Course descriptions for ERASMUS students
1st semester, academic year 2015/2016

"Juhasz Gyula" Faculty of Education


Course Code 04.40
Module Hungrian Tourism
Title: Assistant professor
Teacher: Péter Mihály
Contact: mihalypeter[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Module aims to present tourism features of Hungary.

Module Subject

Tematic of course: Hungary is situated in Carpatian Basin, Hungarian border and border stations, Hungary's nature (relief, hyrography, climate) and national parks, Cultural sights in 9 Hungarian tourism regions. Architectural styles in Hungary, World Heritage sites in Hungary. Spa-tourism, events, Hungarian minorities' cultures, Hungarian gastronomy, Tourism of Szeged, Dark tourism and bunker tourism of Hungary, etc.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 08.30
Module 0
Title: History of Transylvania
Teacher: Péter Wéber
Contact: pweber73[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The course aims are to diversify the history knowledge of the students regarding Hungarian and Romanian history, to make them familiar with the particularities of a multiethnnic historical entity as well as with the cultural heritage, traditions and legends of the peoples living in Transylvania.

Module Subject

The subject of the course consists in presenting the different narratives (Hungarian, Romanian, Saxon) related to the foundation myths and the profesional historical analysis of the early medieval history of Transylvania. Going through the entire medieval, modern and contemporary periods, the relevant historical events will be approached of different points of view, as these have been interpreted by contemporary Romanian and Hungarian historians.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 08.30
Module 0
Title: Hungary' s Role in the European History of the XX-th Century
Teacher: Péter Wéber
Contact: pweber73[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The course aims to develop the knowledge of the students on modern and recent Hungarian History in order to make enable them a better understanding of present day Hungarian society and political system as well as the relations between Hungary and its neighbour countries and its place in the family of the European nations.

Module Subject

The subject of this module is refers to modern and contemporary Hungarian history including the main events and phenomenon that occurred in the Hungarian political life and society since the middel of the XIX century explainig in a larger, European context the evolutions of the Hungarian state and society till the recent history. A special focus reflects on the relation of the Hungarians with other peoples living in central and Eastern Europe like Romanians, Slovaks, Serbs, Croatians, Austrians, Germans.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Förderung der Sprachkompetenz 1
Title: Förderung der Sprachkompetenz 1
Teacher: Ágnes Dibó-Borbély
Contact: dibone[et]
Termin 1st
Module Aims
Der Kurs dient der Vorbereitung auf die Grundprüfung am Ende des 2. Semesters, in der die vier sprachlichen Grundfertigkeiten (Hörverstehen, Leseverstehen, Schreiben, Sprechen) auf der Niveaustufe C1 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens überprüft werden.

Module Subject

Hörverstehen 1. Hörstrategien (globales, selektives und detailliertes Hören) 2. Antizipationen 3. Schlüsselwörter 4. Semantische und grammatische Gliederungssignale 5. Mitschreibtechniken (Abkürzungen) 6. Textsorten 1 (Meldung, Bericht, Reportage) 7. Textsorten 2 (Report, Interview) 8. Textsorten 3 (Diskussion, Debatte) Schreiben 1. Textsorten 1(Beschreibung von Grafiken und Schaubildern) 2. Textsorten 2 (Stellungnahme, Meinungsäußerung, Argumentation) 3. Redemittel für die eigene Textproduktion 1 (Angabe und Abgrenzung des Themas, Gliederung und Strukturierungselemente) 4. Redemittel für die eigene Textproduktion 2 (Bezüge zum Vorwissen, Anführung von Beispielen) 5. Redemittel zur eigenen Textproduktion 3 (Aspekte, Behauptungen, Argumente) 6. Redemittel zur eigenen Textproduktion 4 (Zusammenfassung, abschließende Bemerkungen) 7-12. Entwicklung der Schreibkompetenz in der Praxis
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Förderung der Sprachkompetenz 2
Title: Förderung der Sprachkompetenz 2
Teacher: Ágnes Dibó-Borbély
Contact: dibone[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Der Kurs dient der Vorbereitung auf die Grundprüfung am Ende des 2. Semesters, in der die vier sprachlichen Grundfertigkeiten (Hörverstehen, Leseverstehen, Schreiben, Sprechen) auf der Niveaustufe C1 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens überprüft werden.

Module Subject

Leseverstehen 1. Leseziele - Lesestrategien 2. Orientierendes Lesen 3. Kursorisches Lesen 4. Selektives Lesen 5. Detailliertes lesen 6. Textzusammenfassung 7. Konsequenzen, Meinungsäußerung 8. Überbrückungsmöglichkeiten der Verstehensdefizite Sprechen 9. Diskussion 10. Meinungsäußerung, Argumentierungstechniken 11. Kurzvortrag 12. Fehlerkorrektur im Gespräch
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Kontrastive Lingustik
Title: Kontrastive Linguistik
Teacher: Erzsébet Dr. habil. Drahota-Szabó
Contact: drahota[et]
Termin 1st
Module Aims
Schwierigkeiten beim Fremdsprachenlernen werden oft durch die Muttersprache verursacht, genauso wie auch viele Fehler als Interferenzfehler zu betrachten sind. Die Erschließung der Divergenzen zwischen der Muttersprache und der Fremdsprache soll dazu beitragen, Lernschwierigkeiten abzubauen. Der Kurs will die Herausbildung einer bewussten Sprachbetrachtung fördern.

Module Subject

Thematik: 1) In der Einführung wird auf Möglichkeiten der Klassifizierung der Sprachen, vor allem auf die Klassifizierung nach dem formalen Aufbau, d. h. auf die Sprachtypen eingegangen. 2) Als Ausgangssprache dient das Deutsche, wobei zuerst Bereiche aus der Morphologie herausgegriffen werden (z. B. die Genusproblematik bei Substantiven, Personal- und Possessivpronomina; Möglichkeiten der Pluralbildung von Substantiven; Deklination der Adjektive in unterschiedlichen Satzgliedfunktionen; die Konjugation und das Tempussystem, Perfektbildung mit haben und sein; Bildung und Verwendung der Numeralia usw.). 3) Des Weiteren werden ausgewählte typische Interferenzfehler thematisiert (z. B. Fehler bei der Negation, beim nominalen Prädikat und vor allem valenzbedingte Fehler). 4) Im Bereich der Lexik wird wiederum vom Deutschen ausgegangen: Es werden Teile des lexikalischen Bestandes ausgewählter Sprachen miteinander kontrastiert, welche die Äquivalenztypen Eins-zu-viele-Entsprechung, Viele-zu-eins-Entsprechung, Eins-zu-Teil-Entsprechung belegen. Die Eins-zu-Null-Entsprechung wird ausführlich behandelt, da die Realien auch aus übersetzungstheoretischer und -praktischer Sicht große Relevanz haben. Als Material werden auch literarische Texte eingesetzt.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Phraseologie
Title: Phraseologie
Teacher: Erzsébet Dr. habil. Drahota-Szabó
Contact: drahota[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Phraseologismen einen relevanten Teil des lexikalischen Bestandes darstellen: Die Kenntnis der festen Wortverbindungen ist für das Beherrschen einer Sprache unumgänglich. Bei der Vermittlung von Phraseologismen im Sprachunterricht tauchen zwei grundlegende Fragen auf: Erstens welche Phraseologismen, zweitens wie sollten diese vermittelt werden? Bei der Auswahl gilt als oberstes Prinzip die funktional-kommunikative Relevanz: Bei den Sprichwörtern soll die Vermittlung des parömiologischen Minimums des Deutschen im Mittelpunkt stehen, im Kontrast zum Ungarischen und zum Slowakischen. Bei der methodisch-didaktischen Darbietung soll einerseits die Kontrastivität, andererseits die Einbettung in sprachliche Kontexte verfolgt werden. Die textstrukturierende Funktion der Phraseologismen wird in unterschiedlichen Textsorten untersucht, genauer in Werbetexten und in Sprachwitzen. Auf Grund von literarischen Texten wird auf die Problematik der Übersetzbarkeit eingegangen. Den kultur- und sprachenspezifischen Phraseologismen, d. h. den Realien-Phraseologismen wird besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt.

Module Subject

1. Theoretische Grundlagen zur Phraseologie • Gegenstand und Aufgaben der Phraseologie als sprachwissenschaftlicher Disziplin • Abgrenzung der Phraseologismen von den freien Wortverbindungen (Tests) • Phraseologismen im engeren und im weiteren Sinne – gemeinsame Merkmale der Phraseologismen 2. Klassifikation der Phraseologismen I: • Referentielle Phraseologismen:  Nominative Phraseologismen (Idiome, Teil-Idiome und Kollokationen)  Propositionale Phraseologismen (feste Phrasen und topische Formeln) 3. Klassifikation der Phraseologismen II: • Strukturelle Phraseologismen • Kommunikative Phraseologismen (Routineformeln)) 4. Kontrastive Phraseologie I.: • Theoretische Grundlagen zur kontrastiven Phraseologie:  Die Vergleichsbasis (tertium comparationis)  Vergleich auf der semantischen Ebene  Vergleich auf der formalen Ebene (Bildspenderbereich, Komponentenzahl und morphologische Charakteristika)  Vergleich auf der stilistischen Ebene 5. Äquivalenztypen • Phraseologische Entsprechung (weitgehende Äquivalenz, partielle Äquivalenz und funktionale Bedeutungsäquivalenz) • Lexikalische Entsprechung • Nulläquivalenz • Pseudoäquivalenz (zwischensprachliche Homonymie und Enantiosemie) 6. Sprichwörter I: • Das parömische Minimum des Deutschen im Kontrast zum Ungarischen und zu anderen Sprachen 7. Sprichwörter II: • Die Bekanntheit des deutschen parömischen Minimums unter ausländischen GermanistikstudentInnen – Interferenzerscheinungen 8. Sprichwörter III: • Die Sprichwörter unter pragmatischem Aspekt: die Stellung der Sprichwörter in der heutigen Sprachverwendung – Persiflagen, Parodien, Anti-Sprichwörter, Wellerismen 9. Phraseologismen im Text I: • Phraseologismen als textstrukturierende Elemente in Werbetexten 10. Phraseologismen im Text II: • Phraseologismen als textstrukturierende Elemente in Sprachwitzen 11. Phraseologismen im Text III: • Die Übersetzungsrelevanz der Phraseologismen:  die quantitative Relevanz  die qualitative Relevanz: die stilistische Relevanz, die pragmatische Relevanz und die textlinguistische Relevanz 12. Zur Übersetzungsproblematik der textkonstitutiven Phraseologismen in literarischen Texten 13. Phraseologie und DaF: Phraseologie-Vermittlung als Kulturvermittlung (die Realien-Phraseologismen)
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur 1 (Vorlesung)
Title: Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur 1 (Vorlesung)
Teacher: Eszter Dr. habil. Propszt
Contact: propszte[et]
Termin 1st
Module Aims
Der Kurs bietet einen orientierenden Überblick über die Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur, es werden Tendenzen, Gattungen, bedeutende Ouevres und Werke dargestellt; es werden analytische Fertigkeiten, analytisches Denken, Kreativität, sowie sprachliche Kompetenzen der Studenten gefördert. Indem der Kurs die Literatur als einen Modus der Identitätskonstruktion fasst, möchte er auch die reflexiven Fähigkeiten der Teilnehmer entwickeln. Die Liste der zu erörternden Werke wird bei jeder Ankündigung des Kurses aktualisiert.

