EURAXESS Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research NIH EURAXESS Hungary
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Welcome to the EURAXESS homepage of the Southern Great Plain Regional Network Point in  Hungary!

Dél-Alföldi Régió

The Euraxess Services Network has been established to serve as a support-system for European researchers in motion; the network coordinates more than 200 centers in 35 countries across Europe.

These centers provide information and offer customized assistance to researchers and their families with planning and organizing extended research periods in foreign countries.

Practical information and customized assistance is offered through this free service on matters concerning personal and daily life, such as accomodation, visa, work-permit, language-courses and health-care.

The National Research and Innovation Office has designated the Hungarian Science and Technology Foundation as the main national coordination point in Hungary, to provide information, training and various services to regional network points.

The main coordinational institute and the regional network points are in constant communication and cooperation by sharing related knowledge and information.



Our Services:

  • providing information and help with legal and administrative procedure
  • providing information and help with research grants and job opportunities abroad
  • providing customized and up-to-date assistance on all matters relating to professional and daily life




© University of Szeged, International Mobility Centre, 2010-2015