How to find the OLA responsible and contact persons at the University of Szeged?

In order to prepare your Online Learning Agreement you have to know who are the responsible and contact persons at the University of Szeged.

Who is the contact person? (central level)

The contact person is responsible for the nomination of incoming students, checking the application and mobility documents, sending the Letter of Acceptance to the students and the Transcript of Records to the home institutions after the mobility period.

The contact person for ERASMUS+ incoming students at HU SZEGED01 is: Tímea VARGA

Contact Function: ERASMUS+ Coordinator, responsible for incoming students

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: +36 62 546 366

Who is the responsible person? (faculty or departmental level)

The responsible person is responsible for academic questions (approving the student's selected courses, confirmation of the Learning agreement) and he/she will sign your Online Learning Agreement.

You will find your responsible person and the related data easily:

1. Click here to get to Bilateral agreements

2. Click on the country of your sending institution by clicking on the map

3. You will see the bilateral agreements list of the University of Szeged within your sending country

4. Find your sending university (you can use the Filter option)

5. Find your academic code or academic area

6. Click on the given agreements row (except of the name of your university - it will forward you to the homepage of your university)

7. So you will see the requested OLA data (Name and Email Address of Contact person, Name and Email Address of Responsible Person)

Contact Function: ERASMUS+ Coordinator, responsible for incoming Students

Res. Phone: Check: Contact Info, Click on the Coordinator's Name for the Phone Number

Res. Function: Faculty/Departmental Coordinator

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact Ágnes PETŐ (peto.agnes[et]])

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