
mr. dewey

Kapcsolattartó személy / Contact person

Dr. Alexander Kremer

Department of Philosophy

University of Szeged

Petofi Sandor Blvd. 30-346722 Szeged, Hungary



Administrator | 2007-02-06

Hasznos linkek / Useful links


- Center for Dewey Studies at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (deweycenter.siu.edu/)

- The John Dewey Society (http://cuip.uchicago.edu/jds/)

- John Dewey: American intellectual, philosopher, pragmatist, educaton (http://www.johndewey.org/)

- John Dewey, American Pragmatist (http://dewey.pragmatism.org/)

- Central European Pragmatist Forum (http://www.filozofia.sk/cepf/)


- Nordic Pragmatism Network (http://www.nordprag.org)

- Dewey Center Köln (http://www.uni-koeln.de/ew-fak/paedagogik/dewey/)

- Nederlandse Stichting voor Wijsgerig Pragmatisme (http://pragmatisme.nl)

- La Fondazione Italiana John Dewey (http://www.tuttisu.it/johndewey/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1)

- John Dewey Research Center, Cracow (http://www.deweycenter.uj.edu.pl/)

- Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (http://american-philosophy.org)

- Hungarian Philosophical Society (http://www.mft-hps.hu/index.html)

- University of Szeged, Hungary (http://www.u-szeged.hu/eindex.ivy?public.lang=en-US)

Administrator | 2007-02-06