Course descriptions for ERASMUS students
academic year 2012/2013


Faculty of Economics and Business Administration


Faculty of Science and Informatics



Physical Geography and Geoinformatics (only in 1st semester)


Economic Geography

  • Hungary - land, people, regions (by Péter BAJMÓCY, Ági PAP)
  • Population and settlement geography of Hungary (by Péter BAJMÓCY, only in 1st semester)
  • Human geographical features of Szeged (by Gábor HEGEDŰS, only in 2nd semester)


Faculty of Law

Comparative Law


Political Science


Faculty of Arts

Altaic Studies




Social Studies






Comparative Literature

  • Hungarian Drama and Theatre (by Gabriella TÓTH)



Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education

Social Studies



Health Sciences



French Language

FK_1043/F201 Európai Uniós alapismeretek - Initiation aux études européennes, Előadás őszi févben, 2 óra, Kollokvium

Burján Monika / Nagy Miklós 

FK_1043/F202 Országismeret és civilizáció - Civilisation, Előadás őszi févben, 2 óra, Kollokvium

Éric Blin

FK_1043/F213 Nyelvhasználat 1 - Usage du français 1, Gyakorlat őszi févben, 2 óra, Gyakorlati jegy

Burján Monika

FK_1043/F214 Olvasási kész, inf.gyűjt., feldolg. -Compétences de lecture et traitement d’inf, Gyakorlat őszi févben, 3 óra, Gyakorlati jegy

Bácskai Mihály

FK_1043/F205 Interkulturális kommunikáció - Communication interculturelle, Előadás őszi févben, 2 óra, Kollokvium

Olivier Lemaire

FK_1043/F206 Jogi alapismeretek - Initiation aux connaissances de base juridiques, Előadás őszi févben, 2 óra, Kollokvium

Éric Blin

FK_1043/F207 Bevezetés a közgazdaságtanba - Initiation aux études économiques, Előadás őszi févben, 2 óra, Kollokvium

Éric Blin

FK_1043/F208 Protokol - Protocole, Előadás őszi févben, 2 óra, Kollokvium

Jean-Paul Pagliano

FK_1043/F218 Gazd., bank, pénzü nyelvhaszn.-Français de l’économie, de la banque et des finan, Gyakorlat őszi févben, 3 óra, Gyakorlati jegy

Bácskai Mihály

FK_1043/F219 Írásbeli üzleti kommunikáció - Communication commerciale écrite, Gyakorlat őszi févben, 2 óra, Gyakorlati jegy

Jean-Paul Pagliano

FK_1043/F220 Prezentációs gyakorlat - Techniques de présentation, Gyakorlat őszi févben, 3 óra, Gyakorlati jegy

Bácskai Mihály

FK_1043/F221 Fordítás 1 - Traduction 1, Gyakorlat őszi févben, 2 óra, Gyakorlati jegy

Burján Monika

FK_1043/F222 Management du projet et organisation des manifestations en langue étrangere, Gyakorlat őszi févben, 2 óra, Gyakorlati jegy

Éric Blin

FK_1043/F223 Marketing és PR nyelvhasználati gyakorlat - Marketing et RP, Gyakorlat őszi févben, 2 óra, Gyakorlati jegy

