the structural and molecular basis of cellular compartmentalization, protein trafficking, cytoskeleton, molecular motors, cell cyle and proliferation, cell death/survival, and cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
1) Research methods in cell biology. |
Number of Credits | 3 |
Course Code | |
Title: | Cell Biology 2 (only in 2nd semester) |
Teacher: | Prof. Károly GULYA, Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine |
Contact: |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The two-semester-long Cell Biology curriculum provides a strong core knowledge with emphasis on the interrelationship between the structural, molecular and functional aspects of the cell. The second semester will deal with the inter- and intracellular signalization phenomena, e.g. the cell-cell signalization processes, the intracellular signalization pathways, and target cell adaptation. A series of lectures will deal with the regulation of gene expression, the embryonic and adult stem cells, cell differentiation and tissue repair. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
1) General characteristics of cell signalization. |
Number of Credits | 3 |
Course Code | YSE_TTIK-8 |
Title: | Cell and tissue cultures: theory and practice |
Teacher: | Prof. Károly GULYA, Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine |
Contact: |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The course introduces the students to various cell and tissue culturing methods widely used in vertebrate neurosciences. After a thorough theoretical introduction, the students will be trained in basic aseptic techniques and cell culture practical skills, and study cell differentiation in various in vitro systems (e.g., cultures from adult rat bone marrow, and embryonic chicken and rat cerebral cortices). |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Theoretical background: cell and tissue culture techniques (4 x 4 hours, 4 hours / week / 4 weeks) 1). In vitro maintenance of embryonal and adult cells and tissues. Isolation of cells, maintaining subcultures, cell passaging. Manipulation and differentiation of cultured cells. Cell transfection, transduction. Cell viability. Utilization of in vitro systems in molecular medicine. Tissue engineering. Major cell lines. 2) Culturing media. Mitogens. Minimal/essential culturing media, supplements. Maintenance of sterile environment. Major equipments of the cell culturing lab (thermostat, laminar flow, microscopes, centrifuge, etc.). 3) Preparation and culture of adult bone marrow cells and its derivatives. Primary cortical and hippocampal cell cultures (chick and rat). Preparation and maintenance of mixed (neuronal and glial) cultures. Organotypic cell and tissue cultures. Preparation and in vitro maintenance of explant cultures. 4) In vitro phenotyping. Immunocytochemistry, Western blot analysis. Neuronal and glial markers. Introductory practicals, practicing sterile work (2 x 4 hours, 4 hours / week, 2 weeks) 5) The sterile laborator environment. Maintaining aseptic working environment, working with culturing media, without cells. 6) Preparation of bone marrow cells from young adult rats. Removal of bone marrow, purification, centrifugation. Cell counting techniques. Preparation of cell smears. May-Grünwald/Giemsa staining. Practicals with rat bone marrow cell cultures (2 x 4 hours, 4 hours / week, 2 weeks) 7) Preparation of bone marrow cells from young adult rats. Removal of bone marrow, purification, centrifugation, plating. Treatment with mitogens. 8) Collection of mitogen-treated bone marrow-derived cells (neurospheres, DIV7) for Western blot analysis. Determination of protein content. Practicals with primary cultures from embryonal chicken forebrain (2 x 4 hours, 4 hours / week, 2 weeks) 9) Preparation of primary cultures from embryonal chicken forebrain (E16-E18). Tissue removal, purification, centrifugation. Cell counting. Plating to petri dishes. 10) AChE histochemistry on chicken forebrain cultures. Digital imaging in light microscopy, making of microphotographs. Trypsin treatment, passage of cultured cells for further culturing.
Practicals with primary cultures from embryonic rats (3 x 4 hours, 4 hours / week, 3 weeks) 11) Isolation of cerebral cortical tissue samples from E18 rat embryos. Tissue preparation, purification, centrifugation. Cell counting. Plating to petri dishes. 12-13) Fluorescent immunocytochemical detection of GFAP in astrocytes in primary cortical cultures (DIV7). Digital microphotography on GFAP positive astrocytes (2 days).