Module Subject

Ausführliche Thematik des Kurses: • Literatur und Identität (Identitätsvorlagen) • Literatur und Identität (Narration) • Deutschsprachige Literatur in Ungarn von dem Mittelalter bis zu der Romantik • Deutschsprachige Literatur in Ungarn zwischen 1848/49 und 1918 • Literatur und Politik • Die 70er Jahre (Rittinger, Márnai-Mann, Fath) • Die 70er Jahre (Áts) • Die 70er Jahre (Wittmann, Fischer) • Die 80er Jahre (Sziebert, Fischer) Die 80er Jahre (Klotz, Michaelisz)
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur 1 (Seminar)
Title: Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur 1 (Vorlesung)
Teacher: Eszter Dr. habil. Propszt
Contact: propszte[et]
Termin 1st
Module Aims
Der Kurs ergänzt und vertieft das in der Vorlesung Vermittelte, und fördert analytische und reflexive Fähigkeiten der Teilnehmenden.

Module Subject

Thematik des Kurses: 1.-11. Interpretationen Die Liste der zu erörternden Werke wird bei jeder Ankündigung des Kurses aktualisiert.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur 2 (Vorlesung)
Title: Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur 2 (Seminar)
Teacher: Eszter Dr. habil. Propszt
Contact: propszte[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Der Kurs ergänzt und vertieft das in der Vorlesung Vermittelte, und fördert analytische und reflexive Fähigkeiten der Teilnehmenden.

Module Subject

Ausführliche Thematik des Kurses: • Die Wende (Koch, Michaelisz) • Nach der Wende (Mikonya, Fischer, Sziebert) • Nach der Wende (Bayer) • Der Ausgesiedelte (Raile) • Erneuerung? (Brenner, Arnold, Szeifert …) • Das Problem der Sprache in der ungarndeutschen Literatur • In ungarischer Sprache (Kalász) • In ungarischer Sprache (Elmer) • In ungarischer Sprache (Balogh) Ungarndeutsche Kinderliteratur
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur 2 (Vorlesung)
Title: Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur 2 (Vorlesung)
Teacher: Eszter Dr. habil. Propszt
Contact: propszte[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Der Kurs bietet einen orientierenden Überblick über die Geschichte der ungarndeutschen Literatur, es werden Tendenzen, Gattungen, bedeutende Ouevres und Werke dargestellt; es werden analytische Fertigkeiten, analytisches Denken, Kreativität, sowie sprachliche Kompetenzen der Studenten gefördert. Indem der Kurs die Literatur als einen Modus der Identitätskonstruktion fasst, möchte er auch die reflexiven Fähigkeiten der Teilnehmer entwickeln. Die Liste der zu erörternden Werke wird bei jeder Ankündigung des Kurses aktualisiert.

Module Subject

Ausführliche Thematik des Kurses: • Die Wende (Koch, Michaelisz) • Nach der Wende (Mikonya, Fischer, Sziebert) • Nach der Wende (Bayer) • Der Ausgesiedelte (Raile) • Erneuerung? (Brenner, Arnold, Szeifert …) • Das Problem der Sprache in der ungarndeutschen Literatur • In ungarischer Sprache (Kalász) • In ungarischer Sprache (Elmer) • In ungarischer Sprache (Balogh) Ungarndeutsche Kinderliteratur
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Sprachpraxis
Title: Sprachpraxis
Teacher: Tünde Dr. Szalai
Contact: szalait[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Das Ziel des Kurses ist die Entwicklung der deutschen Sprachkompetenzen der Teilnehmenden, die Förderung der rezeptiven und produktiven Fertigkeiten und mind. das Sprachniveau B2 (nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen) zu erreichen.

Module Subject

Unsere Zukunft Medien – Computer, Film und Fernsehen Gesundheit Mobile Gesellschaft
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 11.30
Module 0
Title: Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures 1
Teacher: András Erik Csallner
Contact: csallner[et]
Termin 1st
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the basic notions, principles, notation and tools of algorithm theory, and enable them to program basic algorithms using a high level programming language.

Module Subject

• Structured programming and algorithm description methods: flow diagrams, pseudocode • Type algorithms and special algorithms (recurrences and backtracking algorithms) • Analysis and complexity of algorithms • The asymptotic notation • Formulating time complexity • Basic data structures, stacks, queues, linked lists, pointers and rooted trees • Binary search trees, operation over BSTs, and binary search • Sorting, insertion sort and merge sort • Heaps and priority queues; heapsort and quicksort • Greedy algorithms (Huffman codes) • Representation of graphs; elementary graph algorithms • Single-source shortest path methods
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 11.30
Module 0
Title: Introduction to graph theory
Teacher: Gábor Galambos
Contact: galambos[et]
Termin 1st
Module Aims
This course introduces the students to the basic knowlede of graph theory Beside the theoretical backgrounds we show some practical problems where the theoretical results can help to solve these problems.

Module Subject

Introduction Fundamentals and Elementary Results: In this section we introduce those of definitions which one needs to understand the most important basic connections in the graph theory The Structure of Graphs Connectivity Hamiltonian Graphs Euler Graphs Planar Graphs Electrical networks Matching Graph colouring
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 11.30
Module 0
Title: Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Teacher: András Kelemen
Contact: kelemen[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the Intel microprocessor architecture and its programming with assembly language.

Module Subject

Level of programming languages The register set of Intel microprocessors Real-mode and protected mode memory architecture The structure of assembly code. Compiling and linking. Prepare the minimal development environment. Instruction formats, add and subtract numbers Memory addressing modes Multiply and divide Logical instructions (and, or, not xor, ...) ,shifting, rotating Compare, labels, condition and unconditioned jumps, loops Stack handling, Procedures, functions, Parameter passing Real-mode programming exercise. Protected- mode programming exercise
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 11.30
Module 0
Title: Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Teacher: András Kelemen
Contact: kelemen[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the theory and applications of digital signal processing especially the practical approaches of noise filtering and signal convoluting

Module Subject

Definition and classification of signals. Characteristics of signals Signal Arithmetic Sampling and digitalization Practical AD and DA conversion Time and frequency domains. Fourier transformation Algorithm of Fast Fourier Transformation Convolution Noise. Noise reduction by moving average Digital filtering in time domain Digital filtering in frequency domain Convolution in image processing (smoothing, edge detection) Examples from biological signal processing
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 11.30
Module 0
Title: Introduction to Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Teacher: Miklós Krész
Contact: kresz[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Data mining is a broad area that integrates techniques from several fields including machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, and database systems, for the analysis of large volumes of data. This interdisciplinary course gives a wide exposition of these techniques. The course is recommended for students in Informatics, Engineering, Natural sciences or Economics.

Module Subject

1. Introduction to Data Mining 2. Machine Learning and Classification 3. Input: Concepts, instances, attributes 4. Output: Knowledge Representation 5. Classification: Basic methods and decision trees 6. Evaluation and Credibility 7. Data Preparation for Knowledge Discovery 8. Clustering 9. Associations 10. Visualization 11. Graph mining and social network analysis 12. Mining Object, Spatial, Multimedia, Text and Web Data 13. Applications and Trends in Data Mining 14. Data Mining Software Tools
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 08.30
Module 0
Title: Environmental Problems in Historical Perspective
Teacher: Lajos Rácz
Contact: raczl[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The main goals of the course are to achieve a thorough understanding and to provide a critical evaluation of the key concepts and theoretical approaches that have developed and are developing in the field of environmental history; to gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental themes in the environmental history of the region, subjected to a critical and comparative analysis; and to place Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe in a European and global context.

Module Subject

Environmental history is an interdisciplinary field that analyzes interactions between human beings, societies and their physical environment. Environmental history was born in the 1960’s, when ecological thinking appeared in the context of historical research.In the first thematic unit of this course the conceptual and theoretical framework of environmental history is defined, followed by the introduction of the special research techniques of this interdisciplinary field. One of the key notions of environmental history is the concept historical ecosystem, which can be defined as a subsistence system which exists in one locality, but the spatial dimension of an ecosystem is very flexible, and may range from a pond to the whole universe. In addition to the concept of an ecosystem, the concepts biological, social and cultural evolution, ecological crisis and transformation are also defined. In the second thematic unit the great crises and transformations of historical ecosystems during the traditional and modern times are analyzed. A series of case-studies will be discussed from the period starting with the formation of traditional societies to the invention of agriculture. Classical examples of traditional ecosystems include the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and the Indus civilization. After laying the foundations, more than half of the course time will be devoted to the discussion of the environmental history of the last two thousand years. We analyze the historical ecosystems of Europe, Asia and the American civilizations during the Middle Ages. The great civilizations of the world became connected after the geographical discoveries of the 15th century. This interconnectedness and the formation of a world system fundamentally reformed the economic and ecological power relations of the world. Civilizations began to use their plants, weeds and animals and unified their landscapes according to European standards. The next focal point of the course is the development, process and the consequences of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution re-defined the role of mankind in the process of evolution. In the 20th century human activity reached the dimension of geological forces such as volcanoes, earthquakes and cyclones. The global scale of environmental changes, pollution and global warming has fundamentally influenced the evolutionary perspective of humankind.
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 08.30
Module 0
Title: The birth of the world economy and the formation of modern societies: from 12th through 19th centuries
Teacher: Lajos Rácz
Contact: raczl[et]
Termin 1st
Module Aims
The main aims of the course are to achieve a thorough understanding and to provide a critical evaluation of the key concepts and theoretical approaches in social and economic history; to gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental themes in the social and economic history of the region, subjected to critical and comparative analysis; to place Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe into a European and global context.

Module Subject

In the course we examine the origin and development of the world economy system and modern society. The roots of the world economy can be traced back until the 12th century, when the European economy began to emerge. By the late Middle Ages the first European economic integration took shape around Venice. For a period, Antwerp played a leading role in European economy, followed by Genoa, Amsterdam and London. The regions around these cities became centres of the European economy and were sourrounded by extended half peripheries and peripheries. The European economy initiated economic integration in global scale according to its own norms, as a result of the great geographical discoveries and colonisation. The leading city states were replaced by nation states, which were able to mobilize more resources. Amsterdam, the United Provincies, London and Great Britain became border(-land) regions. The roots of modern European societies can be traced back until the late Middle Ages. The transformation of European societies was attached to the establisment and development of economic integration and disintegration. The neccesstiy for economic and political integration emerged from the multilayer crisis of the 14th century. It is necessary to define all of institutions of European society during early modern times, together with the place and function of social groups.
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 07.10
Module 0
Title: Projectwork – Bicycle tourism in Csongrád county
Teacher: Annamária Korom
Contact: korom.annamaria[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Getting knowledge of historical geography of the affected area Taking part of every significant phase of the development process: planning, discussion, implementation and communication

Module Subject

In the first phase of the course will getting informations about the history and future of bicycle tourism, the special needs and requirements of a prosperous projects. We will present the European transnational bicycle route network (EuroVelo) and the best known European national networks and routes. In the second phase the students will take part in field trips. During the trips the student take part in field planing and the psychical realisation of the project. Thematics: 1. The history of bicycle tourism in Europe and in Hungary; 2. The significance and impact of bicycle tourism; The different types of bicycle usage and tourism 3. The European transnational bicycle routes: the EuroVelo system and it's significance. National route networks in Europe; 4. The development of long distance bicycle network in Hungary; The „worst practice” as reason of failure, the present situation in the Southern Great Plain Region. 5: Historical geography of the affected region: the agriculture, system of settlements, life in the countryside in historical times; 6. Field trip: EuroVelo-11, realised and non realised sections in Csongrád county; 7: Field trip: Hungarian national bicycle route No. 51: survey; 8. Planing and coordination of signage system; 9. Field trip: realisation of the project (1). 10. Field trip: realisation of the project.(2); 11. Report and recommendations.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: Songs and Rhymes
Teacher: Korinna Csetényi
Contact: korinnac[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Children discover the rhythm and rhyme of language via nursery rhymes in a delightful manner. All children take great delight in the rhythms and melodies of songs. The emphasis on melody and rhythm also helps children learn the rhyme, increasing their vocabulary and verbal skills (even developing their motor skills).

