The European Quality Label
The European Quality Label is an international quality assurance project supported by the European Commission which seeks to recognise those institutions that have demonstrated significant achievements in decentralised projects and mobility activities carried out under the Socrates programme.
In 2007 the University of Szeged was awarded the European Quality Label for its ERASMUS student and teaching staff mobility project and for its excellent project management.
Success Stories 2007
In May 2007 the European Commission published a
brochure entitled Success Stories giving a
summary of the mobility activities carried out in the academic year 004/2005.
As for the number of outgoing lecturers in the
academic year 2004/2005 the niversity of Szeged
was ranked number 20 among the universities of
Europe along with the Masaryk University in Brno
and in the category Incoming Erasmus Lecturers
Mobility it shared the 35th place with the University of Bremen.
The brochure Success Stories 2007 can be downloaded from our homepage.

1. Incoming ERASMUS Student Mobility Numbers by Institution in 2004/2005

2. Outgoing ERASMUS Student Mobility Numbers by Institution in 2004/2005

3. Incoming ERASMUS Lecturers Mobility Numbers by Institution in 2004/2005

4. Outgoing ERASMUS Lecturers Mobility Numbers by Institution in 2004/2005