Number of Credits | 6
Course Code | |
Title: | Molecular Medicine (only in 1st semester) |
Teacher: | Prof. Károly GULYA, Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine |
Contact: |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The course will introduce the students to selected up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and methods in molecular medicine. Major topics include molecular genetic and cell biology methods in the clinical practice, genomic and proteomic techniques, cell and tissue culture methods. Diagnostic methods based on immunologic and nucleic acid hybridization will be discussed. A series of lectures will deal with cell signalization processes and the regulation of gene expression. Gene expresion profiling and its diagnostic value will be discussed. Embryonal and adult stem cells and their possible therapeutic use, as well as telomerase-directed molecular therapy, immunotherapy and antitumour immune responses will be discussed in detail. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
1) Molecular genetic and cell biology methods in the clinical practice. Diagnostic methods based on immunologic techniques (RIA, ELISA, Western blot analysis, immunocytology, etc.). |
Number of Credits | 2 |
Course Code | YSE_TTIK-9 |
Title: | Research Project (only in 1st semester) |
Teacher: | Prof. Károly GULYA, Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine |
Contact: |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The students will design and carry out a research project related to one of the major research interests of the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
The major fields of interest are 1) regulation of neuronal gene expression in physiological, pathophysiological and experimental conditions in vivo and in vitro; 2) in vitro neuronal and glial cell phenotyping; 3) roles of microglial cells in neurodegenerative processes in vivo and in vitro. |
Number of Credits | 15 |
Course Code | YSE_TTIK-10 |
Title: | Research Project (only in 2nd semester) |
Teacher: | Prof. Károly GULYA, Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine |
Contact: |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The students will design and carry out a research project related to one of the major research interests of the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
The major fields of interest are 1) regulation of neuronal gene expression in physiological, pathophysiological and experimental conditions in vivo and in vitro; 2) in vitro neuronal and glial cell phenotyping; 3) roles of microglial cells in neurodegenerative processes in vivo and in vitro. |
Number of Credits | 15 |
Faculty of Science and Informatics /Department of Plant Biology
Course Code | |
Title: | Fluorescent Probes (only in 1st semester, acad. year 2011/2012) |
Teacher: | Gábor LASKAY, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of Plant Biology |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The aim of this module is to give a comprehensive treatise to the interested students on the theoretical and practical aspects of using fluorescent probes in biology. These dyes have become indispensable means in nearly every area of modern biology and they have literally revolutionised this science. The module will explain the importance of fluorescent dyes, it will give a historical background, a bit of chemistry and it will be finished with a practical demonstration. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
The module will comprise the following topics: |
Number of Credits | 2 |
Course Code | |
Title: | Cell Communication (only in 2nd semester, acad. year 2011/2012) |
Teacher: | Gábor LASKAY, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of Plant Biology |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The aim of the module is to give a comprehensive treatise on the various ways the cells communicate with each other. It will focus on the cell communication networks in multicellular organisms, but the evolution of communication and signaling pathways will also be discussed. Special emphasis will be given to cancer cells and they can avert the commands arriving from other parts of the body. The course will finish with introduction of the students to the various techniques that are used to study cell communication. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
The module will comprise the following topics: |
Number of Credits | 2
Faculty of Science and Informatics /Institute of Informatics
Course Code | XSE041-IB042e |
Title: | Digital image processing (only in 2nd semester) |
Teacher: | Kálmán PALÁGYI, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Institute of Informatics |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The course is to provide mathematical foundations and practical techniques for digital manipulation of images; image acquisition; preprocessing (smoothing, filtering, restoration); segmentation; feature extraction; shape representation; and compression. Education Aims: To introduce the fundamentals of digital image processing theory and practice. To gain practical experience in writing programs for manipulating digital images. Education Aims: To introduce the fundamentals of digital image processing theory and practice. To gain practical experience in writing programs for manipulating digital images. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Number of Credits | 5 |
Course Code | IB501 |
Title: | Databases |
Teacher: | Endre KATONA, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Institute of Informatics |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Number of Credits | 4 |
Course Code | IB304 |
Title: | Algorithms and Data Stucture 1 |
Teacher: | Csanád IMREH, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Institute of Informatics |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The students has to learn the basic data sructures (linked lists, binary heap, stack, queue, trees), some advanced data structures (binary search trees, priority queue) and some basic techniques of designing algorithm (divide-and-conquer, programming greedy, dynamics programming). Moreover they have to learn the most importants orting algorithms and graph algorithms. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Overview of algorithmic design, Asymptotic notations and their properties Time complexity analysis of algorithms Elementary data structures (linked lists, binary heap, stack, queue, trees), advanced data structures: binary search trees, priority queue. Algorithm design techniques (divide-and-conquer, greedy, dynamics programming); Sorting and searching algorithms. Graph algorithms, Breadth-First-Search (BFS) and shortest paths, Depth-First-Search (DFS), Topological sorting, Strongly connected components, Minimum Spanning Trees (greedy algorithms: Kruskal, Prim), Single Source Shortest Paths (Dijkstra), All Pairs Shortest Paths (dynamic programming: Floyd-Warshall) |
Number of Credits | 4 |
Course Code | IB404 |
Title: | Algorithms and Data Stucture 2 |
Teacher: | Csanád IMREH, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Institute of Informatics |
Contact: | |
Module Aims (minimum 210 characters) |
The students have to learn many advanced data sructures (Hash tables, AVL trees.Red-black trees, B-trees, Disjoint sets management, Fibonacci heap, binomial heap), and some advanced techniques of designing algorithm (backtrack, branch and bound). Moreover they have to learn some important subfield of the theory of algorithms. |
Module Subject (minimum 350 characters) |
Medians, sound samples, the k-th smallest element selection algorithms. Backtracking (n Queen, knapsack) Branch and bound (knapsack). Advanced data structures (Hash tables, AVL trees, Red-black trees, B-trees, Disjoint sets management, Fibonacci heap, binomial heap) Amortized analysis. Special areas of algorithmic design: geometric algorithms, pattern matching (the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm), arithmetic algorithms (public key encryption), approximation algorithms (travelling salesman), online algorithms, randomized algorithms. |
Number of Credits | 4 |