Module Subject

Jump Rope Rhymes, Fingerplays, Action Poems, Special Occasion Rhymes, Animal Rhymes, Counting and Number Rhymes, Songs
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: CLIL I. Humans and Society
Teacher: Mária PhD Dr. Bakti
Contact: bakti[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts and approaches of CLIL methodology through topics from lower primary classes.

Module Subject

1. CLIL, basic concepts, 2. CLIL Metholdolgy, 3. CLIL in Europe and Hungary, 4. Holidays, 5. Towns and cities, 6. Transport, travel 7. games, free time, sports, 8. A healthy diet, 9. Saving money
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: EU English
Teacher: Mária PhD Dr. Bakti
Contact: bakti[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of this course to familiarize students with the basic concepts, knowledge and terminology related to the EU. In addition, the course also includes Reading and Listening Skills development.

Module Subject

The history of the EU, EU Institutions, Decision-making in the EU, the Budget of the EU, Common Policies, The Economic and Monetary Union, Global Cahallanges and the EU
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: Descriptive Grammar
Teacher: Mária PhD Dr. Bakti
Contact: bakti[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
to provide an overview of the role and use of adverbials, prepositions and the verb phrase and in English.

Module Subject

adverbials ( adverbials of time, manner, frequency and probability, duration, and degree), prepositions, the verb group (time, tense, mood)
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: Descriptive Grammar
Teacher: Mária PhD Dr. Bakti
Contact: bakti[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
to provide an overview of the role and use of adverbs, prepositions and the verb phrase and in English.

Module Subject

adverbials ( adverbials of time, manner, frequency and probability, duration, and degree), prepositions, the verb group (time, tense, mood)
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: English Communication and ESP for Special Needs Education
Teacher: András PhD Dr. Bernáth
Contact: bernath[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with some of the basic concepts of Special Education, and also to enhance their English communication skills through the discussion of the topics related to Education and Special Education

Module Subject

1. Introduction: English Communication and Special Education 2. Exceptional Children and Special Education 3-5. Intellectual Disabilities 6-8. Learning Disabilities 9-11. Emotional/ Behavioral Disorders 12. Conclusions and Evaluation
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module English for Art History
Title: English for Art History
Teacher: András Dr. Csillag
Contact: csillag[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The general aim is to enrich students' English vocabulary and other language skills concerning the visual arts with the help of video materials.

Module Subject

"American Visions" BBC video series about art history: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography. Topics to be discussed: 1. “The Promised Land.” 2. “The Republic of Virtue.” 3. “The Wilderness and the West.” 4. “The Gilded Age.” 5. “The Wave from the Atlantic.” 6. “Streamlines and Breadlines.” 7. “The Empire of Signs.” 8. “The Age of Anxiety”
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module English for British and American Culture
Title: English for British and American Culture
Teacher: András Dr. Csillag
Contact: csillag[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim is to develop student's skills in understanding, speaking and translating English cultural texts with the help of video materials about mainly British civilisation.

Module Subject

London: Buckingham Palace. Greenwich and St. Katharine’s Dock. The Tower of London. St. Paul’s Cathedral. Westminster and Trafalgar Square. London’s Parks. Shopping and theatre. The City of Bath: Georgian and Roman architecture. Teaching aid: BBC video series about London and Bath.
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module English for Media and Communication
Title: English for Media and Communication
Teacher: András Dr. Csillag
Contact: csillag[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The general objective of the course is to enable students to better understand social and political processes from the point of view of the mass communication media while going through a glossary of relevant expressions.

Module Subject

The characteristic features, functions and operation of the modern print press as well as other mass communication media are discussed at length. Concerning the British, American and Hungarian media, the following topics will be discussed combined with English language practice: Categories of mass communication media. Journalism and the press. Characteristic features of the print media. Editing newspapers. Publication and printing. The broadcast (electronic) media. Categories of TV programs. TV journalism. Films and film production. Communication as a job. Advertising. Information technology (IT).
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module English Language Practice for Civilization
Title: English Language Practice for Civilization
Teacher: András Dr. Csillag
Contact: csillag[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
To increase and develop students’ linguistic awareness in the field of British civilisation with the help of video programs.

Module Subject

London: Buckingham Palace. Greenwich and St. Katharine’s Dock. The Tower of London. St. Paul’s Cathedral. Westminster and Trafalgar Square. London’s Parks. Shopping and theatre. The City of Bath: Georgian and Roman architecture. Teaching aid: BBC video series about London and Bath.
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: Children's Literature
Teacher: Klára Dr. Szabó
Contact: szabok[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the coure is to acquaint future lower primary teachers with the history, aims and main genres of children's literature. The group will have discussions and analyses of some typical literary works and significant authors of Englsih and/or international children's literature.

Module Subject

1. Children’s literature. Definition. Characteristics. 2. Nursery rhymes, chants and songs. 3.Beast fables. Aesop. The Hare and the Tortoise. The Dog and his Reflection. 4. Historical tales.I. (Britain)The Legend of the Sons of the Conqueror. 5.Historical tales II. (America) The Princess Pocahontas 6. Folk Tales. The Great Big Enormous Turnip. The Adventures of the Little Field Mouse. 7. Fairy Tales I. Andersen: The Emperor’s New Clothes 8. Fairy tales II. Andersen: The Ugly Duckling. 9. Fairy tales III. Brothers Grimm: Cinderella 10. Girlie books. Jane O’Connor: Fancy Nancy. 11. School stories: Judy Blume: Super Fudge. 12. Non-fiction for Children. Schoolbooks. 13.Final test. 14. Course evaluation.
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: English for Internationalization
Teacher: Klára Dr. Szabó
Contact: szabok[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to acquaint both Hungarian and international students with the significance of internationalization and to discuss topics which make their life, studies and work abroad easier.

Module Subject

Topics: The Bologna system, the internationalization of universites, university life, English studies abroad, the Hungarian system of education, the University of Szeged, Hofstede national characteristics, international projects and project work .
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: Language Practice
Teacher: Klára Dr. Szabó
Contact: szabok[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to further improve students' English language skills, to practice both their oral and written skills, to strengthen their knowledge of English grammar and its practical applications. The main topics to be discussed are mainly those which will be useful for them in the future, in their teaching profession.

Module Subject

Topics: Being me. Personal particulars, childhood, studies. Family, family occasions, holidays. Meals, eating habits, cooking. Our town/village . Guiding foreigners. Jobs and careers. Career choices. The teaching job. Shopping, green shopping. Health and sports. The great outdoors. Outdoor activities. Around the world, travelling. The Englsih speaking countries. Communication. telecommunication. Entertainment: films and reading. Revision.
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 05.10
Module 0
Title: Methodology of Language Teaching
Teacher: Klára Dr. Szabó
Contact: szabok[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to acquaint both Hungarian and international students with the significance of language teaching in kindergartens, they discuss briefly the history of early childhood language teaching and its different strategies and techniques. At the end of the course the kindergarten teacher training students will be familiar with relevant research as well.

Module Subject

Topics: Early childhood language teaching, methods and techniques, grammar- translation, direct, audiolingual, humanist and communicative methods. Mother tongue, bilingualism and multilingualism, Helen Doron, CLIL and bilingual kindergartens. Books in kindergarten language teaching. Project work and presentations.
Number of Credits 0

Course Code 09.00
Module 0
Title: Russian Communication 2 (In Russian language) / Русский язык 2 (На русском языке)
Teacher: Elena Csc. Volkova
Contact: russian[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Цель данного курса — совершенствование речевых навыков и развитие коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: в аудировании, говорении, чтении и письме — на уровне B1.

Module Subject

Красота спасёт мир! Внешность человека: лицо и фигура. Характер. Черты характера. Гороскоп. Есть ли жизнь на Марсе? — Будет! Обсуждение глобальных проблем. Экология. Космические полёты. Мой дом — моя крепость. Дома и квартиры. Интерьер дома и офиса. Детский мир. Жизнь детей в разных странах. Как воспитывать детей? Проблемы детей и подростков. Как изучать языки. Языки мира. Как изучать иностранный язык. Богатые и бедные. Экономика и уровень жизни.
Number of Credits 6

Course Code 09.00
Module 0
Title: Russian Grammar 2 (In Russian language) / Русская грамматика 2 (На русском языке)
Teacher: Elena Csc. Volkova
Contact: russian[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Целью курса русской грамматики является развитие умения корректного употребления глаголов движения в различных высказываниях.

Module Subject

Теория: Глаголы движения без приставок. Практика: Глаголы движения без приставок. Теория: Глаголы движения с приставкой по-. Практика: Глаголы движения с приставкой по-. Теория: Глаголы движения с приставками. Практика: Глаголы движения с приставками. Теория: Употребление глаголов движения в переносном значении. Практика: Употребление глаголов движения в переносном значении.
Number of Credits 7

Course Code 09.00
Module 0
Title: Business Russian 2 (In Russian language) / Деловой русский 2 (На русском языке)
Teacher: Edit PhD. Balog
Contact: russian[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Целью данного курса является знакомство студентов с важнейшими взаимоотношениями экономической и деловой жизни. На занятиях студентов обучают анализу экономических закономерностей и выражению своих взглядов на экономические темы. Для достижения данной цели проводится подробное изучение текстов по экономической тематике и осваивается профессионально адекватное применение необходимых лексических, грамматических и стилистических знаний. Тексты с экономической тематикой и примыкающие к ним лексико-грамматические упражнения могут быть очень эффективными в процессе освоения русского языка на уровне В1, они передают сведения о характеристике венгерского и российского рынка.

Module Subject

Знакомство – квалификация; Макро- и микроэкономика –сферы и отрасли экономики; Экономический рост; Платёжный баланс – проблема задолженности; Товар и рынок; Деятели рынка – производство и торговля; Организационные формы предприятий; Презентация товара –качество и количество; Средства и способы платежа; Презентация фирмы; Характеристика венгерской и российской экономики.
Number of Credits 6

Course Code 09.00
Module 0
Title: Russian Civilisation 2 (In Russian language) / Страноведение 2 (На русском языке)
Teacher: Elena / Szergej Csc. Volkova / Sved
Contact: russian[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Цель курса – познакомить студентов с русскими традициями и обычаями, особенностями поведения русских людей в разных ситуациях, ментальностью русских.

Module Subject

канд. лингв. наук Волкова Е.П.: О национальном характере русских. Русская семья. Родственные отношения. Традиции русской кухни. Отношение русских к еде. Система образования. Школа. Университет. Город. Городской транспорт. Торговля. Магазины. Рынки. Гипермаркеты. Досуг и отдых россиян. Праздники в России. Швед С.П.: У карты России - Сибирь; Основные тенденции развития России: исторические места с точки зрения туризма; Новости в культуре, в науке и в экономике; Три основы европейской культуры и русский исторический опыт.
Number of Credits 6

Course Code 09.00
Module 0
Title: Hungarian Culture. Fairy Tale Therapy. (In Russian language.) Венгерская культура. Сказкотерапия. (На русском языке)
Teacher: Edit PhD. Balog
Contact: russian[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Цель курса - повысить уровень самосознания участников через специальные занятия народными сказками. Курс сказкотерапии на русском языке знакомит студентов с местом и значением сказок – в частности венгерских народных сказок, имеющих необыкновенно богатые традиции и удивительно многочисленных и разнообразных – в культурном наследии человечества. Рассматривается знаковая система произведений народного творчества, а затем даётся обзор истории сбора и интерпретации сказок. Сопоставляются аспекты немецкого психоаналитического, русского структурного и венгерского органического подходов.