Olivier Lemaire


Computer Science


Library and Information Science


Faculty of Engineering

Course descriptions for ERASMUS students
academic year 2011/2012

Faculty of Arts

Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology





Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
FALL BA Cohesion Policy of the EU English Beáta FARKAS 5 XSE031-10A311 10A311
FALL BA Economies, Societies and Civilizations (12th-19th centuries) English Lajos Rácz 5 XSE031-10A309 10A309
FALL BA European Economic and Monetary Union English Péter HALMOSI/Gábor KISS 5 XSE031-12C205 12C205
FALL BA International Human Resource Management BA English Eszter MEGYERI 5 XSE021-11C116, XSE011-11C117 11C116, 11C117
FALL BA Marketing Channels English Balázs RÉVÉSZ 5 XSE031-13C126 13C126
FALL BA Project Management in the EU English Gábor KISS 5 XSE031-11C212 11C212
FALL BA Psychology of Money English Beáta Vajda 5 XSE031/13C314 13C314
FALL BA Verhalten in Organisationen German Éva MÁLOVICS 5 VOXSE011-10B106, XSE011-10B107 10B106, 10B107
FALL BA Основы менеджмента Russian Miklós Sallai 5 XSE041-10B101 10B101
FALL BA Public Finance Management /Közpénzügyi menedzsment/ English Árpád Kovács 5 plan from 2011.04.28  
FALL MA Agricultural Policy of the EU English Iván BENET 5 XSE051-23C111 23C111
FALL MA EU Social and Employment Policy English József HAJDÚ 5 XSE031-23D102 23D102
FALL MA International Human Resource Management MA English Eszter MEGYERI 5 XSE041-23C205 23C205
SPRING BA Complexities on the Capital Market English Gábor KISS 5 XSE051/12C310 12C310
SPRING BA Introduction to Consumer Behaviour English Szabolcs PRÓNAY 5 XSE051/13C127 13C127
SPRING BA Risk communication English Beáta VAJDA 5 XSE021/13C313 13C313
SPRING BA Основы менеджмента Russian Miklós Sallai 5 XSE051/10B101 10B101
SPRING BA Psychology of Money English Beáta VAJDA 5 XSE051/13C314 13C314
SPRING BA Organizational behaviour German Beáta VAJDA / Éva MÁLOVICS 5 XSE031/10B106 XSE021/10B107 10B106 10B107
SPRING BA Time Series Analysis and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity English Gábor KISS 5 XSE051/12C218 12C218
SPRING BA International Week /Nemzetközi Hét English Gábor KISS 5 XSE051/20D103 20D103

Current information:

Departmental Coordinator: Ms. Kinga BÖDŐ , email address:

Faculty of Arts


Hispanic Studies


Italian Language and Literature







Finno-Ugric Languages / Finnugor nyelvek




Comparative Literature

  • Hungarian Drama and Theatre (by Gabriella TÓTH)


English and American Studies

Course requirements

Incoming Erasmus students majoring in English/Exchange students of the Institute of English and American Studies

  • may take all/any courses offered by the IEAS.

Incoming Erasmus students majoring in other subjects

  • may take courses offered by the IEAS in literature, linguistics, culture, history and methodology if they have good command of English, both spoken and written (e.g. meets TOEFL, minimum score 550 or 213 on a computer- based TOEFL test or another equvalent English test).
  • may take 1st year language skills courses if  their English meets
    level B2 of the European Framework for Language Proficiency Level at least or  the standard of any recognised language proficiency test which equals to it e.g. Cambridge First Certificate Exam
  • may take 2nd/3rd language skills courses if their command of English meets level C1 or Cambridge Advanced Exam.

for detailed course descriptions and course requirements see our current course catalogue:


Faculty of Engineering



Faculty of Law


Formation de Droit Français


Common Law and English Legal Translation Training


Deutsches Recht


Specialization Droit européen


Comparative Law


Hungarian Law


Additional courses



Faculty of Science and Informatics


Physical Geography and Geoinformatics (only in 1st semester)


Economic Geography


Cell Biology




Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education


Department of Music


Department of Russian Language and Literature



Course descriptions for ERASMUS students
academic year 2010/2011


All of the listed courses (including the courses of the ERASMUS Studies) can be visited only by the guest ERASMUS students.




Faculty of Law


Comparative Law Programme - Formation du Droit Comparée - Ausbildung in Rechtsvergleichung

Faculty of Arts


Social Studies


Communication and Media Studies

European Studies







Faculty of Medicine

Molecular Medicine

  • Molecular Medicine (by Prof. Károly GULYA, only in 1st semester, for students studying Medicine)




Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education


Course descriptions for ERASMUS students
academic year 2009/2010

Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education
English Language and Literature


Library Studies


Social Studies




Faculty of Science and Informatics