Module Subject

Космические и общечеловеческие символы в народных сказках; Истина в народных сказках – сказки, как основа работы терапевта; Сказкотерапия на практике – герои и их функции; Жизненные ситуации – решение конфликтов с помощью сказочных испытаний; История исследования сказок, подходы и методы – позитивистическая, структуралистическая, семантическая, психологическая и органическая школы; Пространственно-временные рамки народных сказок; Композиционные принципы и приёмы органического восприятия; Значение астрально-мифических (общечеловеческих и христианских) рамок; Образное единство отраслей народного творчества.
Number of Credits 7

Course Code 16.10
Module Sports theoretical and practical modules
Title: Volleyball
Teacher: Péter Dorka
Contact: dorka[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
To gain basic knowledge about volleyball. Learning and applying the rules, with high emphasis to follow the age-group methodology. Completing the course will give the opportunity for the student to teach volleyball on a basic level.The education happening on 2 languages -hungarian and english.

Module Subject

1st week: Instructions about the expectations to complete the course. 2nd week: Accident prevention. Introducing the equipment and the basic elements of volleyball. 3rd week: Rules of the volleyball. Game. 4th week: Practical games - individually and in pairs. 5th week: Practice in pairs at the net. 6th week: Lower arm play techniques. 7th week: Lower arm techniques in pairs at the net. 8th week: Holiday 9th week: Basic ball-handling, starting techniques. 10th week: Practice in teams 11th week: Practice, game. 12th week: Essay 13th week: Practical elements 14th week: Opportunity to catching-up or correcting. Ending and evaluating the course.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 16.10
Module Sports theoretical and practical modules
Title: Wall and rock climbing
Teacher: Péter Dorka
Contact: dorka[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course will help exploring the world of extreme sports. Wall and rock climbing will widen the recreational knowledge such as working out projects, recommending programme opportunities. Students can also improve their psychological condition.The education happening on 2 languages -hungarian and english.

Module Subject

Students will have to organize 2-3 day lasting rock-climbing tours, camps according to given instructions - eg.: choosing location, equipment listing, organizing the camp-life. All students will be able to apply the instructions learned and use that in the real environment. Besides the recreational advantages the psychological-improving opportunity is as also an essential part of the course.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Basic Romanian
Title: Basic Romanian
Teacher: Mihaela Bucin
Contact: mihaelabucin[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The course focuses on basic Romanian vocabulary and communicative skills. By the end of the course, students should have a basic knowledge of Romanian and be able to form simple sentences. Students should also be able to communicate in everyday, common situations (in a restaurant, in a shop, on the street).

Module Subject

Romanian alphabet. Pronunciation. First phrases. Articles. Personal pronouns. Nouns - gender (masculine, feminine, neuter). Basic Verbs. Regular verbs - conjugation verb groups. Irregular verbs. Negation of verbs. Reflexive Verbs. Numerals (cardinal and ordinal). Adjectives. Possessive pronouns. Possessive adjectives. Pronouns whose, which one, what (like). Nominative case. Accusative case. Conversation: How to introduce myself. Towns and places. In a restaurant. In a shop. On the street. At the university.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Basic Slovak
Title: Basic Slovak
Teacher: Tünde Tuska
Contact: tuskatunde[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The course focuses on basic Slovak vocabulary and communicative skills. By the end of the course, students should have a basic knowledge of Slovak and be able to form simple sentences. Students should also be able to communicate in everyday, common situations (in a restaurant, in a shop, on the street).

Module Subject

Slovak alphabet. First phrases. Personal pronouns. Nouns - gender (masculine, feminine, neuter). Regular verbs - conjugation verb groups. Irregular verbs. Negation of verbs. Numerals (cardinal and ordinal). Adjectives. Possessive pronouns. Possessive adjectives. Pronouns whose, which one, what (like). Nominative case. Adjectives in the predicate. Numerals 2, 3, 4 + nouns. Pluralia tantum. Accusative case. Modal verbs. Instrumental case. Past tense. Conversation: How to introduce myself. Towns and places. In a restaurant. In a shop. On the street. At the university.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.00
Module Basic Slovak
Title: Basic Slovak
Teacher: Tünde Tuska
Contact: tuskatunde[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The course focuses on basic Slovak vocabulary and communicative skills. By the end of the course, students should have a basic knowledge of Slovak and be able to form simple sentences. Students should also be able to communicate in everyday, common situations (in a restaurant, in a shop, on the street).

Module Subject

Slovak alphabet. First phrases. Personal pronouns. Nouns - gender (masculine, feminine, neuter). Regular verbs - conjugation verb groups. Irregular verbs. Negation of verbs. Numerals (cardinal and ordinal). Adjectives. Possessive pronouns. Possessive adjectives. Pronouns whose, which one, what (like). Nominative case. Adjectives in the predicate. Numerals 2, 3, 4 + nouns. Pluralia tantum. Accusative case. Modal verbs. Instrumental case. Past tense. Conversation: How to introduce myself. Towns and places. In a restaurant. In a shop. On the street. At the university.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 06.90
Module 0
Title: Communication and information systems
Teacher: Zsolt Benkő
Contact: bzs[et]
Termin 0
Module Aims
The module aims to provide contemporary information and knowledge about a few important communication and information systems of our modern world.

Module Subject

Sings and information. Cotrolling methods. Cybernetic models. Household robots. Industrial robots. Robots of other type. Public switched telephone network. Cellular phone systems. Cable television. Internet. Calendars. System of precise time. Navigation systems. Satellite communications. Distant education, distant working. Bases of logistics. Bases of spatial informatics (GIS). Distributed computer systems. Soft computing. Fuzzy logic. Neural networks. DNA-computer. Quantum computer. Holographic memory.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module (Szakismeret) Skill
Title: Mural II. (Muráliák II. )
Teacher: Lehel Gal
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed to acquaint students with the conventional mural techniques (fresco, secco, sgraffito, mosaic) and during the workshop students acquire the practical application of these techniques. A kurzus célja, hogy megismertesse a hallgatókat a hagyományos murális technikákkal (freskó, szekkó, sgraffitó, mozaik) és a műhelymunkák során ezen technikák gyakorlati alkalmazásával.

Module Subject

Basic studies about secco technique. The limestone as the binder of secco, making casein and secco (design, card making, pausing, etc.). Basic studies about mosaic (art history prefiguration), traditional mosaic making, mosaic making on some new substrates. A szekkótechnikáról általában. A mészkazein, mint a szekkó kötőanyaga, kazein készítés és szekkó gyakorlása (tervezés, kartonkészítés, pauzálás, stb.). A mozaikról általában (művészettörténeti előképek), hagyományos mozaik készítés, mozaik készítés új hordozófelületeken.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module ( Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: Painting studio practice II. ( Műtermi gyakorlat II. Festő szaki.)
Teacher: Lehel Gal
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Different visual abstraction levels can be reached during the studio practice from the drawing and painting cognition, from a simple imaging. A műtermi gyakorlatok során a rajzi- festészeti megismeréstől, egyszerű leképezéstől el lehet jutni a képi elvonatkoztatás különböző fokozatáig.

Module Subject

Portré, félalak tanulmányozása,egész alak staffázs szerűmegjelenitése. Önálló egy és többalakos kompozíció vázlatok, eddigi tanulmányok alapján.Ajánlott technikák: tempera, akril, olaj, stb. analyzing portrait, half figure study. An independent and multi-figure composition sketches, based on previous studies. Recommended techniques: tempera, acrylic, oil, etc.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 03.00
Module ( Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: The nude II. (Akt II. )
Teacher: Lehel Gal
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed for interpretation and representation of settings and movements through study nude drawings, sketches and color schemes. Feladat a tanulmány jellegű aktrajzokon, krokikon, színvázlatokon keresztül a beállítás, a mozdulat értelmezése, ábrázolása.

Module Subject

Tone and structural sketches, color sketches, nude tonic drawings, monochrome painting. Tónus és szerkezeti vázlatok, színvázlatok, akt tónusos rajzok, monokróm festés.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module ( Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: The nude IV. (Akt IV.)
Teacher: Lehel Gal
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Based on the study work of the previous semester the actual task is to display the environment and figures in an artistic way. Az előző félévi tanulmányjellegű munkákra alapozva feladat a tér és a figura festői megjelenítése.

Module Subject

Tone and color sketches, body details and nude tonic drawings, monochrome and color painting. Feladat: tónusos rajzok és szín vázlatok, test részletek, monokróm és szines akt festés.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module Graphic Design
Title: Digital Graphic Design I.(Számítógépes Grafika I.)
Teacher: János Héjja
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to learn the fundamental steps of graphic design. Thus understanding basic terms: bitmap and vector-based based image processing, montage techniques, typography, etc.). Another goal is the acquisition of technical implementation. The course also aims to improve the intuition and contemporary creative design awareness and also the sensitivity and cooperation of the individual and group studio design work.

Module Subject

Completing two graphic design task: street desgin and street art.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module Graphic Design
Title: Digital Graphic Design II.
Teacher: János Héjja
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to learn the advanced features of graphic design. Thus understanding terms: bitmap and vector-based based image processing, montage techniques, typography, 3D, etc.). Important value of the course is to try to create an artwork, which goes beyond the technique, it’s philosophy is also a high standard. Another goal is the acquisition of technical implementation. The course also aims to improve the intuition and contemporary creative design awareness and also the sensitivity and cooperation of the individual and group studio design work.

Module Subject

Completing two graphic design task: street desgin and street art.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module Studio practice
Title: Digital Graphic Design II.(MA)
Teacher: János Héjja
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to learn the advanced features of graphic design. Thus understanding terms: bitmap and vector-based based image processing, montage techniques, typography, 3D, etc.). Important value of the course is to try to create an artwork, which goes beyond the technique, it’s philosophy is also a high standard. Another goal is the acquisition of technical implementation. The course also aims to improve the intuition and contemporary creative design awareness and also the sensitivity and cooperation of the individual and group studio design work.

Module Subject

Completing two graphic design task: street desgin and street art.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module Workshop
Title: Movie/ Motion picture Design
Teacher: János Héjja
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to learn the basic steps of motion picture design, both theoretical and practical elements, such as: usage of the camcorder and film editing and compositing softwares. Students learn the basic terms of motion picture, learn to use the camcorder and basic principles of animation. Another goal is the acquisition of technical implementation. The course also aims to improve the intuition and contemporary creative design awareness and also the sensitivity and cooperation of the individual and group studio design work.

Module Subject

Completing two tasks: creating a video installation and 2D digital animation with After Effects software.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module Studio practice (műtermi gykorlat)
Title: Motion picture Design (Technical imagery )
Teacher: János Héjja
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to learn the basic steps of motion picture design, both theoretical and practical elements, such as: usage of the camcorder and film editing and compositing softwares. Students learn the basic terms of motion picture, learn to use the camcorder and basic principles of animation. Another goal is the acquisition of technical implementation. The course also aims to improve the intuition and contemporary creative design awareness and also the sensitivity and cooperation of the individual and group studio design work.

Module Subject

Completing two tasks: creating a video installation and a 2D digital animation with After Effects software.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module Glass art ( Síküveg)
Title: Architectural Glass art studio practice IV. (Műhelygyakorlat. IV. ép. síküveg )
Teacher: Keve Kovacs DLA
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Material like usage of glass via the defined compositions. Creating glass products in a restricted way Making 2 products, the second one is the final product, Az üveg anyag szerű használata a megadott kompozíciók kialakításában. Kész üvegmunkák kivitelezése. 2 munka elkészítése, melyek közül az egyik a vizsgamunka.

Module Subject

Creating a product which is made of glass with arabesque motives, production of the final good with individual invention Az egyik munkát arabeszk motívumok felhasználásával szükséges elkészíteni, a vizsgamunka szabad összegző alkotás
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 03.00
Module Glass art ( Síküveg)
Title: Architectural Glass art studio practice II. (Műhelygyakorlat. II. ép. síküveg )
Teacher: Keve Kovacs DLA
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Professional acquirement of basic knowledge of glass processing. Material like usage of glass via the defined compositions. Creating glass products in a restricted way Üvegmegmunkálás alapismeretinek professzionális elsajátítása. Az üveg anyag szerű használata a megadott kompozíciók kialakításában. Kész üvegmunkák kivitelezése

Module Subject

Three plans of glass, 1 plan of "bordure" which is made of stained glass, 2 plans of a letter weight, 3 items of planning of a glass composition with fusing technology. The topic is the rhythm. három üvegmunka illetve terv elkészítése: egy ólomüveg szegély, két levélnehezék , (melyek. rogyasztásos, összeolvasztásos technikával készülnek) A téma a ritmus.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 03.00
Module Glass art ( Síküveg)
Title: Design of glass art I. (Tervezés I. )
Teacher: Keve Kovacs DLA
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of this course is to make a plan and clarify the possibilities of solving the problem. Students have to make such a plan which is suitable for designing and realizing it in glass. A kurzus célja megismerni az építészeti síküveg tervezésének lehetőségeit, ebből adódó problémákat. Üvegből reálisan kivitelezhető tervek készítése.

Module Subject

Three plans of glass, 1 plan of "bordure" which is made of stained glass, 2 plans of a letter weight, 3 items of planning of a glass composition with fusing technology. The topic is the rhythm. három üvegmunka terv elkészítése: egy ólomüveg szegély, két levélnehezék , (melyek. rogyasztásos, összeolvasztásos technikával készülnek) A téma a ritmus.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module Glass art ( Síküveg)
Title: Materials and technique of painted glass art I. ( Üvegfestési technikák I).
Teacher: Keve Kovacs DLA
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Üvegfestés alapelemeinek elsajátítása Acquirement of basic knowledge of glass painting

Module Subject

Acquaintion of gunning, screening and hand painting techniques, preparation of 6 samples using „svarclott techniques”. Preparation of 6 A5 sized black (white) sample Szórt, szitázott és kézi festés megismerése, svarclott technika használatával 6 db mintalap elkészítése. 6 db A5-ös méretű fekete (fehér) mintalap elkészítése
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module (Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: (Alakrajz ) Figure drawing
Teacher: Katalin Marosi
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
This course is designed to learn the structure of the human head, and the system of human body proportions. A kurzus célja megismerni az emberi fej szerkezetét és az emberi test arányrendszerét.

Module Subject

Sketches and quick portraits in different sizes, using different techniques. Structural drawing of the human head, toned (light and shadow ) monochrome portrait preparation techniques. Gyors mozdulat tanulmányok különböző méretben, eltérő technikák alkalmazásával. Emberi fej szerkezeti rajza, tónusos portré készítése monokróm technikákkal.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module (Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: Painting and drawing studio practice I. (Műtermi gyakorlat I.)
Teacher: Katalin Marosi
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Analyzing narrower and wider artificial environment with colour and monochrome techniques. Our aim is that by the end of the course the students are able to create of familiar, everyday objects new compositions with a different point of view. Szűkebb tágabb mesterséges tér tanulmányozása színes, és monokróm technikák segítségével. Cél, hogy a kurzus végére a hallgatók a jól ismert, hétköznapi tárgyakból újszerű kompozíciókat készítsenek különböző méretben

Module Subject

Creating closed and open environment and still lifes with monochromatic and color painting techniques. zárt és nyitott szűkebb tágabb térrészletek, csendéletek megfogalmazása monokróm, színes festészeti eszközök segítségével
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module (Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: Painting and drawing studio practice III. (Műtermi gyakorlat III. )
Teacher: Katalin Marosi
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed to acquaint students with the possibilities of painting dress and nude figures using different colour techniques. Analyzing the relations of human body and its environment so as to express the complex, diverse interactions of the living model and his environment. A kurzus célja megismertetni a hallgatókat a ruhás illetve akt alak színes ábrázolási lehetőségeivel. Ember és környezete viszonyrendszerének analizálásával kifejezni az élő modell és környezete sokrétű, sokszínű kölcsönhatásait.

Module Subject

Analyzing whole human figures and half-lenght figures in narrow and wide environment using different colour techniques. Figuration and abstraction. emberi félalak és egész alak tanulmányozása szűkebb, tágabb környezetben különböző színes technikák alkalmazásával. Figurativitás és absztrakció.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module (Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: Painting practices for glass art IV. (Festészeti gyak. IV.üveg szaki.)
Teacher: Katalin Marosi
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed to learn and practice the way of thinking in two dimensions with the help of alalyzing a living model and his environment. At the end of the course the student should be able to to create a two-dimensional surface using simplified and abstract forms, varying compositions, corresponding architectural flat glass art. A kurzus célja elsajátítatni, gyakoroltatni a síkra redukált komponálási módot élő modell és mesterséges környezet kapcsolatának analizálásával. A kurzus végén legyen képes a hallgató a formák egyszerűsítésével, újértelmezésével kompozíciók variálásával síkdekoratív felületet létrehozni, elsősorban építészeti síküveg anyagszerűségében gondolkodva.

Module Subject

The relationship of two and three dimensions using reduced, decorative compositional method. Redefining narrow and wide spaces, human figures using variable means with the flat glass design aspects. Sík és tér kapcsolata a leegyszerűsített, dekoratív komponálási metódus alkalmazásakor. Szűkebb és tágabb terek, staffázsfigurák illetve emberi alakok újrafogalmazása változó eszközökkel a síküveg tervezési szempontjait szem előtt tartva
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module (Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: Painting practices for glass art IV. (Festészeti gyak. IV.üveg szaki.)
Teacher: Katalin Marosi
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed to learn and practice the way of thinking in two dimensions with the help of alalyzing a living model and his environment. At the end of the course the student should be able to to create a two-dimensional surface using simplified and abstract forms, varying compositions, corresponding architectural flat glass art. A kurzus célja elsajátítatni, gyakoroltatni a síkra redukált komponálási módot élő modell és mesterséges környezet kapcsolatának analizálásával. A kurzus végén legyen képes a hallgató a formák egyszerűsítésével, újértelmezésével kompozíciók variálásával síkdekoratív felületet létrehozni, elsősorban építészeti síküveg anyagszerűségében gondolkodva.

Module Subject

The relationship of two and three dimensions using reduced, decorative compositional method. Redefining narrow and wide spaces, human figures using variable means with the flat glass design aspects. Sík és tér kapcsolata a leegyszerűsített, dekoratív komponálási metódus alkalmazásakor. Szűkebb és tágabb terek, staffázsfigurák illetve emberi alakok újrafogalmazása változó eszközökkel a síküveg tervezési szempontjait szem előtt tartva
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module (Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: Painting practices for glass art. II ((Festészeti gyak. II.üveg szaki.))
Teacher: Katalin Marosi
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed to learn and practice the way of thinking in two dimensions with the help of narrow and wide artificial and natural environment by analyzing the relationship between a part and the whole. At the end of the course the student should be able to to create a two-dimensional surface using simplified and abstract forms, varying compositions, corresponding architectural flat glass art. A kurzus célja elsajátíttatni, gyakoroltatni a síkra redukált komponálási módot szűkebb és tágabb mesterséges természeti környezet, rész és egész kapcsolatának analizálásával. A kurzus végén legyen képes a hallgató a formák egyszerűsítésével, újértelmezésével, kompozíciók variálásával síkdekoratív felületet létrehozni, elsősorban építészeti síküveg anyagszerűségében gondolkodva.

Module Subject

The relationship of two and three dimensions using reduced, decorative compositional method. Redefining narrow and wide spaces using variable means with the flat glass design aspects. Sík és tér kapcsolata a leegyszerűsített, dekoratív komponáláskor. Szűkebb és tágabb terek újrafogalmazása változó eszközökkel a síküveg tervezési szempontjait szem előtt tartva.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module (Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: Painting practices for glass art. II ((Festészeti gyak. II.üveg szaki.))
Teacher: Katalin Marosi
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed to learn and practice the way of thinking in two dimensions with the help of narrow and wide artificial and natural environment by analyzing the relationship between a part and the whole. At the end of the course the student should be able to to create a two-dimensional surface using simplified and abstract forms, varying compositions, corresponding architectural flat glass art. A kurzus célja elsajátíttatni, gyakoroltatni a síkra redukált komponálási módot szűkebb és tágabb mesterséges természeti környezet, rész és egész kapcsolatának analizálásával. A kurzus végén legyen képes a hallgató a formák egyszerűsítésével, újértelmezésével, kompozíciók variálásával síkdekoratív felületet létrehozni, elsősorban építészeti síküveg anyagszerűségében gondolkodva.

Module Subject

The relationship of two and three dimensions using reduced, decorative compositional method. Redefining narrow and wide spaces using variable means with the flat glass design aspects. Sík és tér kapcsolata a leegyszerűsített, dekoratív komponáláskor. Szűkebb és tágabb terek újrafogalmazása változó eszközökkel a síküveg tervezési szempontjait szem előtt tartva.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module 3D Studies
Title: 3D Studies IV.
Teacher: Klara Orosz
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The training aims to help the students in developing their way of thinking and creating 3D forms and spatial constructions. We carry out some research and focus on the most fundamental sculptural and spatial issues (shape, construction, scale, size and proportion, structure). Another important aspect is that students should be able to use this knowledge in the field of visual education and also in their own art- and teaching practice.

Module Subject

This course develops the students’ sculptural and spatial knowledge based on the topics they have already learnt at 3D Studies I.-III. courses, such as proportion, scale, material, forms and construction, forms and spatial relations. We focus on the design and modeling process, but some best concepts and design pieces will be carried out. Realization of their original plans in material is always a significant motivation for the students and provides even more opportunity to gain experience during the working process. The variety of tasks aims that students could learn the main aspects in the three-dimensional way of expression. During the practical work students gather further experience on the use of different kind of materials and also the significance of its formative role. The course involves some basic research on the relationship between structure and form, studying shapes and the diversity of texture and structure, creation of different spatial arrangements and sculptures, construction and modeling of spatial geometric systems, preparation of their visual presentation and design documentation. The variety of tasks aims that students could learn the main aspects in the three-dimensional way of expression. During the practical work students gather further experience on the use of different kind of materials and also the significance of its formative role. The course involves some basic research on the relationship between structure and form, studying shapes and the diversity of texture and structure, creation of different spatial arrangements and sculptures, construction and modeling of spatial geometric systems, preparation of their visual presentation and design documentation. The variety of tasks aims that students could learn the main aspects in the three-dimensional way of expression. During the practical work students gather further experience on the use of different kind of materials and also the significance of its formative role. The course involves some basic research on the relationship between structure and form, studying shapes and the diversity of texture and structure, creation of different spatial arrangements and sculptures, construction and modeling of spatial geometric systems, preparation of their visual presentation and design documentation.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module 3D Studies
Title: 3D Studies II.
Teacher: Klara Orosz
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
During the practice students learn some basic knowledge of three-dimensional design, and they also get some experience on how to work with some different kinds of materials (such as paper, clay, wood, wire, plaster, Styrofoam, etc.) Students have the possibility to construct and create some 3D sculptural forms.

Module Subject

Participants of the course are going to make some research on some “natural forms” and will get some experience and practical knowledge on some basic concepts of sculptural tasks, such as shape, construction, scale, size and proportion. During the term students will have the possibility to choose their own “natural forms” (such as crops, insect cocoons, minerals, etc.), to carry out some research about its shape, proportion and studying its structure they will create some sketches, 3D models and some sculptural objects and constructions as well. We would focus on the most important and fundamental sculptural and spatial issues (shape, construction, scale, size and proportion, structure). During the research we do not only focus on the visual content, but put emphasis on other senses, such as tactility and smelling, etc. These practices will help to develop the students’ way of thinking in creating three dimensional forms and spatial constructions.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module Graphics (Képgrafika)
Title: Graphics studio practice II. (Műtermi gyakorlat II. )
Teacher: Gabor Roskó
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of this course is to discover beyond classical techniques some new goals in contemporary graphics. A klasszikus technikákon túl, új célok felfedezése a kortárs grafikában.

Module Subject

Studying contemporary graphic publications and other specialized areas, including issues raised by street art, e.g. Public art, Funzine, etc. Legújabb kori grafikai kiadványok és egyéb szakirányú területek tanulmányozása, beleértve a street art által felvetett kérdéseket, pl. Public art, funzine, stb.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 03.00
Module Graphics (Képgrafika)
Title: Graphics studio practice IV. ((Műtermi gyakorlat IV. )
Teacher: Gábor Roskó
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of this course is to study examples occurring in everyday practice of graphics, such as newspaper drawing, illustration, cover design, creating unique graphics, while taking into consideration some contemporary techniques and criteria. A napi grafikai praxisban előforduló példák tanulmányozása, amilyen az újságrajz, illusztráció, borítóterv, egyedi grafika készítése kortárs technikák és szempontok figyelembe vételével.

Module Subject

This course includes studying the street views of the XXI century, its graphics and graphic publications, and finally, preparing a publication of this kind. A XXI század utcaképének, grafikáinak és grafikai kiadványainak tanulmányozása, és ilyen kiadvány készítése.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 03.00
Module Skill ( Szakismeret)
Title: Technique practiceI. (Technikai gyakorlatok I.)
Teacher: Gábor Roskó
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of this course is the acquisition of classical and reproduction graphic techniques, and mixing them with our contemporary knowledge on the given subject. Klasszikus és sokszorosító grafikai eljárások elsajátítása, vegyítése legújabb kori ismereteinkkel az adott témában.

Module Subject

The history of illustration and the emergence of independent graphic papers. Joint use of Linocut, Etching, drawings, stencils, spraycan and stickers. Az illusztráció története és az önálló grafikai lapok megjelenése. Linocut, Etching, drawings, stencil, spraycan, stickers együttes használata.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.00
Module Painting-Drawing (Rajzolás-festés)
Title: Painting studio practice IV. (Műtermi gyakorlat IV.festő szaki.)
Teacher: Gábor Roskó
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of this course is to redefine and study some important aspects of painting, such as the composition, the two- and three-dimensional representational conventions, beyond the classical perspective. Fontos festészeti szempontok újraértelmezése, tanulmányozása, mint a kompozíció, sík és térbeli ábrázolási konvenciók, túl a klasszikus perspektíván.

Module Subject

Creating pictures and compositions while taking into consideration the varying conventions of different ages. Képek, kompozíciók készítése a koronként változó konvenciók figyelembe vételével.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 03.00
Module ( Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: Sketch II. (Kroki II.)
Teacher: Kamilla Szij
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed to develop figure drawing, to help in finding and practicing the genre, the proportions and movements. A quick visual perception, grasping and visualization can help in the development of figure drawing. A kurzus célja az alakrajz fejlesztése, a karakter, az arányok, mozdulatok helyes megtalálása és gyakorlása. A látvány gyors felfogása, megragadása és vizualizálása nagyban segít az alakrajz fejlesztésében.

Module Subject

Drawing after a model with short, 3-5 minutes settings. Trying different drawing tools (charcoal, pencil, ballpoint pen, marker, chalk, ink, watercolor), using multiply techniques within a drawing. All drawing tools should always be taken with to the practices. Modell utáni rajzolás, 3-5 perces rövid beállításokkal. Különböző rajzeszközök kipróbálása (szén, ceruza, golyóstoll, filctoll, kréta, tus, akvarell), többféle technika alkalmazása egy rajzon belül. Az órákra mindig minden eszközt hozni kell.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.00
Module ( Rajzolás-festés) Painting-Drawing
Title: (Kroki IV.) Sketch IV.
Teacher: Kamilla Szij
Contact: 0
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course is designed to develop the figure drawing by using a quick drawing technique to get a quick visual grasp, a quick interpretation. Our aim is not the creation of a detailed drawing, but we expect the students to find their own way for drawing expression. We use the following drawing techniques: reduction, highlighting, sketch, drawing multiple forms on a single piece of paper, etc A kurzus célja az alakrajzolás fejlesztése, gyors rajzolással a látvány megragadása, gyors értelmezése. Nem kidolgozott rajz készítése a cél, hanem saját rajzi kifejezés megtalálása. Ehhez a következő rajzolási módok nyújtanak segítséget: redukálás, kiemelés, vázlatszerűség, egy papírra több alak rajzolása, stb.

Module Subject

This course involves drawing after a model with short, 3-5 minutes settings. It makes possible to try a variety of drawing tools (charcoal, watercolor, pencil, various pastels, ink, collage preparation, etc). It is important not to use the usual favorite tools, but experiment with some unknown accessories as well. A kurzus 3-5 perces gyors modell utáni rajzolást jelent, ami a legkülönfélébb eszközökkel való rajzolás kipróbálását is jelenti egyben (szén, akvarell, ceruza, különböző kréták, tus, kollázs készítése, stb.). Fontos, hogy ne a már megszokott, kedvenc eszközöket használjuk, hanem az ismeretlen dolgokkal is kísérletezzünk.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 08.00
Module La Hongrie actuelle (économie, politique, culture)
Title: La Hongrie actuelle
Teacher: Mihály, Éric BACSKAI, BLIN
Contact: bacskai[et], eric[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Cours d'introduction á l'économie, á la politique et á la culture cinématographique hongroise

Module Subject

La place de l'économie hongroise au sein de l'UE, l'État des lieux des projets communs franco-hongrois, La présentation des partis politiques importants de Hongrie, Le systeme d'élection parlementaire et municipale, L'art cinématographique en Hongrie et sa réception á l'étranger, Projection et analyse des films hongrois contemporains: A nyomozó (L'enqueteur), Kontroll (Controle), Argo.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 09.10
Module Francais général
Title: Francais général
Teacher: Jean-Paul, Olivier PAGLIANO, LEMAIRE
Contact: jeanpaul[et] lemaire[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Prise de contact. Faire un tour de table. Accueillir (aéroport, gare,… dans l'entreprise). Agenda (prendre un rendez-vous, changer un rendez-vous, organiser son temps de travail. Voyage. Tourisme. Hotel. Adresser une réclamation. Restauration. Faire des critiques. Entreprise. Lettres commerciales.

Module Subject

Communications orale et écrite. Savoir échanger des idées, savoir formuler. Rédaction de différents types de lettres (critiques, réclamations, demandes de renseignements…). Pouvoir présenter divers sujets généraux. S'intégrer dans un groupe de travail.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 07.10
Module 0
Title: Urban planning and management in Hungary
Teacher: Annamária Korom
Contact: korom.annamaria[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Getting acquainted with the history of regional planning in Hungary Getting acquainted with the theoretical trends in this area Learning some practical aspects of the urban management Getting acquainted with the legal and institutional framework: the main laws, institutional development and strategies of actors Learning the basic methods of the planning (analysis SWOT, etc.) All these objectives will be presented by some practical aspects of managing the city of Szeged.

Module Subject

Theoretical topics of course: 1. Definitions of the keywords. 2. The history of regional development and urban planning in Hungary 3. The legislative and institutional framework: the main laws, institutional development and strategies of actors 4. The functions and tasks of the municipalities. 5. The role of the residents and the private sector in the urban development 6. Public statistical resources and statistical analysis 7. Strategic Planning: Methods - SWOT and STEP; creation of "problem tree" and "objective tree" (systems issues and objectives of a joint) Field work: 1. Szeged and the impact of the flood in 1879 2. Szeged and the impact of socialism (industrial development and structure of the city, housing estates, today's problems and solutions: revitalization program) 3. The Szeged-Baktó district or the presence of second homes (requirements and problems) 4. Szeged and the residential communities: benefits and problems 5. The architecture of Szeged (the typical styles and causes of change) 6. Investments for the development and renewal of Szeged
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 07.10
Module 0
Title: Aménagement du territoire et gestion de commune en Hongrie
Teacher: Annamária Korom
Contact: korom.annamaria[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Connaître l’histoire de l’aménagement du territoire en Hongrie Connaître les courants théoriques de ce domaine Connaître le cadre législatif et institutionnel : les lois principales, l’évolution institutionnelle et les stratégies des acteurs Apprendre à maîtriser les méthodes de base de différentes étapes de l’élaboration des programmes Tous ces objectifs seront presentés par quelques aspects pratiques de la gestion de la ville Szeged.

Module Subject

Travail sur le terrain: 1. Szeged et l'impact des inondations 2. Szeged et l'impact du socialisme (le développement industriel et la structure de la ville, les lotissements/blocs, les problèmes d'aujourd'hui et les solutions: programme de revitalisation) 3. Szeged-Baktó, ou la présence de résidences secondaires (les exigences et les problèmes) 4. Szeged et les parcs résidentiels : les avantages et les problèmes 5. Architecture de Szeged (les stlyes tipiques et les causes des changements) 6. Les grandes investissements pour le développement et le renouvellement de Szeged Sujets théoriques des cours: 1. Clarification de la définiton des mots clés. 2. Fonctionnement et tâches de la municipalité. 3. Rôle des habitants et du secteur privé dans le développement de la commune 4. Relation entre la politique de commune, la politique du développement de territoire et la planification de commune. Le rôle du manager de commune 5. Ressources des statistiques des communes et analyse des statistiques 6. Planification stratégique: méthodes - SWOT et STEP; création de «l’arbre à problèmes» et de «l’arbre des objectifs» (systèmes des problèmes et des objectifs d’une commune) 7. Histoire de l’aménagement du territoire en Hongrie 8. Cadre législatif et institutionnel: les lois principales, l’évolution institutionnelle et les stratégies d’acteurs Méthodologie: L’alternance des exposés et des ateliers permettra aux participants d’être actifs et de tirer profit des échanges d’expériences/ de pensées à l’intérieur du groupe.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 08.30
Module 0
Title: Die Geschichte der Universitat in Szeged
Teacher: Natasa Fizel
Contact: natasa[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Das Ziel des Moduls ist, dass sich die Studenten mit der Geschichte der Universitat in Szeged bekannt machen. Sie besuchen die wichtigsten Gebaude, Statuen und Denkmale der Universitat. Die Studenten machen sich vertraut mit den wichtigsten, und bekanntesten Professoren der Universitat in Szeged, zum Beispiel mit dem Nobepreistrager Albert Szent-Györgyi.

Module Subject

Einfürung in die Geschichte der Hochschulbildung in Ungarn. Die ungarische Unterrichtssystem zwischen den Weltkriegen. Der Erziehungsminister Kuno Klebelsberg. Die wichtigsten Professoren der Universitat von dem Jahre 1921 bis 1945, vor allem Albert Szent-Györgyi, Hildebrand Várkonyi, Károly Kogutowicz und Sándor Sík. Die Reformschuhle der Universitat zwischen 1936-1940: die Garten Schuhle.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 14.90
Module Health Promotion, life-style, deviance
Title: Health Promotion, life-style, deviance
Teacher: Zsuzsanna Benkő
Contact: egeszsegfejlesztes[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Through introducing students into the basic concepts of sociology, the socio-demoraphical determinants of health will be discussed and the sociological foundations and explanations of deviances will be analysed.

Module Subject

1. The concept of social stratification and social structure. The systems of social stratification. The theories of social stratification. The stratification of the present Hungarian society 2. Social inequality, equal opportunities. Theories of inequality. 3. Poverty. Deprivation. Disadvantaged position. Methods of surveying poverty. Reasons of poverty. Poverty in Hungary. Poverty categories. 4. Definition, components and channels of social mobility. Mobility research. Migration. 5. Sociological theories of deviance 6. Deviances in Hungary (alcoholism, drug abuse, crime, suicide) 7. Socio-demographic determinants of health (age, gender, education, place of living, occupation etc.) 8. Geographical differences in health. 9. Health opportunities of minorities.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 14.90
Module Social Psychology
Title: Social Psychology
Teacher: Bernadett Kis
Contact: egeszsegfejlesztes[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course aims at introducing the students into the world of social behaviour. In the first part of the course the social psychology of the individual is addressed; the following topics are covered: social perception, attribution, attitudes and prejudice as a specific attitude. In the second part the social psychology of the groups is examined. Types of social interactions and social influences are thoroughly explored such as relevant social phenomena like aggression and prosocial behaviour. As the course is also for health promoters, there is special emphasis on the social aspects of health behaviour (e.g. health related attitudes and their relation to health behaviour). Lifelike examples are given to help students understanding.

Module Subject

1. The individual in the social world: introduction into social psychology, social perception, theories of perception and social perception (Asch, Kelly) impression management, schemes, stereotypes, biases in social perception. 2. Attribution: theories of attribution (Heider, Kelley, Weiner), major sources of attributional bias (fundamental attribution error, the actor-observer effect, attribution of success and failure etc.), self attribution, practical applications of attribution. 3. Attitudes: definition, functions of attitude, measuring attitudes, attitudes and behaviour (health related attitudes and their changing), prejudice as a specific attitude, forms of reducing prejudice, cognitive consistency and dissonance. 4. Groups in social psychology: definitions of a group, functions, structure and development of groups, communication within the group, method for measuring social relationships (sociometry). 5. The group and the individual: norms, forms of social influence (conformity, identification, internalisation, persuasion, obedience), leadership. 6. Prosocial behaviour and interpersonal aggression: helping and intervening, theoretical perspectives on aggression, prevention and control of aggression.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 14.90
Module Communication skills development
Title: Communication skills development
Teacher: László Lippai
Contact: egeszsegfejlesztes[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Objectives of the course: The proper level knowledge of the phenomena and regularities of human communication, and the knowledge of effective means and strategies of communication (their development in practice). It is very important for all professionals working in different helping professions or who are preparing for a career like this. The development of communication skills equally serves the conscious usage of the „work-tool”, its continuous improvement and personal effectiveness. The subjective experience gained through all these can have an important role in preserving the mental balance of teachers as well. It is a very important aim that the student participating at communication skills development training should enlarge his repertoire of behaviours, realise his communicational tools and possible failures. There should be more effective solutions reachable in given situations in a way, that their application should still keep his personality congruent.

Module Subject

Practice: We direct attention to the elements of observable behaviour, and to the general and personal features of communication with the help of a video-feedback method. The participating observers are at the same time acting as models. Attached to the observed communicational phenomenon there is an education embedded in thematic discussions during the group-work. The topics of the developmental programs: • We will deal with the general features of informal human communication. We will focus on the basic phenomena of communication, the verbal and non-verbal channels and meta-communication. • Distortion of information, incongruence of verbal and non-verbal signs, typical faults as a result of subjective evaluation, modelling of communicational strategies.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 14.90
Module Field practice theory, practice, analysis and evaluation
Title: Field practice theory, practice, analysis and evaluation
Teacher: László Lippai
Contact: egeszsegfejlesztes[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
This course introduces students to key elements of health promotion practice across a wide variety of health contexts including individual and community health and health-related contexts of organisations. The learning activities in this Field Practice course are designed to provide students personal experiences about the practical aspects of health promotion theory, analysis, activities and evaluation. To maximize student learning experiences, the Field Practice course engages field practice coordinators also in the design and delivery of workshops and where possible, includes targeted field trips.

Module Subject

This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the foundations of health promotion practice. The course could focus on the possible health promotion strategies in a variety of organisational settings considering the students’ own interests. Course learning activities will focus on developing students' understanding of theoretical perspectives and practical methods which influence the preparation, implementation and evaluation of health promotion strategies in various organisations.
Number of Credits 12

Course Code 14.90
Module Organisation development
Title: Organisation development
Teacher: László Lippai
Contact: egeszsegfejlesztes[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
This course, “Organisation Development” is designed for students with little or no background in organisation development, health or health promotion. The purpose of the course is to provide an introduction into the organisational background of health promotion methods. The major objectives of the course are: 1. To provide an orgasizational context for health promotion in a multicultural learning environment. 2. To recognize important trends and changes in the concepts of health and health promotion these days. 3. To analyze project management techniques in health promotion in light of these trends, and identify their organisational background in real examples. 4. To assess the impact of health promotion projects on different kinds of organisations.

Module Subject

We will identify how individuals’ lifestyle and health behavior depend on organisations which they are members of. Students will explore important factors which influence the functioning of organisations and analyze their health promotion consequences. It will help us to understand the theoretical background of project management in health promotion. The principle aim of health promotion projects is to initiate an organisational change influences the individuals’ lifestyle towards health in a certain organization. This theoretical knowledge will be deepened by discussing case studies, which prepare the students to transfer their knowledge to practice. Main topics: 1. Basic principles of the concept of health promotion. 2. Definitions of organisation and institution. Formal and informal organizations. 3. Characteristics of organisations. Organisational strategy 4. Organisational models and their importance in health promotion. 5. Characteristics of organisational culture. The relationship between organisational culture and health. 6. Definitions and types of health promotion projects. The importance of the project management in health promotion. 7. Attributes of the efficient project organisations. 8. Circular target planning in health promotion projects. Development of Project Leadership The course is a combination of lectures, group works and case studies. The schedule of case studies is discussed at the first lecture.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 14.90
Module Minority studies, multiculturalism
Title: Minority studies, multiculturalism
Teacher: Klára Tarkó
Contact: egeszsegfejlesztes[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
to introduce students to the concept of minority studies and multicultural education, to examine international traditions and national realisations.

Module Subject

1. Possible ways of understanding the concept of minority. Social perception of minorities. 2. Prejudice. 3. The history of Hungarian national and ethnic minorities. 4. The state of Hungarian Gypsies. 5. Gender roles in society, the state of women in society. 6. History and concept of multicultural education. 7. Educational methods for preventing prejudice. Curriculum and teaching aids. Education of Hungarian minorities. 8. Biological minorities in Hungary - Homosexuality. 9. The state of the disabled, their social acceptance. 10. Minorities in the World – student presentations 11. Consultation
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 05.00
Module Optional courses
Title: Spielpädagogik
Teacher: Krisztina Kovács
Contact: kovacs.k[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Ziel des Lehrganges ist es, Bedeutung der Spielpädagogik, die spieldidaktischen Schritte und die Spielmethode zu erlernen. Dieser Lehrgang soll es den Studenten ermöglichen, verschiedene Spielmateralien und deren vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Kindergarten kennen zu lernen. Ziel des Kurses ist es, die mündlichen Ausdrucksfähigkeit der Studierenden und ihren Wortschatz zu stärken.

Module Subject

Die Grundbegriffe und die Bedeutung der Spielpädagogik. Die Bedeutung des Spiels in der menschlichen Entwicklung. Die Aufgaben der Kindergärtnerin bei den Spieltätigkeiten. Die Entwicklung der deutschen Sprachkenntnisse der Kinder im Kindergarten. Die Spielformen (Funktionsspiel, Übungsspiel, Konstruktionsspiel, Rollenspiel, Regelspiel, Bewegungsspiel) Kennenlernen verschiedener Spiele.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 16.10
Module Sports theoretical and practical modules
Title: Athletics 2
Teacher: Ferenc Győri
Contact: gyori[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
Athletics 2 courses provide an introduction to the profession of athletic training and teaching. The course demonstrates how to achieve progression in running, jumping and throwing events. One of the underlying aims of the courses is to bring alive the teaching of athletics. One of the underlying aims of the courses is to get to know techniques, rules, coaching and teaching of athletics. The education happening on 2 languages -hungarian and english.

Module Subject

Athletics 2: Focuse on middle and long distance running, hurdles, long jump, javelin throwing; history of the events, charasteristics and benefits of the events, warm-up exercises, biomechanical basics of the techniques, drills for improving the techniques, general drills and exercises for improving conditional and coordinational abilities in middle and long distance running, jumping and throwing events, IAAF rules and regulations of running, long jump, and javelin throwing, tasks of the judges.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 16.10
Module Sports theoretical and practical modules
Title: Streching
Teacher: Borkovits margitborkovits@yahoo.conm
Contact: margitborkovits[et]yahoo.conm
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
This study is offered to students and participants who are aiming to apply activities in their practice which develop individuals’ posture and stance. My primary objectives are to design materials for courses focusing on educating recreation professionals as well as coaches who will be able to terials.The education happening on 2 languages -hungarian and english.

Module Subject

When designing the programs of this course we bore in our mind the available kits and equipment of our schools. It is also intended and emphasized that the students will have the opportunity to practice the latest methods of how they can change and develop their and others’ mental and physical capacity.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 16.10
Module Sports theoretical and practical modules
Title: Aerobic
Teacher: Zita Petrovszki
Contact: petrovszki[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aim of the course is get to know the students today's popular musical sports (aerobic, step aerobic), the theoretical material, the physiological effects, rules, competition system, basic elements of practice, classroom management methods of these sports.The education happening on 2 languages -hungarian and english.

Module Subject

AEROBIC: Sports history, benefits of aerbics, parts of aerobic, types of aerobics, calculate the target heart rate, warm-up exercises, basic steps, low and high impact exercises, strengthening exercises, coreography building, required exercises. Step aerobic: basic exercises, power step exercises, dance step coreography.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 16.10
Module Sports theoretical and practical modules
Title: Swimming
Teacher: Sandor Ban
Contact: sandorban2[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The aims of cours to get the students from the breast, butterfly and individual medley strokes theoretical and practical knowledgement ahead to up date methodical process,and training phylosophy.The education happening on 2 languages -hungarian and english.

Module Subject

Different technical improvement excercies of breast stroke on 1-5thweeks, after 6-10 weeks the same process on Butterfly and the and on Individual Medley.
Number of Credits 5

Course Code 03.20
Module music
Title: Nature in the Music
Teacher: Józsefné Dr. Dombi
Contact: dombi5[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The aim of this course is to get students familiar with songs related to nature. Students sing the songs by ear with the help of electronic material and try to perform them.

Module Subject

1. Natural phenomena in music 2. Times of day, months and seasons 3. Landscapes (rivers, lakes, caves) 4. Landscapes (forests and fields) 5. Plants and flowers 6. Animals: forests and fields 7. Animals: amphibians, fish, domestic animals 8. Animals: insects 9. Animals: birds 10. The universe
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.20
Module Instrument (Violin)
Title: Instrument (Violin)
Teacher: Bence Dr. Asztalos
Contact: asztalos[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The basic aim of the module is to reach a reliable technical level, to establish the foundations of further artistic and pedagogical advancement. Students have to pass a compulsory exam at the end of each semester, which guarantees constant professional control.

Module Subject

Students have to play all major and minor scales and arpeggios in fluent tempo. Repertoire for the course should be selected from traditional solo literature which best demonstrates their level of ability. During the semester one etude or caprice of Kreutzer, Rhodes, Gaviniés, or Paganini, one Concert Piece and another piece of the applicant’s choice, one movement from a standard Concerto have to be played. Students are required to apply for chamber music course. The violin parts of chamber pieces in chamber music course can be also prepared in violin course. At the end of the semester students have to play by heart two pieces from the above mentioned repertoire.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.20
Module History of Music (Classical and early romantic period)
Title: History of Music (Classical and early romantic period)
Teacher: Bence Dr. Asztalos
Contact: asztalos[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The module aims to provide a broad understanding of music history between 1750 and 1850 and aims to develop intellectual and emotional abilities of students and to form and enrich their musical taste. The module explores how history, literature and other art forms influenced the development of the music.

Module Subject

The course covers the life and works of great composers from about 1750 to 1850. Among others, the module discusses Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn. Importance is given to instrumental music sonata, trio, string quartet, symphony, concerto, serenade and divertimento. The course focuses on operas from Haydn/Esterházy court through Mozart’s Da Ponte operas and Die Zauberflöte to Beethoven’s Fidelio. The meaning of German Lied by Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn is also discussed. Schumann’s piano music plays important role in this module. During the semester each student has to make a ten minutes long oral presentation. Two tests are required to written and at the end of the semester students have to pass an oral examination.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.20
Module Musical terminology
Title: Musical terminology
Teacher: Bence Dr. Asztalos
Contact: asztalos[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The module aims to introduce basic musical terminology (Italian, German, English, Latin) in music theory and performing practice. It contributes to the correct reading of music scores and to better understanding composers’ exact intends and instructions.

Module Subject

The module goes through the musical terminology based on the Italian, German, French and Latin languages (also pronunciation) common used in music theory and performing practice. The course provides help in understanding music scores from the middle age to the 21st Century. Musical terms are demonstrated by audio exemplars. The module also focuses on the new English language based musical terminology. Students are required to make translations to their mother’s tongue from foreign music reviews. During the semester one test has to be written.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.20
Module 0
Title: Contemporary music
Teacher: Józsefné Dr. Dombi
Contact: dombi5[et]
Termin 1st
Module Aims
Objective of the course: The course introduces the life and work of famous 20th- and 21st-century Hungarian composers. In particular we will discuss the works of Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály and Leó Weiner. One of the cornerstones of the course will be the life, work and heritage of István Vántus. The lecture covers in more detail the musical background and compositions of those composers whose pieces are performed during the annually organised “Contemporary Music Week of Szeged”, such as Máté Hollós, Miklós Kocsár, Zsolt Durkó, Péter Eötvös, József Sári and Kamilló Lendvai. The course offers a new way to become acquainted with contemporary music. The “Contemporary Music Week of Szeged” offers students a unique possibility to listen to live contemporary music. A few contemporary styles will be presented to them. They will also receive instructions how to listen to and understand this kind of music. Students who can play an instrument can actively take part in the music pedagogy program with their instruments.

Module Subject

Module Subject 1. The most important Hungarian composer of the 20th century: Béla Bartók 2. The works of Béla Bartók 3. Bartók’s contemporaries and their compositions: Zoltán Kodály and Leó Weiner 4. The most important 20th-century composer of Szeged: István Vántus 5. The detailed program of the “Contemporary Music Week of Szeged” The Hungarian composer Máté Hollós and his compositions 6. The Hungarian composer Miklós Kocsár and his compositions. The works of composers Vántus, Kocsár, Durkó 7. The Hungarian composer József Sári and his compositions (21st-century composition in music pedagogy (the piano works of József Sári) 8. The Hungarian composer Kamilló Lendvay and his compositions 9. The Hungarian composer György Kurtág 10. The Hungarian composer Zsolt Durkó and his compositions Chamber and choral music of the 21st century Final Test 11-14. Visiting the “Contemporary Music Week of Szeged”
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.20
Module Music
Title: Art and methodology of Zoltán Kodály
Teacher: Józsefné Dr. Dombi
Contact: dombi5[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course introduces the life and work of Zoltán Kodály, a famous Hungarian composer of the 20th century . In particular we will discuss the importent events of his life, talk about the folk songs collected by him and also , the course will cover his compositions and their musical genres and backround. Furthermore, his approach the music education principles in practice, methodology.

Module Subject

Themes 1-2. The life of Zoltán Kodály, and Chamber music 3. Methodology of Kodály in the school, The 333 Reading exercises 4. Psalmus Huncaricus and singing practice 5. The Role of Singing and Folk-Song 6-7 Children's Choruses and singing practice 8-9. Mixed Choruses and singing pactice 10-11. Piano pieces by Kodály 12-13. Stage works by Kodály 14. Háry János Suite
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.20
Module Choir conducting
Title: Choral conducting
Teacher: Gábor Dr. Kovács
Contact: kovacsg[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The aim of the course is to teach would-be conductors and teachers the necessary theoretical issues and practical skills which are essential in conducting a school community (group, class, choir) in a professional way. Students have to be familiar with the pieces of national and international composers written for children’s choirs, and the methods of teaching, the technical requirements of conducting and the traditions of performing them. Participation in conferences and courses of the national and international professional associations. Changing experience with conducting teachers of other colleges, and international partner institutes. Inviting internationally renowned conductors for courses.

Module Subject

Hungarian children’s and youth choir pieces, following the difficulty of conducting techniques. Erkel Ferenc–Kölcsey Ferenc: Himnusz and Egressy Béni–Vörösmarty Mihály: Szózat. Extracts from the European choir pieces corresponding to the difficulty of pieces present in elementary school textbooks. The backbone of the course is common singing, learning and practicing technical elements necessary for musical exercises and typical situations of music making. The course also deals with different choir conducting methodological elements, score reading and with different tools that help would-be teachers in learning and teaching choir pieces.
Number of Credits 4

Course Code 03.20
Module Music
Title: Harmony
Teacher: Gyula Dr. Varjasi
Contact: varjasigy[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Features of different styles and eras of European music – familiarization with those features through examining music generally and examining specific pieces of music, complemented with practical exercises. Learning skills to analyze music necessary for pedagogical purposes, with regards to different pieces of music from different eras.

Module Subject

Physical attributes and components of the musical sound. Overtone system. Scales and keynotes. Sound systems. Quints. Authentic and plagal steps and functions. Chords. Elements and definitions of rhythm. Characteristics of beats. Problems of contemporary notations. Elements and definitions of tune. Types of figuration. Aspects of analysing final chords. Definition of everyday musical terminology. Main genres of early Christian and Gregorian music. Gregorian keynotes. The hexachord-system and tonic solva according to Guido of Arezzo. Gregorian notation, and sheet reading guidelines. Early forms and theoretical definitions of medieval polyphony. Rules of organum construction. The characteristic genres and techniques of the Notre Dame school and Ars Antiqua. The music and composition techniques of Ars Nova and trecento. Characteristics, organizing theories and consonance of the renaissance vocal polyphony. Baroque music theory. Stylistic and genre novelties of the Baroque, the beginning of Baroque. Instrumental and vocal Baroque genres and forms (chorals, variations, preludes, fugues, inventions, suites, sonatas, rondeaus, oratories, concertos, passions, etc). Late Baroque and early Classic genres and masterpieces (eg: D. Scarlatti, C. Ph. E. Bach). Consonance and form in the music of J. Haydn, W.A. Mozart, L.v. Beethoven (sonatas, variations, symphonies, concertos, etc.) Enlargement of consonance elements of the Baroque and Vienna Classic music in the 19th century (minor subdominants, Naples phenomena, chords, romantic sequences, etc). New consonance and tunes in Romanticism, folkloric effects, neomodality, specific scales, minore-maggiore, distance-governed modulations, enharmonic variations, chromatic scales, polar connections, function mixing, quint and quart building with a special regard on Liszt’s music. Dissolution of tonality at the turn of the century. New melodies and harmonies at the beginning of the century. Beginning of atonality. 20th century composition techniques from a theoretical perspective. Analysis is mainly targeted at internationally recognized composers, with a special regard to Bartók’s pieces.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.20
Module Music
Title: Musical theory
Teacher: Ágnes Gyovai
Contact: gyovai.agnes[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
Features of different styles and eras of European music – familiarization with those features through examining music generally and examining specific pieces of music, complemented with practical exercises. Learning skills to analyze music necessary for pedagogical purposes, with regards to different pieces of music from different eras.

Module Subject

Physical attributes and components of the musical sound. Overtone system. Scales and keynotes. Sound systems. Quints. Authentic and plagal steps and functions. Chords. Elements and definitions of rhythm. Characteristics of beats. Problems of contemporary notations. Elements and definitions of tune. Types of figuration. Aspects of analysing final chords. Definition of everyday musical terminology. Main genres of early Christian and Gregorian music. Gregorian keynotes. The hexachord-system and tonic solva according to Guido of Arezzo. Gregorian notation, and sheet reading guidelines. Early forms and theoretical definitions of medieval polyphony. Rules of organum construction. The characteristic genres and techniques of the Notre Dame school and Ars Antiqua. The music and composition techniques of Ars Nova and trecento. Characteristics, organizing theories and consonance of the renaissance vocal polyphony. Baroque music theory. Stylistic and genre novelties of the Baroque, the beginning of Baroque. Instrumental and vocal Baroque genres and forms (chorals, variations, preludes, fugues, inventions, suites, sonatas, rondeaus, oratories, concertos, passions, etc). Late Baroque and early Classic genres and masterpieces (eg: D. Scarlatti, C. Ph. E. Bach). Consonance and form in the music of J. Haydn, W.A. Mozart, L.v. Beethoven (sonatas, variations, symphonies, concertos, etc.) Enlargement of consonance elements of the Baroque and Vienna Classic music in the 19th century (minor subdominants, Naples phenomena, chords, romantic sequences, etc). New consonance and tunes in Romanticism, folkloric effects, neomodality, specific scales, minore-maggiore, distance-governed modulations, enharmonic variations, chromatic scales, polar connections, function mixing, quint and quart building with a special regard on Liszt’s music. Dissolution of tonality at the turn of the century. New melodies and harmonies at the beginning of the century. Beginning of atonality. 20th century composition techniques from a theoretical perspective. Analysis is mainly targeted at internationally recognized composers, with a special regard to Bartók’s pieces.
Number of Credits 3

Course Code 03.20
Module Music
Title: Chamber music
Teacher: Bence Dr. Asztalos
Contact: asztalos[et]
Termin Both
Module Aims
The basic aim of the module is to use students’ instrumental skills in music literature other than their solo repertoire as chamber music requires a number of skills not normally required for the performance of solo music. The module focuses on group work as a basic element of music productions.

Module Subject

Teamwork means cooperating, especially playing in instrumental groups like orchestra or other chamber music formations. It is a part of our everyday life in both of teaching and performing. The module will be focusing on chamber music aspects offered by various range of compositions. To give the priority to important sections with staying secondary by others is the goal of chamber music approach. Chamber music is not restricted only to concert hall and opera stages but also has to be presented in the field of education.
Number of Credits 4

Faculty of Arts

Course Code 08.90
Module Obtional humanities course
Title: Global Religion
Teacher: Gábor Dániel PhD Nagy
Contact: ngd1[et]
Termin 2nd
Module Aims
The course aims to provide a general introduction to the recent Global research topics related to religion. We will cover the topics of New Religions, Neo-paganism, Buddhism and other eastern religions, Islam, Religion in Central and Eastern Europe, Religion in America, Religion and Politics. Colleagues and prestigious invited instructors will present their topics of research in lectures.

Module Subject

This selection of interesting lectures will enable students to have a good understanding on contemporary issues related to religion. The course completion will be possible by filling a test. The aim of the course is to provide an insight to the Global issues of religion having an effect on Global social changes, politics and processes.
Number of Credits 2